About the Site:
In 1969 and 1970, Peter Ramsden and students from the University of Toronto undertook a test excavation at the Rocky Ridge Site (BbHj-16). This excavation is only one part of a long history of archaeological engagement, including Mr. Fritz Knechtel in the 1940s and 1950s, archaeologist T.E. Lee, of the National Museum of Canada, in 1950, W. A. Kenyon in the mid-1950s and Wright in the 1970s. It was further excavated in the late 1990s by Lisa Rankin and Paul Prince of Trent Valley Heritage as part of a wider archaeological survey of the Inverhuron Provincial Park. Most recently, in 2002, a Small Point Archaic component was identified at the Rocky Ridge Site, as well as a substantial Late Archaic Narrow Point component, which led to subsequent excavations that also identified Early Woodland components. Located north of Kincardine, Bruce County, the site lies between two beach ridges, one of which (a cobbled storm beach) gives the site its name.
At SA McMaster:
Eight boxes of lithics, faunal, ceramics and soil/C-14 samples, with provenience information.
Resources about this site:
Fitzgerald, W.D. (2003) A Stage 3 and partial Stage 4 Archaeoloigcal Investigation of the Main Park Road, Inverhuron Provincial Park, Municipality of Kincardine, Bruce County (Interim Report). Report on File with the Ministry of Tourism and Culture: Toronto.
Fitzgerald, W.D. (2005) Stage 3 and 4 Archaeological Investigations: Main Park Road, Inverhuron Provincial Park, Municipality of Kincardine, Bruce County. Report on file with the Ministry of Tourism and Culture: Toronto.
Ramsden, Peter (1976) Rocky Ridge: A Stratified Archaic Site near Inverhuron, Ontario. Research Report 7. Report on file with the Ministry of Tourism and Culture: Toronto.
Ramsden, Peter (1987) A Late Archaic Dog Coprolite From Inverhuron, Ontario. The Ontario Archaeological Society Newsletter June 1987: p. 31.
Rankin, L. and Paul Prince (1999) Inverhuron Provincial Park Survey and Mappin Study. Report submitted to Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, MacGregor Point Provincial Park: Port Elgin.
Savage, Howard (1970) Faunal Analysis of the Inverhuron Site (BbHj-16). Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto, Research Report 2:7-85. Toronto