Q: I’m looking to use NVivo, SPSS, STATA, SAS, Qualtrics, or another specialized research software. Does Spark have computer labs or research software for me to use?
McMaster affiliates have access to software in labs managed by University Technology Services (UTS) and computers in the University Libraries. UTS and the Library also offer virtual desktops or remote access to computers with research software. UTS virtual desktops include programs like SAS and STATA, among others. Library virtual public computer stations include a range of tools, and the Lyon New Media Center virtual desktops have Adobe and related media production tools. Most virtual desktops also include open-source tools like Anaconda, RStudio, R, Python, etc.
UTS manages free licenses for basic tools (Zoom, Microsoft Office) as well as educational pricing for other research tools for faculty, staff and students. Other specialized software is available for purchase with educational discounts (when available) at Titles Bookstore.
McMaster does not currently have a university-wide license for Qualtrics, though we are working with other organizations on campus to secure access to licenses for McMaster researchers. Please contact us if you are interested in more information. In the meantime, the VPR office supports the University’s installation of Limesurvey, an open-source tool for administration of online surveys.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please get in touch with us because licenses change often, especially as various units on campus work to expand access.
If the University or Faculty does not have bulk licensing, we may be able to suggest alternatives that are less expensive or available from the University.