Singh Diana, Executive Director
Diana Singh
Executive Director
Postdoctoral Fellows
Department of Sociology
Area(s) of Interest:
Diana Singh is a sociologist and social psychologist who specializes in how our emotions are connected to our psychological well-being. This includes looking at how the social rules about the ways we are expected to feel, and display feeling are culturally defined as well as constructed and re-constructed by individuals, in dialogue with the organizations and social institutions we engage with daily.
Diana’s research primarily examines how emotions are used at our places of work. Her current research examines the health consequences of emotional labour in service based occupations, where the risk of burnout, exhaustion and the emotional transfer from work to home threatens the mental health and overall well-being of service workers and their families.
She is currently a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Sociology at McMaster University and a Mitacs intern with the Canadian Mental Health Association. She is a coordinator for a number of projects in the area of mental health and well-being:
- Family-Friendly Community Resource Project for Better Balance, Health and Well-Being (FFCR-BHW), led by Dr. Marisa Young (PI).
- The McMaster launch of, the World Mental Health International College Student Survey (WMH-ICS), led by Dr. Daniel Vigo, Dr. Marisa Young and Dr. James Gillett.
The Sociology of Work and Occupations
The Sociology of Mental Health
Social Psychology
Research Methods
PhD in Sociology, McMaster University (2019)
MA in Labour Studies, McMaster University (2012)
BA Honour in Sociology, McMaster University (2011)
Teaching Assistantships:
Introduction to Sociological Research, (2Z03), Department of Sociology, 09/2013 to 04/2015
Introduction to Canadian Labour Movement (1A03), Department of Labour Studies, 09/2011 to 04/2012
Incentive Grant: A longitudinal study of emotional labour occupations in North America: Comparisons between Canada and the United States.
PI: Diana Singh
2020 - 2021
Arts Research Board: A Comparative Study of Emotional Labour Occupations in Canada and the United States.
PI: Diana Singh
MITACS: Managing Mental Health: A Survey-Based Research Evaluation of a COVID-19 Emergency Mental Health Counselling Program
Post-Doctoral Internship
Young, M., Montazer, S., & Singh, D. (2020). The Consequences of Living in Childcare Deserts: Evidence from Canada. Canadian Review of Sociology. Online.
Kaida, L., Ramos, H., Singh, D., McLay, R. (2020). How to Capture Neighborhood Change in Small Cities. Canadian Studies in Population, 47, 195-205.
Kaida, L., Ramos, H., Singh, D., Pritchard, P. & Wijesingha, R. (2019). Can rust belt or three cities explain the sociospatial changes in Atlantic Canadian cities?. City and Community, 19(1), 191-216.
Singh, D. & Glavin, P. (2017). An occupational portrait of emotional labour demands and their health consequences for workers. Work and Occupations, 44(4), 424-466.