Williams Duane, PhD Students

Supervisor: Dr. Ann Fudge Schormans
Thesis title: Becoming Undetectable: Critical Explorations of the HIV Treatment Cascade
Duane Williams is a PhD student in the School of Social Work. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy) from McGill University, a Bachelor of Social Work from Dalhousie University and a Master of Social Work from McMaster University. He was awarded the Harry Lyman Hooker Senior Fellowship in 2013 and the Judge Hugh C. Arrell Memorial Prize in 2014 for best Master’s thesis.
Duane has worked for twenty years in community health settings with a focus on HIV/AIDS. The main objective of his doctoral research is to develop in-depth knowledge about the health barriers faced by Canadian gay/bisexual men living with HIV/AIDS, specifically in the context of actualizing the UNAIDS' 90-90-90 strategy for ending the pandemic.