Thomas Stephanie

Stephanie Thomas
Department of Economics
Area(s) of Interest:
Fields of Specialization
Applied Non-Parametric Econometric Analysis, Environmental Economics, Experimental Economics, Health Economics
Committee: Professor Jeremiah Hurley (Chair), Professor Neil Buckley, Professor Emeritus Stuart Mestelman, Professor Jeffrey S. Racine
- 2010-2012 - Ontario Graduate Scholarship, McMaster University
- 2009-2010 - Ontario Graduate Scholarship, University of Western Ontario
- 2008 - Dr. Harry Lyman Hooker Scholarship, McMaster University
- 2008 - Class of '50 Honours Economics Scholarship, McMaster University
- 2007 - University Senate Scholarship, McMaster University
- 2006-2008 - Dean's Honour List, McMaster University
Conference and Seminar Presentations
2015 3rd Workshop on Behavioral and Experimental Health Economics
"Experiments in Mixed Systems of Public and Private Finance for Health Care: Does Framing Matter?"
2015 Canadian Economics Association Meetings
"Assessing Switch-points in Experimental Lab Data"
2014 Canadian Economics Association Meetings
"Cap-and Trade versus Intensity Targets: Emissions Trading Markets with Stochastic Demand"
2014 Visions in Methodology (VIM)
"An Experimental Investigation of the Political Economy of Mixed Systems of Finance"
2014 Asia-Pacific ESA Conference
"Cap-and Trade versus Intensity Targets: Emissions Trading Markets with Stochastic Demand"
2013 Canadian Economics Association Annual Meeting
"An Experimental Investigation of the Political Economy of Mixed Systems of Finance"
2013 McMaster WISE Annual CREST Conference
"An Experimental Investigation of the Political Economy of Mixed Systems of Finance"
2012 Experimental Economics/Decision Workshop, SSRL Saskatoon
"A dynamic demonstration of experimental lab data"
2012 North-American ESA Conference
"An Experimental Investigation of the Political Economy of Mixed Systems of Finance"
Ph.D. Economics, McMaster University, expected 2016
M.A. Economics, University of Western Ontario, 2010
B.A. Economics, McMaster University, 2009
Teaching Experience
- Co-Lecturer, Graduate Course 703, Experimental Economics, Term 2 2016, McMaster University
- Teaching Assistant, Intermediate Microeconomics II, Term 3 2015, Professor B. Bloemhof, McMaster University
- Teaching Assistant (`assessment observation'/`invited invigilator'), Health Economics, Term 2 2013, Professor B. Bloemhof, McMaster University
- Teaching Assistant and Coordinator, Economic Issues, Term 2 2011, Professor R. Khan, McMaster University
- Teaching Assistant and Coordinator, Intermediate Macroeconomics I, Term 2 2011, Professor R. Khan, McMaster University
- Teaching Assistant and Coordinator, Environmental Economics, Term 2 2011, Professor R. Khan, McMaster University
- Teaching Assistant and Coordinator, Intermediate Microeconomics I/Applied Business Economics, Term 1 2010 (2 sections), Professor R. Khan, McMaster University
- Teaching Assistant and Coordinator, Intermediate Macroeconomics I, Term 1 2010, Professor R. Khan, McMaster University
- Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Microeconomics, Term 2 2010, Professor M. Parkin, University of Western Ontario
- Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Microeconomics, Term 1 2009, Professor M. Parkin, University of Western Ontario
- Teaching Assistant and Coordinator, Intermediate Macroeconomics I, 2007-2009, Professor R. Khan, McMaster University
- Teaching Assistant and Coordinator, Intermediate Macroeconomics II, 2007-2009, Professor R. Khan, McMaster University
- Teaching Assistant and Coordinator, Environmental Economics, 2007-2009, Professor R. Khan, McMaster University
- Teaching Assistant and Coordinator, Economic Issues, 2007-2009, Professor R. Khan, McMaster University
Research Experience
- 2008-2009 & 2011-Present - Research Assistant, McMaster Experimental Economics Lab, McMaster University
Publications, Papers and Thesis'
"Support for Public Provision of a Private Good with Top-Up and Opt-Out: A Controlled Laboratory Experiment," 2015. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 111:177-196. (with Neil Buckley, Katherine Cuff, Jeremiah Hurley, Stuart Mestelman and David Cameron)
"Should I Stay or Should I Go? Public Provision of a Private Good with an Exit Option," (with Neil Buckley, Katherine Cuff, Jeremiah Hurley, Stuart Mestelman and David Cameron), McMaster Working paper
Thesis Chapters in Progress:
Chapter 2: A Standardized Method for the Evaluation of Adherence to Practice Guidelines
Conference and Seminar Presentations
2015 3rd Workshop on Behavioral and Experimental Health Economics
"Experiments in Mixed Systems of Public and Private Finance for Health Care: Does Framing Matter?"
2015 Canadian Economics Association Meetings
"Assessing Switch-points in Experimental Lab Data"
2014 Canadian Economics Association Meetings
"Cap-and Trade versus Intensity Targets: Emissions Trading Markets with Stochastic Demand"
2014 Visions in Methodology (VIM)
"An Experimental Investigation of the Political Economy of Mixed Systems of Finance"
2014 Asia-Pacific ESA Conference
"Cap-and Trade versus Intensity Targets: Emissions Trading Markets with Stochastic Demand"
2013 Canadian Economics Association Annual Meeting
"An Experimental Investigation of the Political Economy of Mixed Systems of Finance"
2013 McMaster WISE Annual CREST Conference
"An Experimental Investigation of the Political Economy of Mixed Systems of Finance"
2012 Experimental Economics/Decision Workshop, SSRL Saskatoon
"A dynamic demonstration of experimental lab data"
2012 North-American ESA Conference
"An Experimental Investigation of the Political Economy of Mixed Systems of Finance"