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Wade Andrew

photo of Andrew Wade

Andrew Wade

Contract and Sessional Faculty
Department of Anthropology


Research & Supervisory Interests

My research focuses on mummification mortuary rituals and ideology and their integration with changing socio-political interactions and expressions of cultural identity. My current focus is on change in ancient Egypt, accessed through the radiological study of mummified and skeletal human and animal remains and of the materials and technologies involved in their preservation. My interest in mummification practices and ancient Egypt also includes animal mummies and the light their rearing, sacrifice, and mummification sheds on the political economy of pharanoic Egypt. More generally, my research is aimed at the large-scale investigation of suites of mummification features; at the investigation of pathological conditions evidenced in medical imaging; and at non-destructive imaging techniques for forensic and archaeological research.

I am currently working with the IMPACT Radiological Mummy Database Project, a large-scale, multi-institutional collaborative research project devoted to the scientific study of mummified remains, and the mummification traditions that produced them, through non-destructive medical imaging technologies. And I have just launched a parallel online project, The Mummipedia Project, a crowdsourced Wikipedia-style collaboration aimed at collecting and sharing accurate information on mummy holdings and research around the world.


Search course offerings in Anthropology


Courses (2017-18)


  • ANTHROP 1AA3 C02 - Introduction to Anthropology: Sex, Food and Death 


  • ANTHROP 1AA3 C02 - Introduction to Anthropology: Sex, Food and Death 
  • ANTHROP 2E03 - Introduction to Biological Anthropology 

Courses (2016-17)


  • ANTHROP 2E03 - Introduction to Biological Anthropology


  • ANTHROP 1AA3 (2 sections) - Introduction to Anthropology: Sex, Food and Death




Wade AD, Lawson B, Nelson AJ, Tampieri D. Hybrid ritual: Abdominal incision plate use in a case of transperineal evisceration. Yearbook of Mummy Studies. In Press.

Wade AD, Conlogue GJ, Beckett R, Gonzalez R, Wade RS, Brier B. MUMAB: A conversation with the past. Anatomical Record. In Press.

Nelson AJ, Wade AD. IMPACT: Development of a radiological mummy database. Anatomical Record. In Press.

Wade AD, Nelson AJ. 2013. Hearts and minds: Excerebration and eviscertaion in the Egyptian mummification tradition. Proceedings of the 7th World Mummy Congress in San Diego, CA, June, 2011, In Press.

Wade AD, Nelson AJ. 2013. Evisceration and excerebration in the Egyptian mummification tradition. Journal of Archaeological Science, 40(12): 4198-4206.

Wade AD, Conlogue GJ. 2013. Forensic considerations for preprocessing effects on clinical MDCT scans. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 58(3): 797-803.

Wade AD, Nelson J. 2013. Radiology of the evisceration tradition in ancient Egyptian mummies. HOMO 64(1): 1-28.

Lawson B, Lywood V, Nelson AJ, Tampieri D, Wade AD. 2013. Facing life after death: Medical Imaging and facial reconstructions of the Egyptian mummies of the Redpath Museum. Permanent exhibit of the Redpath Museum. January 2013.

Beckett RG, Boswell GE, Boucher RJ, Brier B, Brown DE, Conlogue GJ, Costa M, Downey T, Hoang P, Horsley P, Kondrat JW, Lohmann U, Nelson AJ, Olson M, Stahl T, Takahashi A, Vu D, Wade AD, Wade R, Wilding A, Wright A. 2011. Modern day mummy: The art & science of mummification. Exhibit of the San Diego Museum of Man, June 2011 - March 2012.

Wade AD, Hurnanen J, Lawson B, Tampieri D, Nelson A. 2012. Early dental intervention in the Redpath Ptolemaic Theban Male. International Journal of Paleopathlogy 2(4): 217-222.

Wade AD, Garvin GJ, Hurnanen J, Williams LJ, Lawson B, Nelson AJ, Tampieri D. 2012. Scenes from the past: Multidetector CT of Egyptian mummies of the Redpath Meseum. RSNA RadioGraphics 32(4): 1235-1250.

Wade AD, Ikram S, Conlogue GJ, Beckett R, Nelson AJ, Colten R, Lawson B, Tampieri D. 2012. Foodstuff placement in mummified ibises and the role of Egyptian viscera embalming. Journal or Archaeological Science 39(5): 1642-1647.