Petrović Anđa, Use-Wear Specialist
Anđa undertook her BA and MA studies in archaeology at the University of Belgrade, and received her co-tutelle PhD degree from the Sapienza University of Rome and the University of Belgrade in 2021. The focus of her research is human activity during the Late Glacial and Early Holocene periods, specializing in use-wear and residues analysis of knapped stone artefacts. She possesses extensive experience in experimental archaeology which resulted in the creation of the first traceological reference collection for Mesolithic and Neolithic knapped tools in the Central Balkans. Currently, Anđa is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Archaeology, in the University of York. She is employed by the Stone Dead project to investigate the function of tools from Europe’s largest Mesolithic burial grounds at Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov (Karelia) and Zvejnieki (Latvia).
Anđa joined SNAP in 2016, initially as a chipped stone assistant and finds manager, now being responsible for use-wear analysis, and the publication of the ground stone assemblage; she can be contacted at