Martin-Hill Dawn, Associate Professor
Dawn Martin-Hill
Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
Indigenous Studies Department
Area(s) of Interest:
Dawn Martin-Hill (Mohawk, Wolf Clan) holds a PhD in Cultural Anthropology and is one of the original founders of the Indigenous Studies Program at McMaster University. She is the recipient of a US-Canada Fulbright award, Outstanding Teaching Award from the Aboriginal Institutes Consortium, and she has received grants from SSHRC, CIHR and the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Her research includes: Indigenous knowledge & cultural conservation, Indigenous women, traditional medicine and health and the contemporary practice of Indigenous traditionalism. She is Co-PI on a CIHR-IAPH funded NEAHR grant (Network Environments in Aboriginal Health Research), the Indigenous Health Research Development Program (IHDRP).
She has contributed chapters to several books including "Lubicon Women: a bundle of voices" in the book, In the Way of Development (1997) and “She No speaks” in the book, Strong Women Stories (2003). She has her own book titled, The Lubicon Lake Nation: Indigenous Knowledge and Power (2007). The book outlines the human and environmental impact of rapid development on the cultural survival of the Lubicon Cree.
She has also produced three documentaries from a six day Elder’s Summit that she organized which was attended by over 600 elders and youth from across the Americas. The first film is "Jidwá:doh - Let’s Become Again" (2005), a documentary focusing on Elders’ understandings of historical trauma and directions to begin to heal collectively using Indigenous knowledge and traditional practices. The second is "Onkwánistenhsera - Mothers of our Nations" (2006), which examines the need for Indigenous women to reclaim, restore and revitalize their traditional knowledge. The latest film, “Sewatokwa'tshera't: The Dish with One Spoon” (2008), is about the Haudenosaunee reclamation of traditional lands. Recently, Dawn partnered with Six Nations Polytechnic and McMaster University in developing the Ogwehoweh Language Diploma and is the co-Chair of Indigenous Knowledge Centre Steering Committee.
She currently holds a SSHRC grant for “Preserving Haudenosaunee language and ceremonies through the digitization and translation of the Hewitt Collection” with community partner Six Nations Polytechnic. She resides at Six Nations of the Grand River.
PhD, McMaster University, 1995
Search course offerings in Anthropology
Courses (2022-2023)
- ANTHROP 3Y03 - Indigenous Community Health and Wellbeing
- ANTHROP 701 - Readings: Cultural Anthropology
- ANTHROP 734 - Topics: Indigenous Societies and Issues
Courses (2021-2022)
- No Anthro courses
- ANTHROP 734 - Indigenous Knowledge & Methodology
Selected Publications
Indigenous Knowledge and Power and The Lubicon Lake Nation, University of Toronto Press, 2007.
Book Chapters:
"Indigenous women's spirituality" In Women and Religious Traditions, ed. Pamela Dickey Young, Oxford Press, 3rd edition, 2013.
"Alberta tar sands health impact on Lubicon Cree". In Social Determinants of Aboriginal Peoples Health, 2013.
"Indigenous women's spirituality" In Women and Religious Traditions, ed. Pamela Dickey Young, Oxford Press, 2nd edition, 2011.
Two Chapters: "Community Wellness" and "Language and Culture". In First National Regional Longitudinal Survey: Results for Adults, Youth & Children living in First Nations Community. Published by First Nations Centre, NAHO, 2006.
"Resistance, Determination and Perseverance of the Lubicon Cree Women." Pg. 313-331 in Mario Blaser, Harvey A. Feit and Glenn McRae (eds.), In the Way of Development: Indigenous Peoples, Life Projects and Globalization. Zed Books, 2004.
"Women in Indigenous Traditions." Pg. 137-159 in Leona M. Anderson and Pamela Dickey Young (eds.), Women and Religious Traditions. Oxford University Press, 2004.
"She No Speaks and Other Colonial constructs of "The Traditional Woman"." Pg. 106-120 in Kim Anderson and Bonita Lawrence (eds.), Strong Women Stories: Native Vision and Community Survival. Sumach Press, 2003.
Journal Articles:
2021 Mobile Applications developed for Indigenous Communities in Canada: A Scoping Review The Use of Mobile Applications to Support Indigenous Youth Wellbeing in Canada Noronha, N., MSc1,8, Smith, S. J., MSc(c)2,3,6,8, Martin Hill, D., PhD4, 5,8, Davis Hill, L., MHSc,5,8 Smith, S., MSc(c),1, General, A.,5,8., McQueen, C., MSc(c)2,5,8 , Lookinghorse, M.8, Drossos, A., MD6., Lokker, C., PhD7 & Wekerle, C., PhD2,3. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience,
The Decolonization of Health Through Indigenous Medicine. In Journal of Aboriginal Health, Volume 6, January 2010.
Traditional Medicine and Restoration of Wellness. In Journal of Aboriginal Health, Issue 1-First National Communities in Crisis Volume 5, Issue 1, 2009.
Jidwa:doh - "Let's Become Again". Pimatisiwin: A Journal of Indigenous and Aboriginal Community Health (with A. Darnay and J. Lamouche
Designing a New Paradigm Based on Traditional Knowledge and Culture. Embracing Mother Earth: A Rapporteur's Report on the Indigenous Knowledge Conference. Akwe:kon Press, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 1996.
The Land is Everything. Native Americas, Akwe:kon Journal of Indigenous Issues, Winter 1995.
Technical Reports:
Dawn Martin-Hill & Danielle Soucy. Ganoso'se'n e yo'gwilode'/One Who is Full of Our Traditional Knowledge: Ethical Guidelines for Aboriginal Research Elders and Healers Roundtable. A Report to the Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics. 2004.
Traditional Medicine in Contemporary Contexts: Protecting and Respecting Indigenous Knowledge and Medicine., March 19, 2003.