Kaida Lisa, Associate Professor
Lisa Kaida
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
Area(s) of Interest:
Research Interests
I specialize in social and economic integration of immigrants and refugees, as well as the sociology of work and sports.
My current research projects include:
1) Long-term social and economic integration of refugees in Canada (collaboration with Feng Hou, Western University/ Statistics Canada)
2) Trends in occupational segregation by gender, race, and migrant status (collaboration with Monica Boyd, University of Toronto)
3) Canada's foreign aid policy and immigrant remittance behaviours (collaboration with Liam Swiss, Memorial University of Newfoundland)
4) Socioeconomic profiles WWI veterans in Canada (collaboration with Peter Kitchen, McMaster University)
5) Profiles of the maximum Canada Pension Plan recipients (collaboration with Peter Kitchen, McMaster University)
6) The socio-economic integration of Ukrainian immigrants in Canada (collaboration with Vic Satzewich, McMaster University Feng Hou, Western University/ Statistics Canada, and Max Stick, McMaster University)
2020-present Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant, “Occupational Segregation Trends in Canada,” Principal Investigator (Co-applicant: Monica Boyd), $67,900.
2018-present Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Grant, “The Long-term Economic Integration of Privately Sponsored Refugees in Canada,” Principal Investigator (Co-applicant: Feng Hou), $95,000.
2018-2019 McMaster University Arts Research Board SSHRC Explore – Standard Research and Creative & Performing Arts Grant, "The long-term economic integration of privately sponsored refugees in Canada" (Co-applicant: Feng Hou), $5,200.
2015-2020 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Grant, “Perceptions of Change in Atlantic Canadian Cities,” Co-Applicant (Principal Investigator: Howard Ramos), $418,000.
2012-2015 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant, “Growing Up Working Poor: Short- and Long-Term Consequences for Immigrant Children in Canada and the United States,” Principal Investigator (Co-applicant: Monica Boyd), $27,000.
- Ph.D. (Sociology), University of Toronto, 2011
- M.A. (Sociology), University of Toronto, 2004
- M.A. (American Studies), University of Tokyo, 2004
- B.A. (American Studies), University of Tokyo, 2002
Graduate courses
SOCIOL6Z03 Introduction to Social Statistics (F17, F18)
SOCIOL728 Sociology of Immigration (F22)
- SOCIOL700/701 Special Topics in Sociology - Immigration (F15, S17, W20, W21)
Undergraduate courses
SOCIOL2Z03 Introduction to Sociological Research (W16, W17, W18, W19, W20, S20, F20, W21,W23
SOCIOL4FF3 Applications of Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences (W20, W23)
- SOCIOL4LL3 Select Topics in the Sociology of Immigration (W18, F18)
- SOCIOL4V03 Issues in the Sociology of Occupations and Professions: Precarious Employment and Vulnerable Workers (W16, W17, F17)
Journal Articles
Kaida, Lisa, Max Stick, and Feng Hou (2022) “Changes in Selection Policy and Refugee Welfare Use in Canada” International Migration 60(5): 38-59.
Kaida, Lisa and Monica Boyd (2022) “Revisiting Gender Occupational Segregation Trends in Canada: 1991-2016” Canadian Review of Sociology 59(S1): 4-25.
Ramos, Howard, Lisa Kaida, Diana Singh, Paul Pritchard, and Rochelle Wijesingha (2022) “The Power of a Simple Index of Neighbourhood Change: Challenging the Perception that there is no such Thing as Simplicity in Creating Indexes” The Canadian Geographer 66(2): 322-336.
Kaida, Lisa, Peter Kitchen, and Max Stick (2021) “The Rise of Big City Hockey Players and its Implication for Diversity in the National Hockey League” Canadian Ethnic Studies 53(3): 141-161.
Kitchen, Peter, Lisa Kaida, Noori Akhtar-Danesh, and Allison Williams (2021) “Unintentional Injury Deaths among Youth in Ontario, Canada from 2000 to 2015: Rates are Falling but there are Caveats” The Canadian Geographer 65(3): 255-266.
Kaida, Lisa, Howard Ramos, Diana Singh, and Rachel Macay. (2020) “How to Capture Neighborhood Change in Small Cities” Canadian Studies in Population 47(3): 195-205.
Kaida, Lisa, Feng Hou, and Max Stick. (2020) “Are Refugees More Likely to Leave Initial Destinations than Economic Immigrants? Recent Evidence from Canadian Longitudinal Administration Data.” Population, Space and Place 25(6):e2326
Chafe, David and Lisa Kaida (2020) “Harmonic Dissonance: Coping with Employment Precarity among Professional Musicians in St John’s, Canada” Work, Employment and Society 34(3): 407-423.
Kaida, Lisa, Feng Hou, and Max Stick. (2020) “The Long-Term Economic Integration of Resettled Refugees in Canada: A Comparison of Privately Sponsored Refugees and Government-Assisted Refugees” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46(9): 1687-1708.
Kaida, Lisa and Peter Kitchen (2020) “It’s Cold and There’s Something to Do. The Changing Geography of Canadian National Hockey League Players’ Hometowns” International Review for the Sociology of Sports 55(2) 209–228.
Kaida, Lisa, Howard Ramos, Diana Singh, Paul Pritchard and Rochelle Wijesingha (2020) “Can Rust Belt or Three Cities Explain the Sociospatial Changes in Atlantic Canadian Cities?” City & Community 19(1): 191-216.
Kaida, Lisa, Feng Hou, and Max Stick (2019) “Settlement and Retention of Immigrants in Non-Gateway Cities: Trends since the 2000s” Canadian Diversity 16(1): 16-20.
Sano, Yujiro, Lisa Kaida, and Liam Swiss (2017). "Earnings of Immigrants in Traditional and Non-Traditional Destinations: A Case Study from Atlantic Canada" Journal of International Migration and Integration 18(3):961–980.
Sano, Yujiro, Lisa Kaida, and Eric Tenkorang (2015) “Racial Variations in Ethnic Identity among the Children of Immigrants in Canada” Canadian Ethnic Studies 47(3): 49-68.
Kaida, Lisa (2015) “Ethnic Variations in Immigrant Poverty Exit and Female Employment: The Missing Link” Demography 52(2): 485-511.
Kaida, Lisa (2013) “Do Host Country Education and Language Training Help Recent Immigrants Exit Poverty?” Social Science Research 42(3): 726-741.
Kaida, Lisa and Monica Boyd (2011) ”Poverty Variations among the Elderly: The Roles of Income Security Policies and Family Co-Residence” Canadian Journal on Aging 30(1): 83-100.
Kaida, Lisa, Melissa Moyser, and Stella Y. Park (2009) “Cultural Preferences and Economic Constraints: The Living Arrangements of Elderly Canadians” Canadian Journal on Aging 28(4): 303-313.
Other Publications
Kaida, Lisa, Feng Hou, and Max Stick (2022) “From Adaptability to Vulnerability: Changes in Admission Criteria and Refugee Participation in Social Assistance” Economic and Social Reports 2(3). Catalogue no. 36-28-0001. Ottawa: ON: Statistics Canada. https://doi.org/10.25318/36280001202200300002-eng
Stick, Max, Feng Hou, and Lisa Kaida. 2021 “Self-reported Loneliness among Recent Immigrants, Long-term Immigrants, and the Canadian-born” Economic and Social Reports 1(7). Catalogue no. Catalogue no. 36-28-0001. Ottawa: ON: Statistics Canada. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/36-28-0001/2021007/article/00001-eng.pdf
Kaida, Lisa, Feng Hou, and Max Stick. 2020 “Are Refugees More Likely to Leave Initial Destinations than Economic Immigrants? Recent Evidence from Canadian Longitudinal Administrative Data” Statistics Canada Analytical Studies Branch Research Paper Series. Catalogue no. 11F0019M-433. Ottawa, ON: Statistics Canada. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11f0019m/11f0019m2019021-eng.htm
Kaida, Lisa, Feng Hou, and Max Stick. 2020 “The Long-term Economic Outcomes of Refugee Private Sponsorship” Statistics Canada Analytical Studies Branch Research Paper Series. Catalogue no. 11F0019M-441. Ottawa, ON: Statistics Canada. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11f0019m/11f0019m2020004-eng.htm
Kaida, Lisa (2014) “Language Training and Education Help Adult New Immigrants Exit Poverty” Population Change and Lifecourse Strategic Knowledge Cluster Research Brief, No.22.
Kaida, Lisa and Chris W. Martin (2014) “NL Forum 2014: Demographics and Labour Market” Leslie Harris Centre, Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Kaida, Lisa (2014) “A Letter from Newfoundland and Labrador: Demographic Research in the Making” Canadian Population Society Blog, April 17, 2014.