Young Marisa, Associate Professor | Graduate Chair of the Department of Sociology | Canada Research Chair in Mental Health and Work-Life Transitions
Marisa Young
Associate Professor | Graduate Chair of the Department of Sociology | Canada Research Chair in Mental Health and Work-Life Transitions
Department of Sociology
Area(s) of Interest:
Research Interests:
Sociology of Mental Health, Work-Family Interface, Quantitative Methods, Sociology of Work and Occupations, Social Psychology, Sociology of Family, Sociology of Urban Health
Research Grants:
2017-2021. Early Researcher Award from the Ministry of Ontario-Research and Innovation and Science. “Family-Friendly Community Resources for Better Balance”, Principal Investigator, $150,000.
2017-2019. Social Science and Humanities Research Council: Insight Development Grant. “Family Friendly Community Resources for Better Balance.” , Principal Investigator, $58,391.
2017-2018. Canadian Institutes for Health Research Planning Grant: Institutes for Population and Public Health. “Family-Friendly Community Resources for Balance, Health, and Well-Being.” Principal Investigator, (Drs. Jim Dunn, Scott Schieman, Collaborators), $13,926.
2014-2016 McMaster University Arts Research Board Grant. "Work-Family Conflict in Context: The Importance of Neighbourhood of Residence." Principal Investigator, $6,962.
2014-2019 Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). "The Intergenerational Transmission of Gender Egalitarian Family Environments: A Follow Up Study," (Co-Investigator: Dr. Blair Wheaton, PI), $242,697.
2014/18 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). "Demands and Resources in Work and Family Life and their Implications for Stress and Health among Canadians: Waves 3-5," (Co-Investigator: Dr. Scott Schieman, PI), $856,175.
2010/14 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). "Demands and Resources in Work and Family Life and their Implications for Stress and Health among Canadians," (Co-Investigator: Dr. Scott Schieman, PI), $800,240.
2012/14 Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant. "Profiling Residential Life Histories Using Historical Census Data" (Co-Investigator: Dr. Blair Wheaton, PI), $54,695.
2008/12 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) & Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) "Investigating Neighbourhood Effects on Mental Health" (Collaborator, Dr. Blair Wheaton; Dr. Patricia O'Campo, Co-PI's), $1,380,000.
Selected Publications:
Young, Marisa. 2016. “Gender Inequality”, in New Society, 8th edition. Edited by Robert Brym. Nelson (Chapter 8).
Young, Marisa. 2015. "Family and Work." International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, edited by James D. Wright. 2nd edition, Vol 8 (pp. 758–765). Oxford: Elsevier.
Wheaton, Blair, Marisa Young, Shirin Montazer and Catherine Stuart. 2012. “Social Stress in the 21st Century.” Pp. 299-323 in Carol Aneshensel, Jo Phelan, Alex Bierman (eds.), Handbook of the Sociology of Mental Health. New York, New York: Springer.
Young, Marisa and Shirin Montazer. 2018. “Neighborhood Effects on Immigrants’ Experiences of Work-Family Conflict and Psychological Distress.” Society & Mental Health, 8(1), 25-49.
Young, Marisa and Scott Schieman. 2018. “Scaling Back and Finding Flexibility: Gender Differences in Parents’ Strategies to Manage Work-Family Conflict” Journal of Marriage and Family, 80, 99-118.
Glavin, Paul and Marisa Young (equal authorship). 2017. “Insecure People in Insecure Places: The Influence of Regional Unemployment on Workers’ Reactions to Perceived Job Insecurity.” Journal of Health & Social Behavior, 58(2), 232-251.
Montazer, Shirin and Marisa Young. 2017. “Level of Economic Development of the Country of Origin and Work-to-Family Conflict after Migration to Canada.” Social Science Research, 63, 263-276.
Young, Marisa, Jean Wallace and Alicia Polachek. 2015 “Gender Differences in Perceived Domestic Equity: A Study of Professionals.” Journal of Family Issues, 36(13), 1751-1781, winner of the 2016 Reuben Hill Award for contribution to family research.
Young, Marisa. 2015. “Work-Family Conflict in Context: The Impact of Structural and Perceived Neighborhood Disadvantage on Work-Family Conflict.” Social Science Research, 50, 311-327.
Schieman, Scott and Marisa Young. 2015. “Multitasking and its Association with Work-Family Conflict: Demands, Resources, and Flexible Arrangements as Contingencies.” Social Indicators Research, 120:741-767.
Young, Marisa, Scott Schieman, and Melissa Milkie. 2014. “Spouse’s Work-to-Family Conflict, Family Stressors, and Mental Health among Dual-Earner Mothers and Fathers.” Society & Mental Health, 4(1): 1-20, lead article.
Young, Marisa and Blair Wheaton. 2013 “The Impact of Neighborhood Social Composition on Work-Family Conflict and Distress.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 54(4): 481-497, nominated for the 2014 Rosabeth Kanter Award.
Schieman, Scott and Marisa Young. 2013. “Are Communications about Work Outside Regular Working Hours Associated with Work-to-Family Conflict, Psychological Distress and Sleep Problems?” Work & Stress, 27(3): 244-261.
Young, Marisa and Scott Schieman. 2012. “When Hard Times Take a Toll: The Distressing Consequences of Economic Hardship and Life Events Within the Family-Work Interface.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 53(1): 84-98.
Schieman, Scott and Marisa Young. 2011. “Economic Hardship and Family-to-Work Conflict: Gender and Work Conditions as Contingencies.” Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 32(1): 46-61, nominated for the 2012 Rosabeth Kanter Award.
Young, Marisa. 2010. “Gender Differences in Precarious Work.” Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 65(1): 74-97.
Schieman, Scott and Marisa Young. 2010. “Is there a Downside to Schedule Control for the Work-Family Interface?” Journal of Family Issues, 31(10): 1391-1414.
Schieman, Scott and Marisa Young. 2010. “The Demands of Creative Work: Implications for the Stress in the Work-Family Interface.” Social Science Research, 39(2): 246-259.
Wallace, Jean and Marisa Young. 2010. “Work Hard, Play Hard: A Comparison of Men and Women’s Time in Paid and Unpaid Work and Participation in Leisure Activities.” Canadian Review of Sociology, 47(1): 27-47.
Young, Marisa and Jean Wallace. 2009. “Family Responsibilities, Productivity, and Earnings: A Study of Gender Differences among Canadian Lawyers.” Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 30: 305-319.
Wallace, Jean and Marisa Young. 2008. “Parenthood and Productivity: A Study of Demands, Resources, and Family-Friendly Firms.” Journal of Vocational Behavior, 72: 110-122.
Cove, Leslie and Marisa Young. 2007. “Coaching and Athletic Career Investments: Using Organisational Theories to Explore Women’s Boxing.” Annals of Leisure Research, 10: 257-271.