Taştekin Ulaş, PhD Candidate
Ulaş Taştekin
PhD Candidate
Graduate Students
Department of Political Science
Area(s) of Interest:
Ulas Tastekin is a Ph.D. candidate and teaching assistant at McMaster University Political Science department. Tastekin obtained his B.A. (2016) and M.A. (2019) degrees from the Middle East Technical University (Ankara/Turkey), Political Science and Public Administration department.
Tastekin focuses on political economy, international relations, and political theory from a critical perspective, and his Ph.D. project investigates developmental affairs in the Middle East and North Africa region. At McMaster, Tastekin conducts his doctoral studies under the guidance of his supervisor Dr. Alina Sajed and the committee members, Prof. Stephen McBride and Prof. Robert O’Brien.
Tastekin's master’s dissertation, The Metal Storm: 2015 Wave of Strikes in the Turkish Automotive Sector (2019), received an honorable mention with The Cahit Talas Social Policy Thesis Award, one of Turkey’s most esteemed critical social sciences awards. During his master’s education, he also worked as a research assistant at the International Relations department of Ufuk University, Ankara. Currently, he is working as a student research assistant in The Hidden Figures in the Social and Natural Sciences: Exploring Racism, Whiteness, and Epistemic Oppression in the Canadian Academy
Ph.D. Political Science (International Relations) - McMaster University (In Progress)
M.A. Political Science and Public Administration – Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey (2019)
B.A. (Hons) Political Science and Public Administration – Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey (2016)
MAXQDA Qualitative Data Analyst, Soar Training and Consultancy Agency, Turkey (2019)
Teaching Assistant:
POLSCI 2O06 Political Theory (2021-2022, 2022-2023)
POLSCI 3PA3 Politics of Pandemics (2022)
GLOBALST 710 Globalization: An Introduction (2021)
POLSCI 2J03 Global Political Economy (2021)
POLSCI 2C03 Force & Fear, Crime & Punishment (2021)
POLSCI 2NN3 Politics by Design (2021)
Research Experience:
Research Assistant - McMaster University Political Science Department, The Hidden Figures in the Social and Natural Sciences: Exploring Racism, Whiteness, and Epistemic Oppression in the Canadian Academy (Fall 2022 - Ongoing)
Research Assistant - McMaster University School of Graduate Studies, The International Grad Navigator Program Evaluation Project (Fall 2022)
Research Assistant - Ufuk University International Relations Department, Ankara (2017-2020)
Selected Publications:
The Metal Storm: 2015 Wave of Strikes in the Turkish Automotive Sector. (2019). Middle East Technical University. Master's Thesis. Supervisor: Galip Yalman.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Taştekin U., Ayan, C. (2019) The Debate on Peace in the Scientific World: Letters by Einstein and the Soviet Scientists. STRATA İlişkisel Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 11, October 2022, 145-174. (Original: Bilim Dünyasında Barış Tartışması: Einstein ve Sovyet Bilim İnsanlarının Mektupları).
Selected Book Chapters:
Ağcabay C., Taştekin U. (2019) Middle East, Socialism and Anti-imperialism. In: Ness I., Cope Z. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Taştekin, U. (2022) A Panorama of the Turkish Labor Organizations in light of the 'Metal Storm' Experience. In: Topal, A. et al. (eds) 21 Yüzyılda Devletin Dönüşümü; Otoriterleşme, Kriz ve Hegemonya - Galip Yalman’a Armağan. Imge Yayinevi, Ankara. (Original: Türkiye'de Emek Örgütlerine 'Metal Fırtına' Deneyimi Işığında Bir Bakış).
Co-editor, The World in a Transformation compilation series (Original: Dünya Yeniden Şekillenirken I, 2017 and Dünya Yeniden Şekillenirken II, 2019).
Interview with Intan Suwandi: Neoliberalism and Imperialism, Monthly Review Online, 2021.