Muirhead Jacob, PhD Candidate (ABD)

Jacob Muirhead
PhD Candidate (ABD)
Department of Political Science
Area(s) of Interest:
Dissertation: Pursuing the Public in Transnational Agricultural Value Chains
Supervisor: Dr. Tony Porter
Research Interests:
Globalization and Global Governance
Global Political Economy
Food Governance and Sustainability
2015-2018 SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship
2014 Ontario Graduate Scholarship
- 2012: Master of Arts in Global Governance, Balsillie School of International Affairs, Waterloo
- 2010: Bachelor of Arts, Joint Honours History / Political Science with a specialization in Globalization, Univesrity of Waterloo.
Sessional Instructor:
- Winter 2018- PoliSci 2H03: Globalization and the State
Teaching Assistant:
- Fall 2017- PoliSci 3CL3: Constitutional and Public Law in Canada
- Winter 2017- PoliSci 2J03: Global Political Economy
- Fall 2015 / Winter 2016 -PoliSci 1AA3 / 1AB3: Government, Politics and Power / Politics and Power in a Globalizing World
Professional Development:
- 2017: Teaching and Learning Foundations (McMaster University)
- 2016: Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW)
- Muirhead, J. ‘Indirect’ Land Grabbing, Private Certification and GlobaGAP. (Forthcoming). Hilde Bjorkhaug, Philip McMichael and Bruce Muirhead (eds.) Frogs, Fuel, Finance or Food? Cultures, Values, Ethics and Arguments on Agricultural Land. University of Toronto Press: Toronto.
- Evans, B., McBride, S. & Muirhead, J. (2017). Austerity and the Low Wage Economy: Living and Other Wages. In Evans, B. & McBride, S., (eds). Austerity: The Lived Experience. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- McBride, S. & Muirhead, J. (2016). A Challenge to Living Poorly: A Case for Living Wages in Low Wage Economies. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Research, Vol. 27, 55-86.
Selected Conferences:
- Muirhead, J. (October, 2017). The Role of Legal Contracts in Transnational Agri-Food Governance. Paper presented at the Ontario Legal Philosophy Partnership Philosophy of Law Conference, Burlington, Canada
- Muirhead, J. (May, 2017). Agri-Food Governance in Transnational Perspective: Pursuing the Public in Transnational Agricultural Value Chains. Paper presented at the Canadian Political Science Association’s Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada
- Muirhead, J. (August 2016). Indirect Land Grabbing, Private Standards and Global GAP. Paper presented at the 14th International Rural Sociological Association’s World Congress of Rural Sociology. Ryerson, Toronto