Zeytinoglu Isik, Professor

Area of Expertise
Dr. Zeytinoglu’s research interests/expertise include:
- Flexible work schedules (flex-time, compressed workweek, variable workweek, short or long workweek, and weekend work).
- Non-standard employment/flexible work arrangements (part- time, temporary, contract, telework) and employer flexibility strategies;.
- Promotion, training, job satisfaction and retention issues in workplaces;.
- Occupational health (social organization of work, stress and musculoskeletal disorders);.
- Health sector human resources (nursing and home care focus);.
- Macro-level human resource management/international and comparative industrial relations issues.
Professional Activities
Dr. Zeytinoglu has edited and co-authored six books (Flexibility in Workplaces: Effects on Workers, Work Environment and the Unions (2005), Occupational Health of Women in Non-standard Employment (2003), Flexible Work Arrangements: Conceptulizations and International Experiences (2002), Changing Work Relationships in Industrialized Economies (1999), Women's Voices in Health Promotion (1999), and Economic, Political and Labor Climate in Turkey (1985)).
Her research has been published in such journals as Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations, Health Policy, Healthcare Policy, European Journal of Industrial Relations, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Industrial Relations, International Labour Review, Women and Health, International Journal of Health Services, Resources in Feminist Research.
She is the Chair of the Flexible Work International Study Group, International Industrial Relations Association. She has served on the board of the Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada and as executive for Canadian Industrial Relations Association and Industrial Relations Research Association Hamilton and Area Chapter. Dr. Zeytinoglu is also past co-chair of the Steering Committee for McMaster Research Centre for the Promotion of Women’s Health.
Ph.D., Management/Industrial Relations, University of Pennsylvania
M.A.,Managerial Sciences and Applied Economics, University of Pennsylvania
M.B.A., Management, Bogazici University
B.A., Bogazici University