Mendelson Alan

- Exiles from nowhere: the Jews and the Canadian Elite. Montréal: R. Brass Studio, 2008.
- Philo’s Jewish Identity. Brown Judaic Studies 161. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1988.
- Secular Education in Philo of Alexandria. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College 7. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1982.
Edited Volumes
- Frye and the Word: Religious Contexts in the Writings of Northrop Frye. Co-edited with Jeffrey Donaldson. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004.
Journal Articles
- “Philo's dialectic of reward and punishment.” Studia Philonica Annual 9 (1997): 104–25.
- “‘Did Philo Say the Shema? and other reflections on E. P. Sanders’ Judaism: Practice and Belief,” Studia Philonica Annual 6 (1994): 160–70.
- “Two glimpses of Philo in modern English literature: works by Charles Kingsley and Francis Warner.” Studia Philonica Annual 3 (1991): 328–43.
- “A reappraisal of Wolfson's method.” Studia Philonica 3 (1974–1975): 11–26.
- “Eusebius and the posthumous career of Apollonius of Tyana.” Pages 510–22. Eusebius, Christianity, and Judaism. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1992.