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Guyatt: AgGw-4

About the Site:

Douglas Bell first investigated the Guyatt site in 1937 and returned for a partial excavation in 1951 with a team from McMaster University, the University of Toronto, and the ROM. Bell noted in his 1963 paper that this Neutral village site “had suffered in the interim from the depredations of collectors interested only in what they could find, and our excavation provided an opportunity to save what information remained, before it was totally destroyed.” The majority of the material excavated in 1951 came from midden areas and a possible longhouse. Material was predominantly ceramic, including decorated rims and pipe fragments of a “bell-mouthed” or “trumpet” type. Bell reported the presence of floral remains including corn, pumpkins, squash, and tobacco, although this material has not been located at SA McMaster. Faunal remains include fish, dog, deer, bear, wildfowl, rabbit, beaver, lynx, fox, ground hog. Lithics and bone tools were also excavated.

At SA McMaster:

One box of mostly ceramic pipe and vessel fragments, as well as lithic, faunal, and mineral (mica) material.


Resources about this site:

Bell, Douglas W. 1963 The Guyatt Site: Binbrook Township, Wentworth County, Ontario. Pennsylvania Archaeologist 33(1-2):16-23

Site Name: Guyatt



Borden Number:




Date Excavated:


Excavated By:

Douglas Bell