Our Services: Direct Research Support Services
For elements of your research that you would like to hire competent professional researchers to conduct/analyze.
We will work with you to assure that academic integrity is ensured.
Category |
Service |
Research Management |
Custom Software review/selection |
Data Management |
Database Development |
Secure data storage and access from your laptop |
Data Collection |
Arts-based methods (photo voice, theatre of the oppressed, etc.) |
Data selection from Stats Canada and other data centres |
Focus Group organization/facilitation |
Internet scraping |
Interviewing |
Recruitment |
Survey development |
Data Analysis |
Data cleaning |
Data linkage and database development |
Basic machine learning programming |
Cost-benefit analysis |
Literature review |
Qualitative Analysis |
Quantitative analysis |
Text analysis |
Knowledge Mobilization |
Data visualization |
Group facilitation (for interdisciplinary teams, projects with community partners, etc.) |
Organizing events/forums/conferences |
Policy analyses/briefings |
Promotion in traditional and social media |
Report generation |
Translation of materials into publicly accessible terms |
Website development |
Spaces |
CRESS space (large open space, exceptional views, breakout spaces) for events/conferences) |
Focus group room with advanced cameras and adjacent viewing |
Interview rooms |
Other Services |
Academic editing |
Grant writing support |
Project evaluation |