Warrian Peter, Adjunct Member

Measuring returns on investments in training, particularly in the steel and construction industries. Changing values of local union leaders regarding the workplace, unions and social issues.
Positions Held
1974-1983 Legislative Director and Research Director, United Steelworkers of America
1983-1985 Executive Assistant to the President, Ontario Public Service
Employees Union
1993 Executive Director of the Canadian Steel Trade and Employment Congress
1992-1994 Assistant Deputy Minister of Finance and Chief Economist of the Province of Ontario
1993 Executive Director, Canadian Steel Trade and Employment Congress
2001 Sefton Lecturer, 19th Annual Sefton Memorial Lecture, University of Toronto
2011 Member, Editorial Board of the Public Sector Productivity and Management Review
2011 Member, Working Group on Public Sector Productivity, International Institute of Administrative Science
2011 Adjunct Member, Munk Centre for International Studies
2011 Professional Associate, Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources, University of Toronto
- 1968 BA, Sociology, University of Waterloo
- 1972 MA, History, University of Waterloo
- 1986 PhD, History, University of Waterloo
Selected Publications
"Can't Get There From Here: Old/New Unions in a New/Old Economy", 19th Larry Sefton Memorial Lecture, University of Toronto, Woodsworth College, 2001. 17 p.
"The Social Cost of Moving to 'Lean Production': a Canadian view of NAFTA," in Essays in Economic Globalization, Transnational Policies and Vulnerability. A. Kouzmin and A. Hayne (eds.) Amsterdam: IOS Press, 1999.
"Coercive Bargaining: Public Sector Restructuring under the Ontario Social Contract 1993-96," in Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 52, No. 2 (January 1999).
"The Canadian Steel Trade and Employment Congress: Old-fashioned Labour-Management Cooperation or an Innovation in Joint Governance?," with Anil Verma and Kai Lamertz, in Forging Business-Labour Partnerships: The Emergence of Sector Councils in Canada Morley Gunderson and Andrew Sharpe (eds.) Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998.
Hard Bargain: Transforming Public Sector Labour Management Relations. Toronto: McGilligan Press, 1996. 205 p.
"Re-aligning Human Resources Management and Industrial Relations: Can Hydro Become a Mutual Gains Enterprise?" in Ontario Hydro at the Millenium Ronald Daniels (ed.). McGill-Queen's University Press, 1996.
The End of Public Sector "Industrial" Relations in Canada?: the Coming Challenges for Labour and Management. Toronto: KPMB Centre for Government Foundation.