Wells Donald, Professor Emeritus
Donald Wells
Professor Emeritus
Emeritus Faculty
Department of Political Science
Institute on Globalization & the Human Condition
Emeritus Faculty
School of Labour Studies
Area(s) of Interest:
Areas of Research Interest
- International labour rights and standards
- Politics of social movements
- Labour internationalism
- Transnational labour migration
- Global economic restructuring
- Poverty reduction
- Living wage policies and impacts
Non-Governmental Organizations, Corporations, Unions and Social Movements
- anti sweat shop and 'fair trade' campaigns
- non-governmental organizations and labour regulation in the global South
- corporate social responsibility
- public-private partnerships and the regulation of labour rights and standards
Public Policy
- family cohesion of foreign migrant workers
- international organizations and the regulation of international labour standards
- trade policy and the regulation of labour standards
Academic Service and Community Involvement
- Former Director, School of Labour Studies, McMaster University
- Steering Committee, McMaster Community Poverty Initiative (research, volunteer and educational organization linking McMaster University to local anti-poverty groups)
- Steering Committee, Cantabal Education and Health Care Project (fundraising and building a middle school and health clinic in Guatemala)
- Editorial Board, Just Labour: Canadian Journal of Work and Society
- Academic Steering Committee, Study Abroad Program, Mexico Solidarity Network
- Board, Immigrant Worker Family Centre (advocacy, research and drop-in centre for immigrant live-in caregivers)
- Living Wage Working Group, Hamilton Roundtable on Poverty Reduction
- McMaster University Indigenous Rights Group
- Advisory Board, Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior (non governmental organization promoting international labour standards)
- Committee of Instruction, Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition, McMaster University
- Advisory Board, United for Fair Trade-Unis pour commerce equitable (UFT-UCE) (fair trade NGO)
PhD, Political Science, University of Toronto
MA, Political Science, University of British Columbia
BA, Economics and History, Western University
Retired from Teaching
School of Labour Studies
- Labour and Globalization
- Field Research
- Economic Restructuring
Political Science Department
- Comparative Political Parties and Social Movements
- MA and PhD Theses
MA in Work and Society
- Work and Democracy in the Global Society
- MA Theses
- Major Research Papers
Current Research Projects
- public policy and family cohesion of migrant agricultural workers from Mexico and Jamaica in Southern Ontario
- public policy and educational success of children of Filipino migrants to Canada
- promotional politics and the new global order of labour
Selected Publications
(*denotes peer reviewed)
- "Sustaining Precarious Transnational Families: The Significance of Remittances from Canada's Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program" (lead author with 3 others) Just Labour: Canadian Journal of Work and Society, Vol. 22, Autumn 2014, pp. 144-167.
- The Worker Rights Consortium" in Darryl Reed, Peter Utting, and Ananya Mukherjee-Reed, eds. Business, Regulation and Non-State Actors London: Routledge, 2012, pp. 239-252.
- "Local Worker Struggles in the Global South: Reconsidering Northern Impacts on International Labour Standards" in Marcus Taylor ed. Renewing International Labour Studies, Routledge, 2010. (ISBN 978-0-415-59385-4).
- "Local Worker Struggles in the Global South: Reconsidering Northern Impacts on International Labour Standards" Third World Quarterly 30:30, April 2009, pp. 567-579.
- * "Workplace Cohesion and the Fragmentation of Solidarity" (with Wayne Lewchuk) in Robert O’Brien ed. Solidarity First: Canadian Workers and Social Cohesion Vancouver; UBC Press ), 2008, pp. 63-85.
- * "Transforming Worker Representation: The Magna Model in Canada and Mexico" (with Wayne Lewchuk) Labour/ Le Travail 60 (Fall 2007) 107-136.
- * "Bringing the Local Back In: Trajectory of Contention of the Union Struggle at Kukdong/Mexmode" (with Graham Knight), Social Movement Studies 6:1, 83-103 (2007).
- * "Too Weak for the Job: Corporate Codes of Conduct, Non-Governmental Organizations and the Regulation of International Labour Standards" Global Social Policy 2007, 7:1, 51-73.
- * "When Corporations Substitute for Adversarial Unions", (with Wayne Lewchuk), Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 61:4, Autumn 2006, 639-665.
- * " 'Best Practice' in the Regulation of International Labor Standards: Lessons of the U.S.-Cambodia Textile Agreement" . Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, Vol. 27, No. 3, p. 357, 2006 Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=996876
- * "How Credible are International Corporate Labour Codes? Monitoring Global Production Chains" in Jim Stanford and Leah Vosko,eds., Challenging the Market: The Struggle to Regulate Work and Income, McGill Queen’s University Press, 2004, pp. 365-383
- * :"How Ethical are Ethical Purchasing Policies?" Journal of Business Ethics Special Issue: Universities and Corporate Responsibility, 2004, 2:1,119-140.
- * "Are Labour Unions Obsolete in the New Global Economy?" Inroads 13, summer 2003, pp. 46-53.
- * "Labour Markets, Flexible Specialization and the New Microcorporatism", Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, Fall 2001, 56: 2, pp. 277-304.
- * "Building Transnational Coordinative Unionism" in S. Babson and H. Juarez Nunez eds., Working Lean: Labor in the North American Auto Industry, Wayne State University Press, 1998.
- * "From Fordist Worker Resistance to Post-Fordist Capitalist Hegemony?" Labour/Le Travail (Spring 1997, pp. 241-260).
- * "When Push Comes to Shove: Competitiveness, Job Insecurity and Labour Management Cooperation in Canada," Economic and Industrial Democracy, Spring 1997, 18:2, pp. 167-200.
- * "New Dimensions for Labour in a Post-Fordist World" in E. Yanarella and W. Green eds., North American Auto Unions in Crisis: Lean Production as Contested Terrain, (State University of New York Press, 1996, pp. 191-207).
- * "The Impact of the Postwar Compromise on Canadian Unionism: The Formation of an Auto Worker Local in the 1950's," Labour/Le Travail, Fall 1995.
- * "Origins of Canada's Wagner Model of Industrial Relations: The United Auto Workers in Canada and the Suppression of 'Rank and File' Unionism, 1936-1953," Canadian Journal of Sociology, 20:2, June 1995, pp. 193-225.