August 18, 2022
Read our bi-weekly news from Spark: a centre for social research innovation at McMaster University. In this newsletter, we highlight centre news, upcoming events, and updated resources for researchers. To subscribe to our mailing list, please email
Aug 18, 2022
Spark's Annual Open House - Save the Date
Mark your calendars! Spark: a centre for social research innovation is hosting it's annual open house event on September 23rd 2022 at 10:30am - 2:30 pm ET in the Spark space/Co-Lab on the 5th floor of L.R. Wilson Hall at McMaster University.
Stop in to learn about Spark, research methods, network with other researchers and for games/fun activities. We will be offering a light lunch and snacks. There will also be a door raffle and prizes!
Welcome Spark's Advisory Board for the 2022-23 year
Spark is pleased to announce our inaugural Advisory Board which provides input regarding Spark’s scholarly priorities and strategic directions for the 2022-23 academic year. This Advisory Board will meet once a year to discuss programming and future plans. Board members include: Bradley Ruffle, Cliff van der Linden, Jay Brodeur, Andrea Zeffiro, Melanie Heath, Judy Fudge, Adrianne Xavier and Katherine Hesson-Bolton. We are so lucky to have input from such a diverse and interdisciplinary group, and would like to thank the committee for their commitment and time.
After another year of engaging seminars, Spark will be taking a break from Spark Talks during the summer months (May-Aug).
With excitement for Spark Talks return in Fall 2022, we will feature some of our favourite talks from this year in a weekly social media campaign on Twitter @Spark_McMaster. Join us on twitter every Friday at 10:30am during the summer for #SparkResearchReplay!
Check out the latest #SparkResearchReplay videos below:
Looking to pool software licences?
Now you can! Fill out this form and we will reach out if we can match you with others looking to pool licences.
We are also attempting a pilot in fall term allowing for virtual desktop access to several licenses for major Qualitative Data Analysis software, and will be seeking volunteers to test out the viability of this option. FSS faculty, please email if you're interested in participating.
Research Conversations
We provide up to 4 hours of free support each year to all McMaster researchers (students, staff and faculty) on every social research topic imaginable. If we can't help you, we'll help you find someone who can.
Qualtrics Licences
If you are an FSS researcher who would like to request access to Qualtrics survey software, please fill out this form:
Brighter Spark Applied Research
Spark offers custom research and evaluation, as well as highly skilled assistance in implementing virtually any social research method. Our cost-recovery services include methods and software training, custom research, state-of-the-art facilities, and taking on elements of your project to support its completion.
For a full list of Brighter Spark Applied Research's services, visit:

Toronto Public Library - On Civil Society Series
Kaitlyn Tiffany: "Everything I need I Get From You"August 24th 2022 at 12:00 PM
Hosted by: Vass Bednar
Journalist and author Kaitlyn Tiffany shares her new book Everything I Need I Get From You: How Fangirls Created the Internet as We Know It with host Vass Bednar and discusses how fangirls, in their ingenuity and collaboration, created the social internet we know today.
Learn more about the event and register here
Getting Research Ready
September 1st at 9:30-10:45am (Online event, Event URL sent via registration email)Hosted by: McMaster University Library, Ariel Stables-Kennedy
Did you know our libraries contain way more than books? Our First Year Experience Librarian will walk you through how to make the most of the library. We’ll get into the incredible spaces, tools, services and people who are there to answer your questions, help you with assignments and learn new skills.
Learn more and register here:
McMaster Graduate Students Association (GSA) Hosts Grad Yoga
Want to relax and meet some new friends? Join a free Yoga session as part of McMaster Welcome Week at McMaster David Braley Athletic Centre.In-person yoga will take place at 4-5pm on September 8th 2022
Learn more and register here
Microsoft apps - LinkedIn Learning Club Campaign for August
LinkedIn Learning at McMaster is launching a new campaign aimed at helping to prepare students for a successful fall term by covering the basics of using Microsoft’s most popular apps. Throughout August, McMaster Students will have free access to a collection of videos that provide insight on navigating Microsoft’s most-used software products, from Outlook to Excel.Learn more about McMaster's LinkedIn Campaign for August here

Kudos to Karen Bird (Political Science), Clifton van der Linden (Political Science), Ameil Joseph (Social Work), Vanessa Watts (Sociology/Indigenous Studies) and Hendrik Poinar (Anthropology) who were among those to receive funding from the Future of Canada Project. The Future of Canada Project funds research that will spark national conversations on how to build a better future for Canada and a brighter world.
Read more about the Canada Project Fund and the recipients here
A big congratulations to Kaitlyn Battershill (Brighter Spark Applied Research Apprenticeship Student), who successfully defended her MSc with thesis “Engaging in the world: Investigating the factors that promote civic engagement across 34 countries". What an incredible accomplishment and Spark is very proud!
Shout-out to Karen Bird (Political Science) who was featured in the CBC News article "With Horwath out as MPP, what happens next for Hamilton Centre and the NDP".
Read the full article here
Kudos to Vass Bednar (Master of Public Policy in Digital Society) who authored the Financial Post article "The federal government bought a pipeline. Maybe it should buy Shaw?"
Read the full article here

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