McBride Stephen, Professor | Canada Research Chair in Public Policy and Globalization
Stephen McBride
Professor | Canada Research Chair in Public Policy and Globalization
Department of Political Science
Institute on Globalization & the Human Condition
Associate Members
School of Labour Studies
Area(s) of Interest:
Stephen McBride joined the Department of Political Science on July 1, 2010 as Professor and Canadian Research Chair in Public Policy and Globalization. He is an Associate Member of the School of Labour Studies; and a member of the Institute for Globalization and the Human Condition. His research deals with issues of comparative public policy, globalization, and political economy. He is the author of Not Working: State, Unemployment and Neo-conservatism in Canada (1992 – winner of Smiley Prize 1994), Paradigm Shift: Globalization and the Canadian State (2001; 2nd edition 2005, winner of the 2007 Weller Prize), Working? Employment Policy in Canada (2017), and Escaping Dystopia: Rebuilding a Public Domain (2022). He is also the co-author of Dismantling a Nation: Canada and the New World Order (with John Shields, 1993; 2nd edition 1997), Private Affluence, Public Austerity: Economic Crisis and Democratic Malaise in Canada (with Heather Whiteside, 2011), and Varieties of Austerity (with Heather Whiteside and Bryan Evans, 2021). Stephen has also co-edited several volumes including: The Changing Politics and Policy of Austerity (2021); Austerity: 12 Myths Exposed (2019); Austerity: The Lived Experience (2017); The Austerity State (2017); After '08: Social Policy and the Global Financial Crisis (2015); Work in a Warming World (2015); Orchestrating Austerity: Impacts and Resistance (2014); Relations of Global Power: Neoliberal Order and Disorder (2010); The OECD and Transnational Governance (2008); and International Trade and Neoliberal Globalism: Towards Reperipheralisation in Australia, Canada and Mexico (2008). His current research includes projects on policy regimes and rebuilding the public domain in the aftermath of the financial and pandemic economic crises; and the political economy of austerity and work.
Research and Supervision
I am happy to supervise student research in the areas of public policy, political economy and globalization.
Listed below are some of my current and past funded research projects:
- Back to the Future? Public Enterprise and Canadian Economic Development Prospects
- Varieties of Austerity
Policy Engagement at Multiple Levels of Governance: A Case Study of the Living Wage and Minimum Wage Policy
Globalization and the New Political Economy of Un/employment Work in a Warming World
Private Sector Participation in International Dispute Settlement
Re-defining Public Services in British Columbia: Challenges to Economic Security and Alternative Policies
Labour Matters: The Recomposition of Trade Union Action in a Globalizing Era
- Neo-liberal Globalism and its Challengers: Sustainability in the Semi-Periphery
Conference and workshop funding for projects on:
- Rebuilding the Public Purpose: Beyond Alternatives to Austerity
- Austerity: Coping is Not Enough
- Manufacturing and Framing Austerity
- Global Crisis and the Changing Prospects for Social Policy
- Jobs and Justice: Strategies and Solutions for Economic Security
- The WTO and Beyond: Globalization and State Power in the Twenty-first Century
- Global Turbulence: Instability in National and International Political Economy
- Globalization and its Discontents
Selected Publications
Escaping Dystopia: Rebuilding a Public Domain Stephen McBride (Bristol: Policy Press, 2022) |
The Changing Politics and Policy of Austerity Stephen McBride, Bryan Evans, and Dieter Plehwe, eds. (Bristol: Policy Press, 2021)
Varieties of Austerity Heather Whiteside, Stephen McBride, and Bryan Evans (Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2021) |
Austerity: 12 Myths Exposed Dieter Plehwe, Moritz Neujeffski, Stephen McBride, and Bryan Evans, eds. (Berlin: Social Europe Publications/ Friedrich Ebert Stifftung, 2019) |
![]() Working? Employment Policy in Canada Stephen McBride (Oakville: Rock's Mills Press, 2017) |
The Austerity State Stephen McBride and Bryan Evans, eds. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017) |
Austerity The Lived Experience Bryan Evans and Stephen McBride, eds. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017) |
After '08: Social Policy and the Global Financial Crisis (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2015)
Work in a Warming World |
![]() Not Working: State Unemployment and Neo- Conservatism in Canada Stephen McBride, Not Working: State Unemployment and Neo-Conservatism in Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992) Smiley Prize, 1994 |
Books: Authored
- McBride, Stephen, Escaping Dystopia: Rebuilding a Public Domain (Bristol: Policy Press, 2022)
- Heather Whiteside, Stephen McBride, and Bryan Evans, Varieties of Austerity (Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2021)
- Stephen McBride, Working? Employment Policy in Canada (Oakville: Rock's Mills Press, 2017)
- Stephen McBride and Heather Whiteside, Private Affluence, Public Austerity: Economic Crisis and Democratic Malaise in Canada (Halifax: Fernwood, 2011)
- Stephen McBride, Paradigm Shift: Globalization and the Canadian State (2nd Edition, Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2005)
-Weller Prize, 2007 - Stephen McBride, Paradigm Shift: Globalization and the Canadian State (Halifax: Fernwood, 2001)
- Stephen McBride and John Shields, Dismantling a Nation: The Transition to Corporate Rule (2nd edition, Halifax: Fernwood, 1997)
- Stephen McBride and John Shields, Dismantling a Nation: Canada and the New World Order (Halifax: Fernwood, 1993)
- Stephen McBride, Not Working: State Unemployment and Neo-Conservatism in Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992)
-Smiley Prize, 1994
- McBride, Stephen, Bryan M. Evans and Dieter Plehwe eds. The Changing Politics and Policy of Austerity. Bristol: Policy Press 2021
- Dieter Plehwe, Moritz Neujeffski, Stephen McBride, Bryan Evans, eds. Austerity: 12 Myths Exposed (Berlin: Social Europe Publications/ Friedrich Ebert Stifftung, 2019)
- Stephen McBride and Bryan Evans, eds. The Austerity State (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017)
- Bryan Evans and Stephen McBride, eds. Austerity The Lived Experience (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017)
- Stephen McBride, Rianne Mahon and Gerard Boychuk, eds. After '08: Social Policy and the Global Financial Crisis (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2015)
- Carla Lipsig-Mummé and Stephen McBride, eds. Work in a Warming World, Queen's University School for Policy Studies, (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2015)
- Donna Baines and Stephen McBride, eds. Orchestrating Austerity: Impacts and Resistance (Halifax: Fernwood, 2014)
- Gary Teeple and Stephen McBride, eds. Relations of Global Power: Neoliberal Order and Disorder (Toronto: UTP Higher Education, 2010)
- Rianne Mahon and Stephen McBride, eds. The OECD and Transnational Governance (Vancouver UBC Press, 2008)
- Paul Bowles, Ray Broomhill, Theresa Guttierez-Haces and Stephen McBride eds. International Trade and Neoliberal Globalism: Towards Reperipheralisation in Australia, Canada and Mexico (London: Routledge, 2008)
- Simon Lee and Stephen McBride, eds, Neo-liberalism, State Power and Global Governance (Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2007)
- Marjorie Griffin Cohen and Stephen McBride( eds.) Global Turbulence: Social Activists’ and State Responses to Globalization (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003)
Articles in Refereed Journals:
- McBride, Stephen and Joy Schnittker, "Taking Institutions Seriously: Alternatives for a New Public Purpose" Alternate Routes, (32) 2021.
- Stephen McBride and James Watson, "Reviewing the 2018 OECD Jobs Strategy--Anything New Under the Sun?" Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 2019 25 (2), 149-163.
- Stephen McBride and Sorin Mitrea. "Austerity and Constitutionalizing Structural Reform of Labour in the EU" Studies in Political Economy vol. 98, no. 1. 2017, pp. 1-23.
- Stephen McBride. “Constitutionalizing Austerity: Taking the Public out of Public Policy” Global Policy vol: 7:1. 2016
- Stephen McBride and Jacob Muirhead. “Challenging the Low Wage Economy: Living and Other Wages” Alternate Routes v.27, 2015, 55-86
- Stephen McBride and Hepzibah Munoz Martinez, "The 'Depoliticization' of Trade Disputes in the North American Region", International Journal of Political Economy, vol. 43, no. 2, Summer 2014, pp. 100-115.
- Stephen McBride and Jessica Merolli, "Alternatives to Austerity? Post-crisis Policy Advice from Global Institutions", Global Social Policy, December 2013, 299-320.
- Stephen McBride and Scott Smith, "In the Shadow of Crisis: Economic Orthodoxy and the Response of Global Labour", Global Labour Journal, vol. 4., no. 3, September 2013, 206-229.
- Stephen McBride, "The Scope and Limits of a Public-Private Hybrid: Dispute Settlement under NAFTA Chapter 19". New Political Economy, vol. 17, no. 2, 2012, 117-135.
- Rianne Mahon and Stephen McBride. “Standardizing and Disseminating Knowledge: The Role of the OECD in Global Governance”, European Political Science Review, 2009. vol. 1, no. 1. 83-101.
- Stephen McBride and Kathleen McNutt, “Devolution and Neoliberalism in the Canadian Welfare State: Ideology, National and International Conditioning Frameworks, and Policy Change in British Columbia”, Global Social Policy. August 2007, 177-201.
- Stephen McBride, “Reconfiguring Sovereignty: NAFTA Chapter 11 Dispute Settlement Procedures and the Issue of Public-Private Authority”, Canadian Journal of Political Science, December 2006, 755-775.
- Stephen McBride, “Quiet Constitutionalism in Canada: The International Political Economy of Domestic Institutional Change”, Canadian Journal of Political Science, vol. 36, no. 2, 2003, 251-273.
Book Chapters
- McBride, Stephen and Noah Fry. “Locked In: Canadian Trade Policy and the Declining Liberal Order” in David Carment, Jeremy Paltiel, and Laura Macdonald, eds. Canada and
Great Power Competition: ( Canada Among Nations 2021) London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022 - McBride, Stephen, Sorin Mitrea and Mohammad Ferdosi, "The Comparative Political Economy of Low Wages", in Bryan Evans, Carlo Fanelli and Tom McDowell, eds. Rising Up: The Fight for Living Wage Work in Canada Vancouver: UBC Press, 2021
- McBride, Stephen and Joy Schnittker, "Politics as an Alternative to Constitutionalization" in Stephen McBride, Bryan M. Evans and Dieter Plehwe eds. The Changing Politics and Policy of Austerity. Bristol: Policy Press, 2021
- Evans, Bryan, Stephen McBride, and James Watson "Negotiated Austerity? A Comparative Survey of Social Concertation in Canada, Denmark, Ireland and Spain" in Stephen McBride, Bryan M. Evans and Dieter Plehwe eds. The Changing Politics and Policy of Austerity. Bristol: Policy Press, 2021
- Stephen McBride, "Canada's Continental Political Economy" in Heather Whiteside ed. Canadian Political Economy, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020, 69-85.
- Stephen, McBride, "From Keynesianism to Neoliberalism: The State in a Global Context" in Mark P. Thomas, Leah F. Vosko, Carlo Fanelli, and Olena Lyubchenko, eds. Change and Continuity: Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium, Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2019, 149-166.
- Stephen McBride. “The New Constitutionalism and Austerity”. In McBride and Evans, eds. The Austerity State Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.
- Bryan Evans, Stephen McBride, and Jacob Muirhead. “Austerity and the Low Wage Economy: Living and Other Wages” in Evans and McBride, eds. Austerity: The Lived Experience. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.
- Stephen McBride and Sorin Mitrea. “Internalizing Neoliberalism and Austerity” in McBride and Evans, eds. The Austerity State. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.
- Stephen McBride, “The Economics of Austerity” in Kevin Farnsworth and Zoe Irving eds. Social Policy in an Age of Austerity Bristol: Policy Press, 2015 , 67-85
- Stephen McBride, “Neoliberalism in Question?” in McBride, Mahon and Boychuk eds. After '08: Social Policy and the Global Financial Crisis Vancouver: UBC Press , 2015,21-39
- Berkay Ayhan and Stephen McBride, “ Global Crisis and Social Policy in Semi-Peripheral Europe: Comparing Ireland, Portugal and Greece” in McBride, Mahon and Boychuk eds. After '08: Social Policy and the Global Financial Crisis Vancouver: UBC Press , 2015, 237-253
- Stephen McBride, “Canada’s Policy Response to the Global Financial Crisis” in Christopher Kukucha and Duane Bratt, Readings in Canadian Foreign Policy: Classic Debates and New Ideas (Oxford University Press, 3rd ed), 2015, 400-414
- Stephen McBride, John Shields and Stephanie Tombari, “Cities, Climate Change and the Green Economy” in Lipsig-Mummé and McBride, eds. Work in a Warming World Queen’s University School for Policy Studies, McGill-Queen’s University Press 2015
- Stephen McBride, "In Austerity We Trust": elite responses to times of crisis' in Donna Baines and Stephen McBride eds. Orchestrating Austerity: Impacts and Resistance (Halifax, Fernwood, 2014).
- Stephen McBride and John Shields, "International Trade Agreements and the Ontario Green Energy Act: Opportunities and Obstacles" in Carla Lipsig-Mummé, ed. Climate@Work, (Halifax, Fernwood, 2013), pp 41-56.
- Stephen McBride and Heather Whiteside, "The Canadian State and the Crisis: Theoretical and Historical Context." In Tim Fowler, ed. Canadian Labour, The Canadian State and the Crisis of Capitalism: Critical Perspectives. (Ottawa: Red Quill Books, 2013), pp. 23-48.
- Stephen McBride, “The Global Economic Crisis” in Christopher Kukucha and Duane Bratt, Readings in Canadian Foreign Policy: Classic Debates and New Ideas (Oxford University Press, 2nd ed., 2011)
- Stephen McBride, “The New Constitutionalism: International and Private Rule in the New Global Order” in Gary Teeple and Stephen McBride, eds. Relations of Global Power: Neoliberal Order and Disorder. (Toronto: University of Toronto Higher Education, 2010)
- Stephen McBride and John Irwin, “Deregulating Child Labour in British Columbia” in M. Gleason, L. Paris, T. Myers, and V. Strong-Boag, eds. Vulnerable Children and Youth in Canada, the United States and Australia (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2010), 230-243
- Stephen McBride, “Autoridad privada en la solución de controversias dentro del TLCAN”, In Teresina Gutierrez-Haces, ed. Lo que queda del Tratado de Libre Comercio de Américo del Norte. Su legado y trascendencia. (Mexico City: UNAM Press, Forthcoming)
- Stephen McBride. "The Political Economy of Neoliberalism in North America", in Jeffrey Ayres and Laura Macdonald eds.Contentious Politics in North America:National Protest and Transnational Collaboration Under Continental Integration, (London: Palgrave, 2009) 16-34
- Stephen McBride, "N.A.F.T.A. and Regional Institutionalization: Privileging the Private" in Imtiaz Hussain, ed. North America at the Crossroads: N.A.F.T.A. After 15 Years (México, DF: Universidad Iberoamericana, 2009), 277-98
- Stephen McBride, Kathleen McNutt and Russell Williams, "Policy Learning? The OECD and Its Jobs Study" in Rianne Mahon and Stephen McBride eds. The OECD and Global Governance (Vancouver UBC Press, 2008), 152-169
- Stephen McBride, John Shields, Stephanie Tombari, Kristina Sannuto, Cities Climate Change and the Green Economy: A Thematic Literature Survey. W3 Work in a Warming World. Working Paper # 2014-01. September 2013, York University
- Stephen McBride and John Shields, Industrial Strategies for Green Jobs: Opportunities and Obstacles in the Ontario Case W3 Working Paper# 2011-03. 2012.
- John Irwin, Stephen McBride, Tanya Strubin, Child and Youth Employment Standards: The Experience of Young Workers Under British Columbia’s New Policy Regime (Vancouver: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, BC Office, 2005)