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Spark Connections: December 9, 2021

Read our bi-weekly news from Spark: a centre for social research innovation at McMaster University. In this newsletter, we highlight centre news, upcoming events, and updated resources for researchers. To subscribe to our mailing list, please email

Dec 09, 2021

Happy Holidays!

Spark: a centre for social research innovation wishes you and your family a happy and healthy holiday season. We have a few more events to wrap up this year (see featured below), have a short holiday break, and are excited to kick off the New Year with lots of programming, training and Spark Talks - hopefully more in-person, covid restrictions permitting. Stay tuned for our next issue of the Spark Connections Newsletter in January 2022. 

Happy New Year (in advance)


The Spark Team 

Qualitative Coding in NVivo

Kick off the New Year with the virtual and hands-on training using NVivo for qualitative coding.

January 5th - January 7th 2022
9:00am - 12:30pm EST. 

Led by Noelle Wyman-Roth of Duke University's Social Science Research Institute, this training will provide a foundation in the nature of qualitative research, ethical issues, common qualitative research designs/methodologies and approaches to gathering, analyzing and reporting qualitative data. We will learn skills in NVivo including: how to setup a NVivo project, work with multiple data types, best practices for coding and collaboration as well as using more advanced features to ask complex questions of your data. 

Check out a sneak peak of the upcoming training by Dr. Wyman-Roth here:

Register for Qualitative Coding in NVivo here

Practicing the Social: Entanglements of Art and Social Justice

Registration Deadline: December 17th, 2021 
Hosted by : Re•Vision: The Centre for Art and Social Justice at the University of Guelph and  Bodies in Translation: Activist Art, Technology and Access to Life (BIT)

This FREE online arts-based gathering will showcase artistic and scholarly practices, performances, and works that engage in non- or anti-normative art and cultural production (fat art, aging art); decolonizing and Indigenizing themes/processes; gender and sexuality; difference and identity; Indigenous, Black, queer, trans, and crip pasts, presents and futures; Black feminism and intersectionality; crip and queer culture, access, and activism; and much more.

Visit the Practicing the Social website.

Register for Practicing the Social Here

Join Spark on Fridays at 10:30-11:20am for a weekly "Spark Talk" focused on methods and tools of social research. Spark Talks features an innovative speaker and encourages unexpected and inter-disciplinary connections between researchers, including faculty and graduate students. Learn more about upcoming Spark events at

December 10th,  10:30- 11:20 am ET
Word Embeddings for Social Science
Dr. Dong Nguyen 
Register here

December 17th 2021 - January 7th 2022
Please note there will be no Spark Talks over the Holiday Break - Happy Holidays!

January 14th 10:30- 11:20 am ET

The Social Autopsy
Stefan Timmermans
Register here

In case you missed it:

Algorithmically Encoded Identities Part 2 - Workshop
Google Ethical AI Team - Alex Hannah, Dylan Baker and Emily Denton
Check it out here:

A Text-as-Data Approach for Using Open-Ended Responses as Manipulation Checks
Dr. Jeff Ziegler
Check it out here:

Looking to pool software licences?

Now you can! Fill out this form and we will reach out if we can match you with others looking to pool licences.

We are also attempting a pilot in fall term allowing for virtual desktop access to several licenses for major Qualitative Data Analysis software, and will be seeking volunteers to test out the viability of this option.  FSS faculty, please email if you're interested in participating.  

Research Conversations

We provide up to 4 hours of free support each year to all McMaster researchers (students, staff and faculty) on every social research topic imaginable.  If we can't help you, we'll help you find someone who can.   
Request a research consultation at

Qualtrics Licences

If you are an FSS researcher who would like to request access to Qualtrics survey software, please fill out this form:

Brighter Spark Applied Research

Spark offers custom research and evaluation, as well as highly skilled assistance in implementing virtually any social research method. Our cost-recovery services include methods and software training, custom research, state-of-the-art facilities, and taking on elements of your project to support its completion.
For a full list of Brighter Spark Applied Research's services, visit:

Help us profile your research, publications, job ads, opportunities, and upcoming events by sending them to: to be showcased in our following newsletter.

Invitation: McMaster Research Data Management Needs Survey

To better support research at McMaster, the Research Data Managment Institutional Strategy Working Group invites you to complete a brief survey which seeks to understand present and future Research Data Management (RDM)  practices, challenges and needs. 

This short survey is approx. 15 Minutes and responses would be appreciated by December 17th 2021.

Should you have any questions about this survey, services offered at McMaster, or the Working Group, please contact for more information.

Religious Studies MA and PhD Applications open

McMaster Religious Studies is open for business. Apply now for the MA and PhD programs. 

Application Deadline: December 15th 2021
For more information and to apply visit:

Student admissions OPEN for 2022-2023 MPP-DS Program

The Master of Public Policy in a Digital Society is now accepting applications for the 2022-2023 offering (starting May 2022). MPP-DS is a 12-month professional graduate program that trains future policy leaders to navigate the rapidly changing technological landscape by bridging public policy thinking with technical expertise.  

Application Deadline: February 24th, 2022
For more information and to apply visit: 

Mapping the Global Dimensions of Policy Conference

The Department of Political Science at McMaster, in conjunction with the Canadian Research Chair in Public Policy and Globalization, Institute for Globalization and the Human Condition, and the School of Earth, Environment and Society are excited to present "Mapping the global dimension of policy 11- Multiple crises: Recovery, reform, transformation. This conference brings together graduate students whose research speaks to the questions raised in the fields of globalization and policy studies.

Conference dates: March 11-12th 2022.
Extended deadline for abstract submissions: December 10th 2021

For full conference details visit:

Mapping the Global Dimensions of Policy Conference

The Department of Political Science at McMaster, in conjunction with the Canadian Research Chair in Public Policy and Globalization, Institute for Globalization and the Human Condition, and the School of Earth, Environment and Society are excited to present "Mapping the global dimension of policy 11- Multiple crises: Recovery, reform, transformation. This conference brings together graduate students whose research speaks to the questions raised in the fields of globalization and policy studies.

Conference dates: March 11-12th 2022.
Extended deadline for abstract submissions: December 10th 2021

For full conference details visit:
In this new section, we want to celebrate the achievements of colleagues, friends, and those doing important social research with the potential to spark a brighter world.  We welcome recommendations for kudos features (including for yourself).  Please send them to:

A big kudos and Congratulations to Allison Leanage (Sociology) who has been named the fall PhD Valedictorian. Allison taught Spark's intensive 2-week course on Data Wrangling in R back in May 2021. Spark is very proud and excited to hear about this accomplishment! 
Learn more about Allison Leanage and her academic journey here

Shout-out to McMaster's Labour Studies Department who had it's extensive historical photo collection documenting Hamilton Workers' lives featured in The Spectator Article "Hamilton Days and Hamilton Icons"
Read the full article and view the featured photos here

Congratulations to Melanie Heath (Sociology) who has been elected Co-President-Elect of Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS) for a three year term beginning January 2022.
Read more about Melanie's Vision and the SWS here

Kudos to Dawn Martin-Hill (Anthropology) who was named the 2022 University of Oklahoma International Water Prize Recipient for her work on improving water security on two reserves in Canada. 
Learn more about Dawn Martin-Hill's work and the prize here
Spark: a centre for social research innovation

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