Pullen Rebekah K., PhD Candidate
Rebekah K. Pullen
PhD Candidate
Graduate Students
Department of Political Science
Area(s) of Interest:
Dissertation title: Nuclear Imaginings and Anticipatory Politics: Exploring Exceptional Decisions in Popular Film
Supervisor: Dr. Marshall Beier
- 2020 SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship
- 2020 Frank C. Miller Ontario Graduate Scholarship
- 2019-2020 Ontario Graduate Scholarship
- 2019 McMaster Graduate Student Association Travel Award
- Social Media Editor, Critical Studies on Security
- Coordinator, Mapping the Global Dimensions of Policy 10
2017 - Present: PhD in Political Science, International Relations - McMaster University
2013 - 2014: MA in Global Governance - Balsillie School of International Affairs, University of Waterloo
2009 - 2013: Bachelors Honours Arts & Science, Combined Honours Political Science - McMaster University
Teaching Assistant
- Fall 2020 - POLSCI 2NN3: Politics by Design - Research Methods
- Winter 2020 - POLSCI 3NN3: Statistical Analysis of Primary Data
- Fall 2019 - POLSCI 2NN3: Politics by Design - Research Methods
- Winter 2019 - POLSCI 2US3: American Politics
- Fall 2018 - POLSCI 2C03: Force & Fear, Crime & Punishment
- Winter 2018 - POLSCI 2H03: Globalization & the State
- Fall 2017 - POLSCI 2C03: Force & Fear, Crime & Punishment
Areas of Research: Nuclear weapons, Critical security studies, IR, Political Theory, Emer de Vattel, The state in International Law, Pop Culture and IR, Global conflict, Indiscriminate weapons, War and culture, International Humanitarian Law
Selected Presentations:
- RIPS Lecture with Catherine Frost: Vattel’s concept of states’ interests and the foundations of the global legal and institutional order, Feb 5, 2020
Wilfrid Laurier University "Lend your Leg" annual conference: Landmines, cluster bombs, and humanitarian disarmament, March 2017
CPSA 2019: Interrogating the Agency of Nuclear Weapon Launch Decisions Through Popular Narratives in Film
- ISA 2019: The state's nuclear anxiety: Resilience as security's feminized other
- NPSA 2018: Considering the button: Nuclear weapon decision making in popular film
- MGDP 7, 2018: The threat is now: Problematizing appeals to “speed” when considering threats in cybersecurity