Dr. Tristan Carter
Associate Professor of Anthropology at McMaster University. A prehistorian whose two main areas of research at present are: (1) Eastern Mediterranean and Middle Eastern prehistory, spanning the Lower Palaeolithic to Late Bronze Age, i.e. hunter-gatherer to state-level societies, and (2) the British Neolithic and the introduction of farming. Alongside FARM, he also co-directs the Stelida Naxos Archaeological Project, an early prehistoric chert source in the Cyclades, and is a long-term publishing member of projects elsewhere in the Cyclades (Keros), and nearby Crete (including Knossos, Malia and Mochlos). He also researches prehistoric trade using obsidian sourcing studies, working on artefacts from Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Syria and Turkey. From Ipswich originally, he supports the Town through thin and thin…

Prof. Amy Bogaard
Professor of Neolithic and Bronze Age Archaeology, and Head of the School of Archaeology at the University of Oxford.
Prof. Amy Bogaard
Professor of Neolithic and Bronze Age Archaeology, and Head of the School of Archaeology at the University of Oxford. Expert in the agricultural systems and social worlds of early farmers in Eurasia, the principal investigator [PI] for two major ongoing research projects: Exploring the Dynamics and Causes of Prehistoric Land Use Change in the Cradle of European Farming (EXPLO) project (European Research Council SYNERGY project), and the Agricultural Origins of Urban Civilization project (European Research Council). Prof. Bogaard will be studying the plant remains from FARM in order to detail the site’s environment and its Neolithic farming practices within the larger context of the Western European Neolithic.

Dr. Joe Boyce
Associate Professor in the School of Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster University.
Dr. Joe Boyce
Associate Professor in the School of Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster University. A geo-archaeologist who studies Holocene landscape evolution and paleo-environmental change using sediment records from lakes and coastal archaeological sites in the Great Lakes, Greece and western Turkey. Dr. Boyce will direct and co-supervise the analyses of cores taken from nearby ponds and springs to gain an insight to the Freston landscape, before, during and after the establishment of the Neolithic causewayed enclosure.

Charlotte Diffey
Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Archaeobotany at the University of Reading
Dr. Charlotte Diffey
Postdoctoral research assistant of archaeobotany in the Department of Archaeology, University of Reading associated with the Middle East Neolithic Transition: Integrated Community Approaches project [MENTICA]. Dr. Diffey’s PhD focused on Bronze Age farming and politics in the Eastern Mediterranean and Northern Mesopotamia, working at the major urban centres of Knossos (Crete), Hattusa (Turkey), and Tell Brak (Syria). On FARM Charlotte is working on the plant remains, to shed light on local Neolithic agriculture and the local environmental setting.
Learn more about Middle East Neolithic Transition: Integrated Community Approaches project

Nat Jackson
Professional Archaeologist at DigVentures
Nat Jackson
An archaeologist who has worked on both academic and commercial excavations in the UK, Greece, Turkey, and Kurdistan. Having completed his MA in Archaeology at Liverpool University, he worked for the Cambridge Archaeological Unit, and now excavates for DigVentures. Nat is field director for FARM and has a research interest in the British Neolithic and Bronze Age.

Prof. Jacquie Mulville
Professor in Bioarchaeology and Director of Research and Impact in the School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University.
Prof. Jacquie Mulville
Professor in Bioarchaeology and Director of Research and Impact in the School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University. An archaeologist with over 35 years of experience in professional, field and academic archaeology, with a specialization in bioarchaeology and the archaeology of islands. She is the creator of Guerilla Archaeology, which combines her specialist knowledge of archaeological science with a love of arts in festival outreach. Prof. Mulville will be studying the animal bones from FARM to understand the Neolithic herding and hunting practices of those coming to the monument, and by extent a better understanding of the local environment.
Dr. Tracy Prowse
Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology and Associate Dean Academic, Faculty of Social Sciences at McMaster University. Bioarchaeologist who explores diet, health, and mobility in past populations, using palaeopathological and isotopic analyses of human bones and teeth. Her ongoing research project is a bioarchaeological investigation of a rural Roman cemetery on an Imperial estate at Vagnari, south Italy. For FARM she will be supervise the isotopic analyses of bone and plants as a means of reconstructing the origin of the people, animals and plants brought to the site, and to help us understand the Neolithic diet.

Dr. Lisa-Marie Shillito
Senior Lecturer in Landscape Archaeology; Director of Archaeology Labs
Dr. Lisa-Marie Shillito
Senior Lecturer in Landscape Archaeology and Director of Archaeology Lab in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, Newcastle University. An environmental archaeologist with expertise in geoarchaeology and chemistry, Lisa’s research focuses on understanding the relationships between people and their environments in the past. She has worked on Neolithic on a number of Neolithic project, including Çatalhöyük in Turkey, and more recently the AHRC Feeding Stonehenge project, and continues to work at the Ness of Brodgar in Orkney. Dr. Shillito will be using micro-morphological analyses to reconstruct human activity at the Freston causewayed enclosure.

Dr. Francine M.G. McCarthy
Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences, Brock University.
Dr. Francine M.G. McCarthy
Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences, Brock University, whose research interests the study of past climates, and the impact of humans on the landscape through pollen studies (palynology). Prof. McCarthy will be co-supervising the study of cores from local springs and ponds to help us understand what the Freston landscape was like, before, during and after the Neolithic causewayed enclosure was established.
Rose Moir
An undergraduate in the Department of Anthropology, McMaster University (with a Minor in archaeology) who has worked on the Stelida Naxos Archaeological Project in Greece since 2018, and worked on FARM as an excavator and Research Assistant since 2019.
Cassidy Da Silva
Master’s student in the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, University of Calgary. Has excavated in Greece and Ontario, and worked as a trench assistant for FARM in 2019.
Rachel Stokes
Recent graduate in Archaeology (BA Hons) from the University of Liverpool, with experience in field archaeology and topographic survey. Rachel has excavated on several field projects in the UK, Greece and Zambia, joining FARM in the field in 2019.