LeBlanc Yvonne, CLA Faculty
Yvonne LeBlanc
CLA Faculty
Contract and Sessional Faculty
Department of Health Aging & Society
Area(s) of Interest:
I received my PhD from the Sociology Department at McMaster University in 2010 and since that time I have been working as a sociologist in the area of health and aging. My scholarly interests fit broadly within the areas of critical health and aging studies, and educational gerontology. Over the past decade, I have taught a wide variety of core and elective health and aging undergraduate courses in the Health Aging and Society Department at McMaster University. As a teacher, pedagogically, I am primarily interested in engaging students in experiential and active learning opportunities that are designed to enhance their learning about aging and health ; more specifically, to critically reflect on their attitudes about older people and growing older and the contemporary issues facing older adults.
1st year Courses:
Introduction to Aging and Society
2nd Year Courses:
Research Methods in Health and Aging 1
Theoretical Perspectives in Health Aging and Society
Health: Continuum of Care
Special Topics: Aging, Work, Pensions, & Retirement
Special Topics in Health Studies: The Practice and Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
The Sociology of Aging
Social Research Methodology
3rd Year Courses:
The State, Civil Society, and Health
The Practice of Everyday Life: Observations and Inquiry.
Perspectives on Disability, Chronic Illness, and Aging
Sociology of the Family and Life Cycle
Sociology of Work
Sociology of Organizations
4th Year Courses:
Seminar: Aging and Well-being
Seminar: Social Policy and Aging
Seminar: Aging and Health
Seminar: Death and Dying in Later Life
Seminar: Sociology of Health, illness, and Gender
Seminar: Professions and Occupations in Health and Aging
Recent Publications:
Neiterman, E., & LeBlanc, Y. (2018). The timing of pregnancy: women’s interpretations of planned and unplanned pregnancy.” Qualitative Sociology Review. 14(1):52-66. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18778/1733-8077.14.1.03.
LeBlanc Y. (2016). The re-emergence of other healing paradigms In J. Gillett and G. Andrews (Eds.), Health and Society: Critical Perspectives. (pp.198-222). Don Mills Ontario: Oxford University Press.
LeBlanc Y., I. L. Bourgeault, and E. Neiterman. 2013. ‘Comparing Approaches to Integrating Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Health Care Professionals in Canada and the UK’. Healthcare Policy Special Issue. 9:126-138.
Works in Progress
LeBlanc Y., E. Burke. 2021. A Scoping Review of undergraduate ‘Intergenerational Experiential Pedagogy’.
Current Research:
MacPherson Institute Teaching & Learning PALAT (Priority Areas for Teaching and Learning) Research Grant. 2020. “An Evaluation of the ‘Intergenerational Learning’ Component of an Introduction to Aging and Society Course”.
Affiliated Research Groups:
Canadian Association on Gerontology
Canadian Sociological Association
Gilbrea Centre for Studies in Aging (Associate Member)