Robb Leslie, Professor Emeritus

Leslie Robb
Professor Emeritus
Emeritus Faculty
Department of Economics
Secure Empirical Analysis Lab (SEAL)
Ph.D. University of Essex 1974
Published Papers
Papers in Refereed Journals
Lynn MacDonald and A. Leslie Robb, “ The Economic Legacy of Divorce and Separation for Women in Old Age”, Canadian Journal on Aging, Volume 23 Supplement/Supplement 2004, pp. S83-S97
N. Buckley, F.T. Denton, A. L. Robb & B.G. Spencer, “The Transition from Good to Poor Health: an Econometric Study of the Older Population", Journal of Health Economics, 2004, vol. 23, issue 5, pages 1013-1034
N. Buckley, F.T. Denton, A. L. Robb & B.G. Spencer, “Healthy Aging at Older Ages: Are Income and Education Important?" ,” Canadian Journal on Aging, Volume 23 Supplement/Supplement 2004, pp. S1S169
L. Magee, A. L. Robb, and J. B. Burbidge, " The Education Premium in Canada and the United States," Canadian Public Policy, 28(2), June 2002, pp. 203-217.
R. E. Robb and A. L. Robb, “Gender of Instructor and Performance in First Year Economics,” Economics of Education, Winter 1999, Vol 30, No.1, pp. 3-19.
P. Kuhn and A. L. Robb, “Shifting Skill Demand and the Canada-US Unemployment Gap: Evidence from Prime Age Men,” Canadian Public Policy (Supplement), Vol XXIV, Feb. 1998, pp. S170-S191.
L. Magee, A. L. Robb, and J. B. Burbidge, “On the Use of Sampling Weights when Estimating Regression Models with Survey Data,” Journal of Econometrics, 84, 1998, pp. 251-271.
J.B.Burbidge, and L. Magee, A. L. Robb, “Canadian Wage Inequality Over the Last Two Decades,” Empirical Economics, 22, 1997, pp. 181-303.
Chapters in Books and Invited Papers in Refereed Journals
R. Smith, L. Magee, L. Robb and J. Burbidge, “The Independence and Economic Security of Older Women Living Alone,” Chapter 13 in Frank T. Denton, Deborah Fretz and Byron G. Spencer (eds), Independence and Economic Security in Old Age, UBC Press, 2000, pp. 293- 327.
J.B. Burbidge, L. Magee, A.L. Robb, “Cohort, Year and Age Effects in Canadian Wage Data,” Chapter 9 in Frank T. Denton, Deborah Fretz and Byron G. Spencer (eds), Independence and Economic Security in Old Age, UBC Press, 2000, pp. 183-214.
Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings
P. Kuhn and A. L. Robb, “Unemployment, Skill and Labour Supply: Evidence from Canadian Microdata,1971-1991,” in M. Abbott, C. Beach and R. Chaykowski, Transition and Structural Change in the North American Labour Market, IRCPress, Queen's University, Kingston, 1997.