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Campbell-Verduyn Malcolm, Sessional Faculty

Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn

Sessional Faculty

Department of Political Science


Dissertation Title: Reasserting Private Authority In Times of Crisis: From Technical to Moral Discourses in Anglo-American Finance. Link.

Supervisor: Dr. Tony Porter

Primary research interests

  • Finance and the changing boundaries of its contemporary governance, including the roles of crises, ethics, professional actors, technologies, and new forms of money
  • Private authority, the involvement of non-state actors and technologies in contemporary governance
  • European regional governance and integration
  • Global governance, international relations, and international political economy theory


External Awards

2015-2017     Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellowship

2013-2015     Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship

2012-2013     Ontario Graduate Fellowship

2007-2008     HSP Huygens Scholarship, Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education


  • 2011-2015 Ph.D., Political Science, Internatoinal Relations, McMaster University
  • 2007-2008 Master of Arts, Political Science, International Relations Stream, Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands
  • 2003-2007 Honours Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, Glendon College, York University, Toronto, Canada


2015 - 2016 POLSCI 4AA6 (2) Problems in American Politics




Campbell-Verduyn, Malcolm. 2016. “Moral Economese of Scale: Financial Crisis and the Persistent Authority of Economists”. Global Society. Link.

Campbell-Verduyn, Malcolm. 2016. “Merely TINCering Around: The Shifting Private Authority of the Technology, Information and News Corporations”. Business and Politics. Link.

Campbell-Verduyn, Malcolm. 2015. “Sustainability and the Renewed Semi-Professionalism of Leading Anglo-American Financial Services Firms”. Competition and Change, 19 (5): 355-373. Link

Campbell-Verduyn, Malcolm, and Tony Porter. 2014. “Experimentalism in European Union and global financial governance: interactions, contrasts, and implications.” Journal of European Public Policy, 21 (3): 408-429. Re-printed in Daniel Mügge, ed. 2014. Europe's Place in Global Financial Governance after the Crisis. New York: Routledge. Link

Campbell-Verduyn, Malcolm. 2014. “Conflicting Trends and Tensions in Post-Crisis Reforms of Transnational Accounting Standards”. In Transnational Financial Regulation After the Crisis, Tony Porter, ed. New York: Routledge. Link

Campbell-Verduyn, Malcolm. 2013.”Between Continuity and Upheaval: Hybridised Global Financial Policy in the Post-Crisis Period”.Paterson Review of International Affairs, 13: 33-68. Link

Campbell-Verduyn, Malcolm. 2013. “Re-Accounting for Power? Governing Global Financial Reporting Standards in the Post-Crisis Period”. Inquiry and Insight, 6 (1): 105-141. Link

Selected Scholarly Conference Presentations

Campbell-Verduyn, Malcolm. 2016. "Technologies as Private Authorities? Exploring The Power and Legitimacy of Emergent Technical Systems in Global Finance". Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, USA.

Campbell-Verduyn, Malcolm and Marcel Goguen. 2015. “A Digital Revolution in the Making? Crypto-Coins, Theories of Money, and the Changing Dynamics of the International Monetary System”. Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, Canada

Campbell-Verduyn, Malcolm. 2015. “Understanding Persistent Market-Based Accountability in Post-Crisis Anglo-American Finance: Cognitive Capture, Discursive Identities, and Regulatory Justification”. Canadian Association for Programs in Public AdministrationAnnual Conference, Glendon College, York University, Toronto, Canada.

Campbell-Verduyn, Malcolm. 2015. "The Shifting Authority of Anglo-American Advisory Firms in the Governance of Global Finance". Warwick 50th Anniversary New Directions in International Political Economy conference. 

Campbell-Verduyn, Malcolm,  Marcel Goguen and Tony Porter. 2015. “Big Data, Performativity, and Global Finance”. Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty Mid-Term Conference, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Campbell-Verduyn, Malcolm. 2015. “Mind the Gap: Norm Entrepreneurs, Anti-Preneurs, and the Agency of Creative Resistors to Normative Change in Global Financial Governance Since 2007”. Paper presentation at International Studies Association annual meeting, New Orleans, USA.

Campbell-Verduyn, Malcolm. 2015. “Towards a Revised Discursive Institutionalist Approach”. Paper presentation at International Studies Association annual meeting, New Orleans, USA.

Campbell-Verduyn, Malcolm. 2013. “Towards a Renewed (Semi-) Professionalism: Anglo-American Finance, Self-Legitimation, and the Enduring Sustainability Challenge”. Paper presented to International Conference on Public Policy, University of Grenoble, France.

Campbell-Verduyn, Malcolm. 2012.“The Sun Sets in the East? Europe as Ideational Battleground in Post-Crisis Financial Governance Reforms”. Paper Presentation to European Union: Instances of Cooperation and Discord to European Union Center of Excellence, York University, Ontario, Canada.