About the Site:
First excavated in 1952 by J.N. Emerson, Parsons is a Late Iroquoian village site, thought to be the result of an amalgamation of two or more earlier communities. Considered to be one of the defining sites of the Humber Valley archaeological sequence, Parsons stands out due to the marked concentration of exotic ceramics in the eastern portion of the site and the unusual double palisade forming the site's perimeter. Since its discovery, the Parsons site has undergone a number of incarnations, hosting numerous archaeological field schools, an attempted museum, and excavations continuing into the early 1990s.
At SA McMaster:
One box of material from the Everett Case Collection including stone tools, worked faunal, and ceramic pipe fragments. Material is included in Case's catalogue.
Resources about this site:
Archaeological Services Incorporated. (n.d.). The Parsons Site. Retrieved from http://asiheritage.ca/publication/the-parsons-site/
University of Toronto. (n.d.). Partners in the Past: U of T and OAS Digs, Parsons. Retrieved from http://anthropology.utoronto.ca/Exhibit/Parsons.htm