Tours, Exhibits, Speaker's Corner...
In the West Room you'll find exhibits of the School programs you've just heard about, and exhibits of research, learning and advocacy - please drop by [virtual exhibits are in the Program Highlights and Research Highlights sections of this site]. Speaker’s Corner is set up in the Great Hall - we’d love to capture your thoughts to share with many people who wanted to be here and couldn’t, put on our website, and to share with our colleagues in the future [Speaker's Corner videos are below; many thanks to Jon Harley and Ashlyn Mondoux for facilitating the Speaker’s Corner]. After the activities, we’ll meet back in the dining room at noon for lunch, and then Senator Bernard’s keynote will follow.
“I am here because…”
is at the back of the Great Hall. BSW student Carolyn Ralph has created a space – a mobile blackboard – for the McMaster School of Social Work community, past and present, to connect, using the prompt, ‘I am here because…’ It’s very compelling, please take a look, and add your words…
Campus tours
You can take a campus tour with a current student – we know it’s changed a lot since many of you have been here! Tours leave at 10:30am or 11:00am from just outside this building… includes the new L.R. Wilson building and a visit to KTH, with exhibits of some really excellent student posters.
Stitch-by-Stitch, a Truth and Reconciliation Sewing Circle, will be in the Great Hall
Stitch-by-Stitch invites participants to embroider sections of the TRC Report’s Calls to Action onto Canadian flags, to read aloud sections TRC’s summary report, and to share reflections. A work in progress, Stitch-by-Stitch’s unfinished status is a reminder that reconciliation is an ongoing process that requires collective and sustained labour. Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary. Stitch-by-Stitch is facilitated by artist-scholar-activist Helene Vosters, a postdoctoral fellow with the School. At 10.30 and 11.15 Helene Vosters will give a very brief talk about these sewing circles and their inspiration and purposes… feel free to join anytime, before or after exhibit or tours. These TRC sewing circles will continue over the year… you can learn more about this from Helene.
An conversation about equity-focused and anti-racist change
On Friday afternoon Dr. Wanda Thomas Bernard spoke with Dr. Arig al Shaibah, McMaster’s new Associate Vice President Equity and Inclusion and adjunct professor in the Department of Sociology. The event was an honest and engaging conversation about advancing equity-focused and anti-racist organizational change work. Arig facilitated a dialogue with Wanda about how she came to her worldview about social change, her approach to change-making advocacy and activism, her perspective on personal agency, and what it has taken to sustain hope and remain renewed and nourished in the face of resistance and backlash in these times. The event was presented by the School of Social Work, the President’s Advisory Committee on Building an Inclusive Community, and the Socrates Project.