Shaffir William, Professor
William Shaffir
Emeritus Faculty
Department of Sociology
Area(s) of Interest:
Ph.D., McGill University, 1972
Selected Publications
2005: (And D. Pawluch and C. Miall, eds.) Doing Ethnography: Researching Everyday Life . Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press.
1997: (and Bar Lev, eds.) Leaving Religion and Religious Life . Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press.
1994:(and M.L. Dietz and R. Prus, eds.) Doing Everyday Life: Ethnography as Human Lived Experience . Toronto: Copp Clark Longman Ltd.
1993: (and Robert Brym and Morton Weinfeld, eds.) The Jews In Canada . Toronto: Oxford University Press.
1990: (and Robert Stebbins, eds.) Experiencing Fieldwork: An Inside View of Qualitative Research . Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
• (and Cyril Levitt) The Riot at Christie Pits . Toronto: Lester & Orpen Dennys
1987 (and Jack Haas) Becoming Doctors: The Adoption of a Cloak of Competence . Connecticut: JAI Press.
2004 (and M. Rosenberg and J. Haas) “Socialization.” Pp. 79-103 in R. Brym (ed.) New Society . Fourth Edition. Toronto: Harcourt Brace.
2003 (And Dorothy Pawluch) “Occupations and Professions.” Pp. 893-913 in L.T. Reynolds and N. J. Herman-Kinney (eds.) Handbook Of Symbolic Interactionism . AltaMira Press.
2003 (And R. Stebbins) “Introduction to Fieldwork.” Pp. 2-16 in Mark R. Pogrebin (ed.) Qualitative Approaches to Criminal Justice: Perspectives From the Field . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
2000 “Movements in and out of Orthodox Judaism: The Cases of Penitents and the Disaffected.” Pp. 269-285 in Leslie J. Francis and Yaacov J. Katz (eds.) Joining and Leaving Religion: Research Perspectives . Trowbridge, Waltshire: Gracewing.
1999 (and J. Haas) “Impression Management: Becoming a Doctor at McMaster University.” Pp. 33-46 in R. Brym (ed.) Society in Question: Sociological Reading For The 21 st Century . Second Edition. Toronto: Harcourt Brace & Company.
2004 “Secular Studies In A Hassidic Enclave: ‘What Do We Need It For?' The Jewish Journal of Sociology 46 (1&2): 59-77
2002 (and S. Kleinknecht) “The Trauma of Political Defeat.” Canadian Parliamentary Review 25 (3): 16-21
2002 “Outremont's Hassidim and their Neighbours: An Eruv and its Repercussions.” The Jewish Journal of Sociology 44, Nos. 1&2: 56-71.
2001 “Fieldwork Among Hassidic Jews: Moral Challenges and Missed Opportunities.” The Jewish Journal of Sociology 43, Nos. 1&2: 53-69
1999 “Doing Ethnography: Reflections on Finding Your Way.” Journal of Cotemporary Ethnography 28 (6): 676-686.