Lewchuk Wayne, Professor
Wayne Lewchuk
Emeritus Faculty
Department of Economics
Emeritus Faculty
School of Labour Studies
Area(s) of Interest:
Areas of Research Interest
- Labour markets
- Precarious Employment and Health
- Occupational Health and Safety in Ontario (with Robert Storey)
- Labour and Free Trade in Nineteenth Century Europe: Experiments in Harmonizing Labour Laws
- Economic history
- Work Organization and the Quality of Working Life (with CAW & OFL).
- Hypertension & Work Organization (CAW, IWH, WSIB).
Teaching Interests
- Canadian Labour History
- Canadian Economic History
- Labour Theory
- Economics of Trade Unions
- Work Organization
Academic Service & Community Involvement
- International Advisory Board, Work, Employment and Society Steering Committee, International Research Network of Autoworkers in America.
Community Involvement
- Ontario Workers Arts and Heritage Centre, (board member, 1997 - 2010).
- Workers Education Centre, (Board of Directors), 1989 to 1994.
- Social Planning and Research Council Hamilton, (Board of Directors), 1989 to 1994.
University of Cambridge 1982
Department of Economics
- Canadian Economic History
- Directed Research
- Economics of Trade Unions
School of Labour Studies
- History of the Canadian Labour Movement
- Theories of the Labour Movement
- Trade Unions
- Honours Seminar
- Field Placement Course
Graduate Course Taught
- Work, Workers and their Workplaces (Work & Society Graduate Programme)
Labour Studies Certificate
- Labour and the New Economy
- Canadian Labour History
Recent Research Papers
'Precarious Employment and the internal Responsibility System: Some Canadian Experiences" with Marlea Clarke & Alice de Wolff, in Workplace Health and Safety: International Perspectives on Worker Representation. David Walters (ed.) Palgrave Macmillan 2009.
Wayne Lewchuk & Don Wells "Workplace Cohesion and the Fragmentation of Society: The Magna Model in Canada,", in, Solidarity First: Canadian Workers and Social Cohesion, edited by Robert O'brien. (UBC Press), pp. 63-85,2008.
Working Without Commitments: Precarious Employment and Health", with Marlea Clarke, Alice de Wolff, Work, Employment and Society 22.3-September 2008.
Review of R. Chernomas & Ian Hudson, Social Murder and other Shortcomings of Conservative Economics, for Labour/Le Travail 2008.
Review of Bruce E. Kaufrman, Managing the Human Factor: The Early Years of Resource Management in American Industry (Ithaca: Cornell University Press 2008), for Labour/Le Travial 2009.
Competing Without a Net: The Future of the Canadian Automobile Industry, with Bill Pochiluk, report prepared for the Council for Automotive Human Resources, 2008, Toronto: 1-252.
W. Lewchuk,"Frank Woollard" in H.C.G.Matthew (ed.) New Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
"The Hidden Costs of Precarious Employment: Health and the Employment Relationship", with Alice deWolff, Andy King and Michael Polanyi, in Precarious Work in Canada, Leah Vosko ed. 2006, McGill Queens Press, 2006, pp. 141-162.
“Employment Strain and Temporary Employment”, with Alice de Wolff, Andy King, in Work and Labour in Tumultuous Times: Critical Perspectives edited by Vivian Shalla and Wallace Clement 2006.
"Automobile", in History of World Trade since 1450. McCusker, John J. (ed.) Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005.
"Henry Ford", in History of World Trade since 1450. McCusker, John J. (ed.) Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005.
"European Economic Integration and the Labour Compact, 1850-1913" (with Michael Huberman), European Economic History Review, April 2003.
"From Job Strain to Employment Strain: Health Effects of Precarious Work", (with Alice deWolff, Andy King and Michael Polanyi), Just Labour vol. 3, 2003, pp. 23-35.
Mass Production, entry in Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, Joel Mokyr editor, vol. 3, pp. 467-72. (2003)
Walter Chrysler, entry in Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, Joel Mokyr editor, vol. 1, 438-39. (2003)
Automobile and Truck Industry: Industrial Organization and Regulation, entry in Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, Joel Mokyr editor, vol. 1, pp. 198-200. (2003).
Quality of Working Life in the Automobile Industry: A Canada-UK Comparative Study, (with Charlotte Yates & Paul Stewart), New Technology Work & Employment, vol. 16, May-June 2001, pp. 72-87.
Empowerment as a Trojan Horse: New Systems of Work Organization in the North American Automobile Industry, (with Charlotte Yates & Paul Stewart), Economic & Industrial Democracy, vol. 22, November 2001, pp. 517-541.
Working Papers
CAW/McMaster Work Related Health and Safety Risks Study, Volume One Working Conditions and Health Indicators, (with David Robertson, June 2009.)
CAW/McMaster Work Related Health and Safety Risks Study, Volume Two Working Organization Scales, Health and Cardiovascular Health, (with David Robertson, June 2009.)
"Working Without Commitments: Precarious Employment and Health," book length manuscript being reviewed by McGill Queen's University Press, with Marlea Clarke and Alice de Wolff.
Media: TVO Interview September 29, 2009. Does Ford Have a Future.
Preliminary Assessment of the New Framework for Service Delivery and its Impact on Working Conditions and Client Services, report for the Ontario Disability Support Program, with Sam Vrankulj, March 2006, pp. 1-51 (project is ongoing).
Beyond Job Strain: Employment Strain and the Health Effects of Precarious Employment, (Work in a Global Society Working Paper Series, 2005-1) with Alice de Wolff, Andy King, Michael Polanyi (2005). http://socserv.mcmaster.ca/labourstudies/research/workingpaper.html
Apprenticeship Training in the Automotive Manufacturing Sector, (Report for Council for Automotive Human Resources, 2005), with Sam Vrankulj, pp. 1-24 (co-author).
Running Near Empty: Addressing the Skills Shortage in the Canadian Automotive Industry, (Report for Council for Automotive Human Resources, 2005), with Sam Vrankulj, pp. 1-68 (co-author) ((www.cahr-crha.ca
Industry-specific versus generic measures of the psychosocial work environment: data from a study of job strain and health in the automobile industry. Kerr MS Cole DC Ibrahim S, Lewchuk W, Robertson D, Wigmore D, Haines T, Sale J (paper in progress).
"Patterns of Labour Control and the Erosion of Labour Standards: Towards an International Study of the Quality of Working Life in the Automobile Industry (Canada, Japan and the UK), with Paul Stewart, Charlotte Yates, Masaki Saruta, and Andy Danford) in Work and employment relations in the automobile industry, Elsie Charron and Paul Stewart (eds.) (Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2004), pp. 258-90.
No Power Greater: How Autoworkers in Canada Built a Union and Made History, cd-rom December 2003.
Under-Staffing, Long Hours of Work and Health: The Don Jail, pp. 1-65. Report prepared for the Ontario Public Service Employees Union. March 2003 (http://socserv.mcmaster.ca/labourstudies/REPORT2.pdf)
Final Report: Improving Work Organization to Reduce Injury and Illness: Social Services, Stress, Violence and Workload, Donna Baines, Karen Hadley, Wayne Lewchuk et.al., 2002, pp. 1-28. (http://www.socsci.mcmaster.ca/labourstudies/research/wigs/papers/Social%20Services%20Revised.pdf)
Preliminary Report:Social Services, Stress, Violence and Workload, Donna Baines, Karen Hadley, Wayne Lewchuk et.al., 2002, pp.1-15. (http://www.socsci.mcmaster.ca/labourstudies/research/wigs/papers/site3.PDF)
Workload, Work Organization and Health Outcomes: The Ontario Disability Support Program, (2002). Report prepared for the Ontario Public Service Employees Union. pp. 1-43. (http://www.socsci.mcmaster.ca/labourstudies/research/wigs/papers/opseu.PDF)
Final Report to the Companies: Phase One, CAW/McMaster Health at Work Study, with David Robertson, Donald Cole, Mickey Kerr, 2002, pp. 1-182.
Final Report to the WSIB, CAW/McMaster Health at Work Study, with David Robertson, Donald Cole, Mickey Kerr, 2001, pp. 1-163.
Control for Whom? Work Organization Automobile Industry in the North America, with (Charlotte Yates & Paul Stewart), in "Globalization and Transformation of Employment Relationship", (Actes du Gerpisa, # 30, 2001), pp. 47-59. (Reprint of Employment & Industrial Democracy paper)