Pawluch Dorothy, Associate Professor
Dorothy Pawluch
Associate Professor
Emeritus Faculty
Social Psychology Program
Emeritus Faculty
Department of Sociology
Area(s) of Interest:
1996-97 McMaster Student Union Teaching Award - Faculty Finalist
1995-96 McMaster Student Union Teaching Award - Faculty Finalist
Social Constructionism
Social Problems
Research Grants
2005 CIHR Operating Grant. Cannabis Use as Self-Medication: A Study of Canadian Compassion Club Clients. Andrew Hathaway , P.G. Erickson and Dorothy Pawluch.
2002 SSHRC Aid to Occasional Research Conferences and International Congresses in Canada. Qualitative Analysis Conference. Dorothy Pawluch and William Shaffir.
2001 Research Grant. Ontario HIV Treatment Network. Project Title: Approaches to Health Among People Living with HIV. Dorothy Pawluch , James Gillett, Roy Cain and Dale Guenter.
2001 SSHRC Aid to Occasional Research Conferences and International Congresses in Canada Grant. Qualitative Analysis Conference. William Shaffir , Dorothy Pawluch and Charlene Miall.
1999 Research Grant. AIDS Care, Treatment and Support Program, Health Canada. Project Title: Practitioner Perspectives on Complementary Therapy Use and HIV/AIDS. Dorothy Pawluch and Roy Cain.
1998 Research Grant, Health Canada, Health Promotion and Programs Branch. Project Title: Complementary Therapy Use Among People Living with HIV/AIDS. Dorothy Pawluch and Roy Cain.
Ph.D., McGill University
Selected Publications
Peer Reviewed Books
Dorothy Pawluch, William Shaffir and Charlene Miall (Eds.). 2005. Doing Ethnography: Studying Everyday Life . Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.
Dorothy Pawluch. 1996. The New Pediatrics: A Profession in Transition . New York: Aldine De Gruyter.
Peer Reviewed Contributions to Books
Dorothy Pawluch, Roy Cain and James Gillett. 2005. Gendered Experiences of HIV and Complementary Therapy Use. In Doing Ethnography: Researching Everyday Life , edited by Dorothy Pawluch, William Shaffir and Charlene Miall. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.
Dorothy Pawluch. 2004. Qualitative Analysis, Sociology. Pp. 231-236 in The Encyclopedia of Social Measurement. Academic Press - Elsevier.
Dorothy Pawluch. 2004. Social Problems. The Social Science Encyclopedia . Third Edition. London: Routledge.
William Shaffir and Dorothy Pawluch. 2003. Occupations and Professions. Pp. 893-913 in Handbook of Symbolic Interactionism , edited by Larry T. Reynolds and Nancy J. Herman. Walnut Creek, California: Altamira Press.
Dorothy Pawluch. 2003. Medicalizing Childhood. Pp. 219-225 in Social Problems: Constructionist Readings edited by Donileen R. Loseke and Joel Best. New York: Aldine de Gruyter.
Dorothy Pawluch. 1995. Social Problems. Pp. 797-799 in The Social Science Encyclopedia . Second Edition. London: Routledge.
Dorothy Pawluch, Roy Hornosty, R. Jack Richardson and William Shaffir. 1994. Fostering Relations: Student Subculture in an Innovative University Program. Pp. 340-353 in Doing Everyday Life: Ethnography as Human Lived Experience , edited by M. L. Dietz, R. Prus and W. Shaffir. Missassauga, Ontario: Copp Clark Longman Ltd.
Joseph Lella and Dorothy Pawluch. 1988. Medical Students and the Cadaver in Social and Cultural Context. Pp. 125-153 in Biomedicine Examined , edited by Margaret Lock and D. R. Gordon. Norwell, Mass.: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
James Gillett, Roy Cain and Dorothy Pawluch. 2002. Moving Beyond the Biomedical: The Use of Physical Activity to Negotiate Illness. Sociology of Sport Journal 19(4):370-384.
James Gillett, Roy Cain and Dorothy Pawluch. 2002. How People with HIV/AIDS Manage and Assess Complementary Therapies: A Qualitative Analysis. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care 13(2): 17-27.
Dale Guenter, Roy Cain, Dorothy Pawluch and James Gillett. 2002. Approaches to Health Among People with HIV/AIDS. The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases 13, Supplement A: 470.
James Gillett, Dorothy Pawluch and Roy Cain. 2001. Diverse Perspectives on Complementary Therapy Use Among People Living with HIV/AIDS. AIDS and Public Policy Journal 16 (1-2): 18-27.
Dorothy Pawluch, Roy Cain and James Gillett. 2000. Lay Constructions of HIV and Complementary Therapy Use. Social Science and Medicine 51: 251-264.
Dorothy Pawluch, Roy Cain and James Gillett. 1994. Alternative Therapy Use Among People Living with HIV/AIDS. Health and Canadian Society 2(1): 63-83.
Steve Woolgar and Dorothy Pawluch. 1985. Ontological Gerrymandering: The Anatomy of Social Problems Explanations. Social Problems 32 (3): 214-227.
Steve Woolgar and Dorothy Pawluch. 1985. How Shall We Move Beyond Constructivism? Social Problems 33 (2): 159-162.
Dorothy Pawluch. 1983. Transitions in Pediatrics: A Segmental Analysis. Social Problems 30 (4): 449-465.