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Spark Newsletter: April 29, 2021

Read our bi-weekly news from Spark: a centre for social research innovation at McMaster University. In this newsletter, we highlight centre news, upcoming events, and updated resources for researchers. To subscribe to our mailing list, please email

Apr 30, 2021

New research guide - Pandemic-friendly Qualitative Research
Like everything else, COVID-19 has impacted how we conduct research. With summer here and over a year of this under our belts, many research endeavors are coming back to life or gaining new energy. 

Pandemic-friendly Qualitative Research is a brief introduction to digital versions of major qualitative methods written by Astara van der Jagt, a PhD student in Anthropology and research assistant at Spark.  Feel free to share it with your networks and use it in your research or teaching.

Get the Guide

Intensive 2-week course on Data Wrangling in R
Being held May 3rd-13th from 4-6 pm Monday - Thursday online, this short course will introduce students to the wonders of the tidyverse and all you need to do data cleaning, wrangling and basic descriptive statistics in R.  The short course costs $200 for McMaster-affiliated student, staff and faculty and $350 for the external public. Registration for the course has now closed.

Join the Waitlist


Productivity during Pandemic will be back in the fall at the same time (Fridays at 10:30-11:20am) but with a new name (because hopefully we will not be stuck in pandemic), and lineup of speakers. In the meantime, we will feature some favorite talks from this year in a weekly social media campaign on twitter. Join us next Friday at 10:30am for the first #SparkResearchReplay! Follow us on twitter @Spark_McMaster to join the conversation. 

Connect with Spark - Now Live on Twitter

In case you missed it:

Relevant Research Series - Methodology and approach to knowledge mobilization
Caroline Sinders - Research Driven Art
Click Here for Zoom Recording


Looking to pool software licences with another researcher?

Now you can! Fill out this form and we will reach out if we can match you with others looking to pool licences.

Current Availability (Holders & Seekers)
-    1 Holder of Mimics (Materialise) and looking for someone to share it
-    1 Seeker for Adobe Sign or Docu Sign 
-    1 Seeker for Grammarly Premium 

Research Conversations

We provide up to 4 hours of free support each year to all McMaster researchers (students, staff and faculty) on every social or human systems topic imaginable. 

Request a research consultation at

Qualtrics Licences

If you are an FSS researcher who would like to request access to Qualtrics survey software, please fill out this form:

Brighter Spark Applied Research

Spark offers custom research and evaluation, as well as highly skilled assistance in implementing virtually any social research method. Our cost-recovery services include methods and software training, custom research, state of the art facilities, and taking on elements of your project to support its completion.

For a full list of Brighter Spark Applied Research's services, visit:

Help us profile your research, publications, job ads, opportunities, and upcoming events by sending them to: to be showcased in our next newsletter.

Research Data Management - Online Summer Series: Starting May 6th at 2-3 pm

Building a Data Management Plan for your Research Project
Organized by The Sherman Centre
To learn more about the series and register, visit:

Upcoming Online Workshop: May 18th at 11 am - 12 pm

AI-Enhanced Discovery Tools to Help You Stay Current: Leveraging Scitrus and MetaRegister here:  

Upcoming Online Session: May 19th at 11 am - 12 pm

Library Resource Update: One Year into the Virtual University
For more information, and to register visit:

Upcoming Online Event: May 26th at 10:00 am – 3:40 pm

Magic, Healing and Religion Workshop
Organized by: Department of Religious Studies
Learn more and Register here:

Spark: a centre for social research innovation

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