Sleiman-Long Zeina, PhD Student

Zeina Sleiman-Long
PhD Student
Graduate Students
Department of Political Science
Area(s) of Interest:
Dissertation Title: Regional Sanctuary Practices and Transnational Citizenship
Supervisor: Dr. Peter Nyers
My dissertation focuses on documenting and analyzing the way in which migrants, refugees and undocumented residents make claims for rights outside of the avenue of the state; with a particular interest in the power of sanctuary movements across North America.
Research Interests:
- Citizenship and migration
- Statelessness and refugees
- Belonging and migrant rights
- Globalization
- Sanctuary practices
- Critical security studies
2017 The Hamilin Family Fund Ontario Graduate Scholarship
2015-2017 . Ontario Graduate Scholarship
2016 Ellen Louks Fairclough Memorial Scholarship
2012-2016 McMaster Graduate Scholarship
2014 Finalist: Three Minute Thesis, McMaster University
2014-2015 Ontario Graduate Fellowship
- M.A. International Relations, McMaster University (2010)
- B.SOC.SCI Political Science, University of Ottawa (2009)
Book Chapter
Co-authored with Peter Nyers. (2015) Citizenship in International Relations. In Aoileann Ní Mhurchú and Reiko Shindo (Eds.), Critical Imaginations in IR. New York: Routledge
Book Review
Immigration, diversité et sécurité: les associations arabo-musulmanes face à l'État au Canada et au Québec publication date2009 publication descriptionCahiers canadiens de sociologie
Conference Proceedings
Documenting Undocumented Immigrants and Controlling Populations. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association. Ryerson University, May 27-June 2, 2017
Sanctuary Regions: A Pathway for Citizen Rights of Undocumented Immigrants. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association. University of Calgary, May 31-June 2,2016
‘I Belong’: Forging Muslim Identities in the Context of Post 9/11 Security Policies. Unsettling Colonial Modernity: Islamicate Contexts in Focus. University of Alberta, April 24-25, 2015.
City Magnets: An Exploration of the Region’s Capacity and Strategic Advantage to Attract Newcomers. The Immigration Advantage: How the North Bay Region’s Shift to Attract and Retain Newcomers is Increasing Prosperity. March 1-2, 2011
The (Re)Definition of National Citizenship through the Essentialization of Culture Abroad. Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association: Global Governance: Political Authority in Transition. March 16, 2011.
The Give and Take of Refugees in Canada: A New Research Study from the Conference Board of Canada. Annual Meeting for the Leaders’ Roundtable on Immigration. January 24-25, 2011.
Political Communities of (in)Security and Canadian Minority Relations Annual Meeting of the York Centre for International and Security Studies: New Directions: The Future of Canadian (In)Security Studies. February 4-5, 2010.
Policy Papers and Reports
HeaHealthy Youth: Why Employers Should Care and What They Can Do—The Case for Business Action. The Conference Board of Canada, August 2012.
With Michelle Parkouka. Accreditation Canada: Leading the Way Toward Improving Quality in Health Care. The Conference Board of Canada, August 2011.