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Reinhardt Eduard, Associate Professor

Eduard Reinhardt

Associate Professor

Associate Members
Department of Anthropology

Associate Members
Geography & Earth Sciences


Research Interests

  • Micropaleontology (thecamoebians and foraminifera)
  • Quaternary Coastal Geology and Sea Level Change
  • Catastrophic Event Stratigraphy
  • Marine Geoarchaeology
  • Isotope Geochemistry


Selected Publications

Boyce, J.I., Reinhardt, E.G., and Goodman, B.N. (In Press) Magnetic detection of ship ballast mounds and anchorages at Caesarea Maritima, Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science. DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2009.03.007

Goodman, B.N., Reinhardt, E.G., Dey, H., Boyce, J.I., Sahoglu, V., Erkanal, H., Artzy, M. (2009) Multi-proxy geoarchaeological study redefines understanding of the paleocoastlines and ancient harbours of Liman Tepe (Iskele, Turkey). Terra Nova, 21, 97-104. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-3121.2008.00861.x

Sonnenburg, E.P., Boyce, J.I., Reinhardt, E.G. (2009) Multi-proxy paleoenvironmental record of Colonial land-use change in the lower Rideau canal system (Colonel By Lake) Ontario, Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology. DOI: 10.1007/s10933-008-9302-7.

Donato, S., Reinhardt, E.G., Boyce, J.I., Pilarczyk, J.E. and Jupp, B.P. (2009) Particle size distribution of inferred tsunami sediments in Sur Lagoon, Sultanate of Oman. Marine Geology. 257: 54-64. DOI:10.1016/j.margeo.2008.10.012

Goodman, B.N., Reinhardt, E.G., Dey, H., Boyce, J.I., Schwarcz, H.P., Sahoglu, V., Erkanal, H. and Artzy, M. (2008) Evidence for Holocene marine transgression and shoreline progradation due to barrier development in Iskele, Bay of Izmir, Turkey. Journal of Coastal Research, 24, 1269-1280. DOI:10.2112/06-0811.1 
Donato, S., Reinhardt, E.G., Boyce, J.I., Rothaus, R., and Vosmer, T. (2008) Identifying paleotsunamis using bivalve shell taphonomy. Geology, 36: 199-202. DOI: 10.1130/G24554A.

Van Hengstum, P.J., Reinhardt, E.G., Boyce, J.I. and Clark, C. (2007) Changing sedimentation patterns due to land-use change in Frenchman’s Bay, Pickering: evidence from high-resolution textural analysis. Journal of Paleolimnology, 37: 603-618. DOI: 10.1007/s10933-006-9057-y

Patterson, R. T., Prokoph, A. Reinhardt, E. Roe, H., 2007 Climate cyclicity in lat e Holocene anoxic marine sediments from the Seymour–Belize Inlet Complex, British Colum-bia, Marine Geology, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2007.04.003

Reinhardt, E.G., Goodman, B.E., Boyce, J.I., Lopez, G., van Hengstum, P. and Rink, W., Mart, Y. and Raban, A., 2006 The Tsunami of December 13, 115 A.D. and the destruction of Herod the Great’s Harbor at Caesarea Maritima, Israel, Geology v. 34 no. 12 p. 1061-1064 DOI: 10.1130/G22780A.1

*Peros, M.C. , Reinhardt, E.G., Davis, A.M., 2006, High-resolution paleosalinity reconstruction from Laguna de la Leche, north coastal Cuba, using Sr, O, and C isotopes, Palaeogeogra-phy, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2006.09.006.

*Peros, M.C. , Reinhardt, E.G., Davis, A.M., 2006 A 6000 cal yr record of ecological and hy-drological changes from Laguna de la Leche, north coastal Cuba, Quaternary Research, doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2006.08.004

*van Hengstum, P. J., Reinhardt, E. G., Boyce, J. I. , Clark C., 2006, Changing sedimentation patterns due to historical land-use change in Frenchman’s Bay, Pickering, Canada: evidence from high-resolution textural analysis, Journal of Paleolimnology, DOI 10.1007/s10933-006-9057-y

Reinhardt, E.G., M. Little, S. Donato, D. Findlay, A. Krueger, C. Clark, J. Boyce 2005, Arcella-cean (thecamoebian) evidence of land-use change and eutrophication in Frenchman’s Bay, Pickering, Ontario Environmental Geology 47:5 pgs 729 - 739

Rothaus, R., Reinhardt E.G., and Noller, J., 2004, Regional Considerations of Coastline Change, Tsunami Damage and Recovery along the Southern Coast of the Bay of Izmit (The Kocaeli (Turkey) Earthquake of 17 August 1999). Natural Hazards V31.1 pgs 233-252.

Boyce, J.I., Reinhardt, E.G. A. Raban, A., and Pozza, M.R., 2004, Marine magnetic survey of a submerged Roman harbour, Caesarea Maritima, Israel, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 33.1 pgs 122-136

Reinhardt, E. G. Fitton, R. J. and Schwarcz, H. P., 2002, Isotopic (Sr, O, C) Indicators of Salinity and Taphonomy in Marginal Marine Systems, Journal of Foraminiferal Research v 33 No 3 pgs 262-272.

Reinhardt, E.G., Stanley, D.J., and Schwarcz, H., 2001, Human-Induced Desalinization of Manzala Lagoon, Nile delta, Egypt: Evidence from Isotopic Analysis of Benthic Inverterbrates, Journal of Coastal Research v. 17 no. 2, p. 431-442.

Reinhardt, E.G., Patterson, R.T., Cavazza, W., and Blenkinsop, J., 2000, Use of Bulk-Rock Samples for Strontium Isotope Analysis: Implications of Differential Diagenesis on High Precision Results: Chemical Geology, v 164 p 331-343.