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Our Services: Evaluation

Every evaluation is about the impact of the program on those it touches

Every evaluation is about the impact of the program on those it touches.

As all of us who’ve worked in government, not for profits and small businesses know, there are never enough resources.  So we should all be invested in ensuring that the investments that are made in helping people or addressing social problems are VERY GOOD and fundamentally transform lives and systems.

That’s what we’re all about at Brighter Spark.

We build evaluations seamlessly into programs, working to simultaneously gather information about the impact the program is having, while also using the power of information to increase the impact.

One example is a current evaluation we’re doing at Brighter Spark. 

  • We built an assessment of people’s strengths to be taken at the beginning and end of their program.
  • But rather than just collecting the data, we gave it back to the clients, and worked with the service providers to make sure that that data helped inform the goals each client chose for their time in the program.
  • These cool reports were given to each participant (note: the version shared here uses fake data to give you a sense of the report without violating anyone’s privacy).