Spark Connections: May 12, 2022
Read our bi-weekly news from Spark: a centre for social research innovation at McMaster University. In this newsletter, we highlight centre news, upcoming events, and updated resources for researchers. To subscribe to our mailing list, please email
May 15, 2022
Warm Welcomes & Bittersweet Goodbyes at Spark - Our team is growing!
A warm welcome to our two new Brighter Spark Applied Research Apprenticeship Students:
Kaitlyn Battershill has joined Spark as a member of the Brighter Spark Team on Monday, May 2, 2022. Kaitlyn will work with the team on various projects at Spark. Kaitlyn is an accomplished teaching assistant and research assistant, and her education includes Bachelor of Science, Honours Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour. We’re super excited to welcome Kaitlyn.
Moyosore Sogaolu also joined our team as a member of the Brighter Spark Team on Monday, May 2, 2022. Moyo will work with the team on various projects at Spark. Moyo is a gifted and talented research assistant and teaching assistant. She is published and has three more papers in the works!! She has won numerous scholarships, grants, and awards…too many to mention! Her education includes Bachelor of Sciences in Economics (first class honours), Master of Arts in Business Economics and is currently a PhD candidate – Doctor of Philosophy in Economics. We are super excited to welcome Moyo.
We also would like to say goodbye and a big thank-you to two Spark members who are leaving: Rochelle Wijesingha (Brighter Spark Applied Research Team), and Jacob Sloots (Accessibility Lead and Communications Team). We wish them both all the best in their future endeavors!
Learn more about Spark and our team here
After another year of engaging seminars, Spark will be taking a break from Spark Talks during the summer months (May-Aug).
Spark Talks will be back in Fall 2022 with weekly seminars focused on methods and tools of social research. Spark Talks features an innovative speaker and encourages unexpected and inter-disciplinary connections between researchers, including faculty and graduate students.
With excitement for its return, we will feature some of our favourite talks from this year in a weekly social media campaign on Twitter @Spark_McMaster. Join us on twitter starting next Friday to keep up with #SparkResearchReplay!
Learn more about upcoming Spark events at
Looking to pool software licences?
Now you can! Fill out this form and we will reach out if we can match you with others looking to pool licences.
We are also attempting a pilot in fall term allowing for virtual desktop access to several licenses for major Qualitative Data Analysis software, and will be seeking volunteers to test out the viability of this option. FSS faculty, please email if you're interested in participating.
Research Conversations
We provide up to 4 hours of free support each year to all McMaster researchers (students, staff and faculty) on every social research topic imaginable. If we can't help you, we'll help you find someone who can.
Request a research consultation at
Qualtrics Licences
If you are an FSS researcher who would like to request access to Qualtrics survey software, please fill out this form:
Research Conversations
We provide up to 4 hours of free support each year to all McMaster researchers (students, staff and faculty) on every social research topic imaginable. If we can't help you, we'll help you find someone who can.
Request a research consultation at
Qualtrics Licences
If you are an FSS researcher who would like to request access to Qualtrics survey software, please fill out this form:
Help us profile your research, publications, job ads, opportunities, and upcoming events by sending them to: to be showcased in our following newsletter.
Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship Workshop
"Podcasts: A new way to mobilize your knowledge"
May 18th 2022 at 3-5pm (In-person, Lyons New Media Centre, 4th floor, Mills Library)
Learn the basics of podcasting at this workshop from podcaster and SCDS Coordinator Veronica Litt and Digital Media Specialist Elaine Westenhoefer. This intensive workshop is for academics and researchers who are interested in creating a podcast about their work. We'll discuss how to plan a show, best practices for recording crisp, professional audio, and give participants hands-on experience with editing on Audacity, a free and open source audio editing software. We'll also discuss how to brand your show, go through the basics of hosting and distribution, then discuss how to promote your podcast and build an audience.
Register here:
After the success of last terms workshops, the Sherman Centre is delighted to host 10+ sessions in Winter 2022. There is something for everyone (data visualization, StoryMaps software, two workshops on Microsoft Excel, and more). See the full event lineup and register here
Reframing Disability in Healthcare: A Presentation and Panel Discussion
Hosted by: McMaster University Health Sciences, Faculty Affairs
June 1st 2022 at 1-3pm
Panelists: Aisha Wilks, Ameil J. Joseph, Shaila Kumbhare and Celeste Suart
Moderated by: Kate Brown, Jessica Blackwood
A presentation and panel discussion on the importance of reframing disability as identity/ diversity of experience in healthcare education and practice. This discussion will introduce participants to the social model of disability, as well as theoretical concepts of medical ableism/ Saneism, racism, misogyny, and fatphobia through historical and contemporary frameworks of white supremacist, eugenicist, and/ or colonial practices in medicine.
Register for the panel discussion/presentation here
2022 ICPSR Summer Program
For summer 2022, the ICPSR Summer Program will offer its renowned training program either in-person in Ann Arbor, or as a fully online format. The 2022 Program will feature a broad curriculum ranging from introductory to advanced courses in a variety of methods and techniques.
Registration for the First Session will close on Sunday, June 12, 2022. Registration for the Second Session will close on Sunday, July 10, 2022.
Learn more about the summer program here
Data Matters : Data Science Course Series
A week-long series of one and two-day courses aimed at students and professionals in business, research and government. Data Matters gives students the chance to learn about a wide range of topics in data science, analytics, visualization, curation and more from expert instructors. Registration is now open, reserve your spot now!
Data Matters will be held virtually via zoom on August 8th-12th 2022
Learn more and register here
Citation Management Tool EndNote Now Available to McMaster Community
EndNote is a citation management tool that guides users through the research process as they search, organize, write, publish and share their work. McMaster now has access to EndNote 20. Faculty, Students and Staff can now download EndNote 20 site licence, thanks to an initiative led by McMaster Libraries that is funded by the University.
Here is a link to a Library News story for more details, as well as a Library Guide for help getting started.
In this new section, we want to celebrate the achievements of colleagues, friends, and those doing important social research with the potential to spark a brighter world. We welcome recommendations for kudos features (including for yourself). Please send them to:
A big congratulations to all the recipients of the 2022 Faculty of Social Science Internal Award Winners. This includes: Nicole Dalmer (Health, Aging and Society) and Nathan Andrews (Political Science) who were awarded the Early Career Research award, Ann Fudge Schormans (Social Work) who was the recipient of the Impact award, and Netina Tan (Political Science) who was the successful recipient of the Scholar in Community Award.
Read more about the awards and successful recipients here
Kudos to the Rachel VanEvery (PhD Candidate, Health Aging and Society) who was awarded Mitacs Accelerate grant for a research internship with the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) of Hamilton. This project titled "Investigating the Role of Peer Support in Reducing the Harms of Substance Use and Advancing Recovery: A Qualitative Analysis of CMHA Hamilton's Community Mental Health Peer Support Initiative" is supervised by Dr. James Gillett.
Read more about the grant and Rachel's Research Here
A big congratulations to Shaunette George (Sociology PhD Student) who has been selected as the recipient for this year's Daniel G.Hill Graduate Scholarship in Support of Black Excellence Award.
Read more here
Kudos to Ruth Repchuck and Brandon Reimer who have been selected as the recipients for the PhD and MA Canadian Sociological Association Outstanding Graduate Student Award.
Read more about the Canadian Sociological Association Outstanding Graduate Student Award here
A big congratulations to Camden Church (Sociology, MA Student) who has received the Harry Lyman Hooker, Sr. Fellowship Award.
Read more here
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