Wynia Baluk Kaitlin, Postdoctoral Fellow
Kaitlin Wynia Baluk
Postdoctoral Fellow
Postdoctoral Fellows
Department of Health Aging & Society
Area(s) of Interest:
- Supervisor: Dr. James Gillett
- Research Interests:
• Public religious art and public dialogues
• Public library partnerships
- PhD in Health and Society, McMaster University (2021)
- MA in Family Studies and Gerontology, Mount Saint Vincent University (2017)
- BA, Major in Sociology, Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages Certificate, Trinity Western University (2015)
Fall 2021
HLTH AGE 4P03: Leisure and Recreation in Later Life
Winter 2020
HLTH AGE 4L03 Social Policy and Aging
Wynia Baluk K. 2021. Homeless Jesus: Exploring a Relationship between Public Religious Art and Public Dialogues on Homelessness. MacSphere. [Dissertation]. Available from http://hdl.handle.net/11375/26307
Wynia Baluk K, Griffin M, Gillett J. 2020. Mitigating the Challenges and Capitalizing on Opportunities: A Qualitative Investigation of the Public Library’s Response to an Aging Population. Canadian Journal on Aging, 1-14. doi: 10.1017/S0714980820000367
Wynia Baluk K, McQuire M, Gillett J. 2020. Aging in a Digital Society: Exploring How Canadian and Australian Public Library Systems Program for Older Adults Public Library Quarterly, 1-19. doi: 10.1080/01616846.2020.1811612