Perrotta Samantha, PhD Student
Samantha Perrotta
PhD Student
Graduate Students
Department of Health Aging & Society
Area(s) of Interest:
Supervisor: Dr. Jim Dunn
Samantha is a PhD in Health & Society student at McMaster University. Under the guidance of Dr. Jim Dunn, her research is focused on aging, housing, the lived environment, and health equity. She holds a Master’s in Public Health degree and a Bachelor’s degree in Therapeutic and Inclusive Recreation from Brock University.
Samantha has been inspired to pursue research in aging given her front-line work experience as a Recreation Therapist at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. Her academic work is based in the stories and observed needs of those she has helped support.
Research Interests: Aging; Mental Health; The Lived Environment; Health Equity; Social Determinants of Health; Health Systems
- Master of Public Health, Brock University (2020)
- Bachelor of Recreation and Leisure Studies (Honours) in Therapeutic Recreation, Brock University (2016)
TA Experience:
September to December 2020
Teaching Assistant, McMaster University
Supervisor: Dr. Mat Savelli
HLTHAGE 2GG3: Mental Health & Society
RA Experience:
January to April 2021
Research Assistant, McMaster University
Supervisor: Dr. Jim Dunn