Livingstone Anne-Marie, Assistant Professor
Anne-Marie Livingstone
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
Anne-Marie Livingstone completed a doctorate in Sociology at Johns Hopkins University in 2018. Since 2018, she has been a postdoctoral fellow with the Canada Program at Harvard University, and the program in “Ethnicity, Immigration, and Pluralism” at the Munk School for Global Affairs and Public Policy of the University of Toronto. In returning to academia after a career in public service and community-based research, Dr. Livingstone’s goal has been to work on fixing gaps in the sociological knowledge base about Black Canadians and the role of public institutions in the reproduction of racial inequality. Her publications have appeared in Canadian Ethnic Studies, the Canadian Review of Sociology, and Nouvelles Pratiques Sociales, among other venues.
In recent years, she has been developing a research program aimed at uncovering the political and organizational determinants of racial inequality and racism. Her studies have engaged with topics such as the racial politics of urban policy in Ontario and Quebec, Black political mobilization and its impact on anti-racism policy in Western countries, and the over-policing of Black and other racialized youth in Montreal. In December 2018, Dr. Livingstone and her colleagues released a public report on racial profiling that received significant news coverage. Currently, Dr. Livingstone and colleagues in the multi-generational research collective, known as #MtlSansProfilage, are launching a new study to analyze the persistent obstacles to ending racial profiling in policing. In addition, Dr. Livingstone is extending her postdoctoral research with a new inquiry on the variations in Black political mobilization across Montreal and Toronto. At McMaster University, she looks forward to leading a scholarly program on the intersection between racial justice, public policy, and politics in Canada.