Santinele Martino Alan
Alan Santinele Martino
PhD Students
Department of Sociology
Area(s) of Interest:
Research Interests
Gender & Sexualities
Social Inequality
Qualitative Research Methods
Short Bio:
Alan Santinele Martino is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Sociology at McMaster University. His main research interests are in disability, sexualities, contemporary social theories, and qualitative research methods. His dissertation examines the opportunities and challenges for adults with intellectual disabilities in Ontario, Canada, to have a satisfying romantic and sexual life. He also explores the experiences and challenges of family members and support workers when supporting individuals with intellectual disabilities with questions related to sexuality and romance.
- Ph.D. Sociology, McMaster University (expected completion 2019)
- Supervisory Committee: Melanie Heath (Chair), Tina Fetner, Ann Fudge Schormans
- Dissertation: The Romantic and Sexual Experiences of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities in Ontario, Canada.
- M.A. Sociology, University of Lethbridge, 2014
- B.A. Sociology (with honors), St. Lawrence University, 2011
Instructor, Social Problems (4W03), Department of Sociology, McMaster University, Winter 2019.
Co-Instructor, Disability Issues (CINT 902), G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Ryerson University, Fall 2017.
Instructor, Disability Issues (CINT 902), G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Ryerson University, Summer 2017.
Co-Instructor, Disability Issues (CINT 902), G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Ryerson University, Winter 2017.
Sociology of Gender (SOCI 2410), Department of Sociology, University of Lethbridge, Spring 2014.
Sociology of Gender (SOCI 2410), Department of Sociology, University of Lethbridge, Fall 2013.
Sociology of the Body (SOCI 3460), Department of Sociology, University of Lethbridge, Spring 2013.
Introduction to Sociology (SOCI 1000), Department of Sociology, University of Lethbridge, Fall 2012.
"'It is easier not to think about it': Silences and Possibilities at the Intersection of Disabilities and Sexualities." Social Work and Sexualities (SOC WORK 3003), Randy Jackson, School of Social Work, McMaster University, 2018.
"Disability and Sexuality.” Dr. Saili Kulkarni, Department of Special Education, California State University, Dominguez Hills, 2017.
“Application of Symbolic Interactionism: Disability and Humor.” The Multidisciplinary of Social Psychology (SOC PSY 2M03), Dr. Kathleen Steeves, Department of Social Psychology, McMaster University, 2017.
“Theoretical Approaches to Disability.” Introduction to Sociological Theory (SOCIOL 2S06) Tutorial, Allison Leanage, Department of Sociology, McMaster University, 2017.
“Disability and Sexuality.” Rethinking Disability (DST 501), Dr. Esther Ignagni, Department of Disability Studies, Ryerson University, 2016.
"Disability in Medical Sociology: How Far Have We Come? Where Are We Going Next?" Medical Sociology, Dr. Leah Rohlfsen, Department of Sociology, St. Lawrence University, 2016.
“Disability and Sexuality: The Missing Link.” Sociology of Sexualities, Dr. Melanie Heath, Department of Sociology, McMaster University, 2016.
"Disability, Gender, Sexuality, Reproduction, and Parenting." Social Work and Disability: Intersections and Exchanges, Dr. Ann Fudge Schormans, School of Social Work, McMaster University, 2015.
"The Gendered Body: Disabilities and Sexualities." Sociology of Gender, Dr. Kara Granzow, Department of Sociology, University of Lethbridge, 2014.
"Disability, Sexuality, and (Lack Of) Marriage." Marriage and Citizenship, Women and Gender Studies Department, University of Lethbridge, 2014.
Journal Articles:
Santinele Martino, Alan. 2017. “Cripping Sexualities: An Analytic Review of Theoretical and Empirical Writing on the Intersection of Disabilities and Sexualities,” Sociology Compass, 11(5): 10.1111/soc4.12471.
Santinele Martino, Alan and Ann Fudge Schormans. 2018. “When Good Intentions Backfire: University Research Ethics Review and the Intimate Lives of People Labeled with Intellectual Disabilities.” Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 19(3):Art. 9.
Marquis, Elizabeth, Breagh Cheng, Mythili Nair, Alan Santinele Martino, and Torgny Roxå. 2018. “Cues, Emotions, and Experiences: How Teaching Assistants Make Decisions about Teaching.” Journal of Further and Higher Education.
Santinele Martino, Alan and Nicole Andrejek. (in press). "‘Normal’ Citizens and the Transabled Other: A Sociological Analysis of Online Commenters Reactions to Transability." Deviant Behavior.
Santinele Martino, Alan and Jordyn Perreault-Laird. (revise and resubmit). “‘I don’t know if I can talk about that’: An Exploratory Study on the Experiences of Direct Care Workers Regarding the Sexual Expression and Practices of People with Intellectual Disabilities.”
Andrejek, Nicole, Alan Santinele Martino, and Marija Ginic. (submitted). “'Put Some Sugar on... You': Negotiations of Sexual Capital Among Sugar Daddies Soliciting Sugar Babies Online."
Santinele Martino, Alan. (in progress). “'I hang out with non-Christians all the time. I just won't date them': The Role of Religion in the Intimate Lives of People with Intellectual Disabilities.
Lindsay, Sarah May and Alan Santinele Martino. (in progress). “Addressing the “Tragic Problem” of “Pet Overpopulation”: Speciesism and Ableism in Non-Human Animal Shelters’ Websites in Ontario, Canada.”
Book Chapters:
Santinele Martino, Alan. (accepted). “'It is totally a power struggle': Struggles over the sexuality of individuals with intellectual disabilities in Southern Alberta.” Book Chapter in Dis/consent: Perspectives on Sexual Violence and Consensuality edited by KelleyAnne Malinen. Fernwood Press.
Barken, Rachel and Alan Santinele Martino. (accepted). "Doing Age, Doing Disability: The Lived Experiences of Older People Receiving Home Care." Book chapter in The Aging/Disability Nexus edited by Katie Aubrecht, Christine Kelly, and Carla Rice. University of British Columbia Press.
Santinele Martino, Alan and Sarah Margaret Campbell. (revised and submitted). “Exercising Intimate Citizenship Rights and (Re)Constructing Sexualities: The New Place of Sexuality in Disability Activism.”
Santinele Martino, Alan. (in progress). “Theoretical Developments at the Intersection of Disabilities and Sexualities.”
Santinele Martino, Alan. (in progress). "Also Here, Also Queer: The Work of Queer Disabled Activists/Scholars in 'Cripping' Sexualities."
Book and Movie Reviews:
Santinele Martino, Alan. 2018. “Book Review: Phallacies: Historical Intersections of Disability and Masculinity & Disability and Masculinities: Corporeality, Pedagogy and the Critique of Otherness.” Men and Masculinities, 21(4):576-578.
Santinele Martino, Alan. 2016. Review of Corbett O'Toole's “Fading Scars: My Queer Disabled History.” Canadian Journal of Disability Studies 5(2): 205-211.
Santinele Martino, Alan and Vanja Spirić. 2014. "The Giver: Movie Review." Disability Studies Quarterly, 34(4).
Special Issues
Santinele Martino, Alan, Sarah May Lindsay, and Sunaura Taylor. (Guest Editors). The Intersections of Critical Disability Studies and Critical Animal Studies. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies.
Löfgren-Mårtenson, Charlotta, Jens Rydström, Alan Santinele Martino, and Sarah Margaret Campbell. (Guest Editors). “Cripping” Sex Education. Sex Education.
Santinele Martino, Alan. 2018. "Microaggressions in the Erotic Sphere: The Experiences of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities in Ontario, Canada.” Special Session on Disability, Intersectionality and Microaggressions, American Sociological Association Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Santinele Martino, Alan. 2018. “‘I Haven’t Played That Field Very Much in My Life’: The Experiences of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities (Not) Navigating Sexual Fields.” ASA Sexualities Preconference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Fudge Schormans, Ann and Alan Santinele Martino. 2018. "‘Contrary to Public Preference, They Do Have Sex’: A Different Perspective on The Intersection of Intellectual Disability and Sexualities." Sexualities, Genders and Intersectionalities: Expanding Contemporary Social Work Issues Conference, Montreal, Québec.
Santinele Martino, Alan. 2018. "The Erotic Habitus of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities in Ontario, Canada.” International Sociological Association Meeting, Toronto, Ontario.
Andrejek, Nicole, Alan Santinele Martino, and Marija Ginic. 2018. “‘Put Some Sugar on... You’: Negotiations of Sexual Capital Among Sugar Daddies and Sugar Babies in Online Spaces.” International Sociological Association Meeting, Toronto, Ontario.
Santinele Martino, Alan. 2018. “Cripping” Sexualities: Disabled People’s Experiences Living at the Intersection of Disabilities and Sexualities.” International LGBTQ Psychology Pre-Conference, Montreal, Quebec.
Student Research Grant, The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (Spring, 2018).
Local Event Mini-Grant, The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (2018). Co-Applicant: Dr. Ann Fudge Schormans
Kay Sansom Graduate Student Scholarship, Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities (2018).
GSA Millennium Award for Community Service, School of Graduate Studies/McMaster Graduate Students Association (2017).
Notable Mention: Outstanding Graduate Student Paper, Disability & Society Section, American Sociological Association (2015).
Ontario Trillium Scholarship, Government of Ontario & McMaster University (2014-2018).
Research Assistant. “Making Space for Intimate Citizenship.” Principal Researcher: Dr. Ann Fudge Schormans, Social Work Department, McMaster University (2017-present).
Research Partner. “Teaching at the Intersections: Investigating the Experiences of Teaching Assistants.” With Dr. Beth Marquis and Tianna-Lynn Follwell, McMaster University (2017-present).
Research Partner. "Teaching Assistant Decision Making: An Exploration.” MacPherson Institute. Principal Investigators: Dr. Beth Marquis, McMaster University, and Dr. Torgny Roxå, Lund University (2016-2017).
Research Assistant. “Harm or Right? Polygamy's Contested Terrain Within and Across Borders.” Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant. Principal Investigator: Dr. Melanie Heath, McMaster University (2015-2016).
Research Assistant. "Eugenics to Newgenics in Alberta: Historical Continuities and Differences." Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant. Principal Investigator: Dr. Claudia Malacrida, University of Lethbridge (2012-2014).
American Sociological Association
Canadian Disability Studies Association
Canadian Sociological Association
International Sociological Association