Planinc Zdravko, Associate Professor
Zdravko Planinc
Associate Professor
Department of Religious Studies
Area(s) of Interest:
Research & Supervisory Interests
My training is in the history of political philosophy, and my primary areas of interest are the ancient Greeks and twentieth century critics of modernity. My work is in the liberal arts tradition of studying classic authors and texts.
- Harvard University, Ph.D. in Government, 1989
- Harvard University, A.M. in Government, 1985
- York University, M.A. in Political Science, 1982
- York University, B.A. in Political Science, 1981
- Plato Through Homer: Poetry and Philosophy in the Cosmological Dialogues (University of Missouri Press, 2003)
- Plato’s Political Philosophy: Prudence in the Republic and the Laws (University of Missouri Press, 1991)
- Selected as an Outstanding Academic Book by Choice (1993)
Edited Volumes
- Politics, Philosophy, Writing: Plato’s Art of Caring for Souls (University of Missouri Press, 2001)
Journal Articles
- "Politics, religion, and love’s transgression: The political philosophy of Romeo and Juliet," Philosophy and Literature, 43/1 (2019), 11-37.
- “‘Expel the barbarian from your heart:’ Intimations of the Cyclops in Euripides’ Hecuba,” Philosophy and Literature, 42/2 (2018), 403-415.
- "Aristophanic Themes in Plato's Republic: A Post-Voegelinian Reading," Political Science Reviewer 41 (2017): 1-32.
- "The Gad; or, Prolegomena to a double bill," Brock Review 13 (2016/17): 1-23.
- "Drowning Ulysses: Saving Levi from Agamben's Remnant," Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 33/2 (2014): 53-86.
- "Plato Reconsidered: Planinc – Rhodes Correspondence," Voegelinview (May 2014)
- "Plato's Critique of 'Platonism' in the Sophist and Statesman," Voegelinview (October 2013).
- "La forma literària i dialògica de les imatges del sol, la línia i la caverna de La república de Plató," trans B. Torres, Anuari de la Societat Catalana de Filosofia 24 (2013): 157-180.
- "The Uses of Plato in Voegelin's Philosophy," Voegelinview (April 2013).
- "Shakespeare's Critique of Machiavellian Force, Fraud, and Spectacle in Measure for Measure,” Humanitas 23 (2010): 144-168.
- "Experiències equivalents de simbolització en Plató i Homer," trans B. Torres, Anuari de la Societat Catalana de Filosofia 19 (2008): 133-39.
- "Reading The Merchant of Venice with Adorno," Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 8 (2007): 20-41.
- “Ascending with Socrates: Plato’s Use of Homeric Imagery in the Symposium,” Interpretation 31 (2004): 325-50.
- “‘... this scattered kingdom’: A Study of King Lear,” Interpretation 29 (2001): 171-185.
- “‘It begins with Pyrrhus’: The Political Philosophy of Hamlet,” Hamlet Studies 20 (1998): 35-49.
- “Fearful Symmetry: Pierre Trudeau and George Grant on Justice, Technology and Quebec,” Brock Review 5 (1996): 3-34.
- "Eric Voegelin's 'Structures of Consciousness' Lecture: A Critical Edition," Voegelin Research News 2/3 (1996).
- "Explanation in Political Science: The Uses of Thomas Kuhn's Paradigm Theory." Brock Review 1 (1992): 6-28.
- “Family and Civil Society in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right,” History of Political Thought 12 (1991): 305-16.
- "Should Imprisoned Criminals have a Constitutional Right to Vote?" Canadian Journal of Law and Society 2 (1987): 153-164.
- "Marx on Epicurus: Much Ado About Nothing," Dionysius 9 (1987): 111-145.
- "Ideology and Virtue: A Critical Discussion of MacIntyre's Moral Philosophy," Political Science Reviewer 14 (1984): 91-132.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
- “Socrates and the Cyclops: Plato’s Critique of ‘Platonism’ in the Sophist and Statesman,” Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy Vol. XXXI, eds. Gary M. Gurtler, S.J. & William Wians (Leiden: Brill, 2015), 159-217.
- "Tracking the Good in Plato's Republic," in Hunting and Weaving: Empiricism and Political Philosophy, editors, J. von Heyking and T.W. Heilke (South Bend: St. Augustine’s Press, 2013), 154-178.
- Editor: Eric Voegelin, “Structures of Consciousness,” in The Drama of Humanity and other miscellaneous papers, 1939-1985, Vol. 33 of Voegelin’s Collected Works, editors, W. Petropulos and G. Weiss (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2004), 351-383.
- “The Significance of Plato’s Timaeus and Critias in Eric Voegein’s Philosophy,” in Politics, Order and History: Essays on the Work of Eric Voegelin, editors, G. Hughes, S.A. McKnight and G. Price (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000), 327-375.
- “Paradox and Polyphony in Grant’s Critique of Modernity,” in George Grant and the Future of Canada, editor, Y.K. Umar, (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1992), 17-45.
- "Technology and Justice: A Round Table Discussion," with E. Andrew, in By Loving Our Own: George Grant and the Legacy of “Lament for a Nation, editor, P. Emberley, (Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1990), 175-187.