skaidra sasha, PhD Candidate
sasha skaidra
PhD Candidate
Graduate Students
Department of Political Science
Area(s) of Interest:
sasha skaidra (formerly kovalchuk) is a PhD candidate at McMaster University’s Department of Political Science. She investigates cartographic aesthetics and the power they wield to represent and constitute local, regional, state, and transnational borders. Her major research project employs Geographic Information Systems to conduct a counter-mapping of Ontario’s inland immigration enforcement infrastructure. Her research draws on her experience being an activist on refugee and migrant issues, civil liberties, and student rights.
Tentative Dissertation Title: Remapping Sanctuary: Political Theology and Ontario Inland Border Enforcement
Supervisor: Dr. Peter Nyers
Committee Members: Dr. J. Marshall Beier; Dr. Alina Sajed
Areas of Interest:
- Citizenship
- Borders
- Urbanism
- Migration
- Political Theory
- Ph.D in Political Science (International Relations), McMaster University (In Progress)
- Masters of Arts in Political Science, University of Victoria (2016)
- Bachelors of Public Affairs and Policy Management (International Studies), Carleton University (2012)
- SOC SCI 1SS3 - Inquiry into the Social Sciences (Instructor)
- POL SCI 2O06 - Political Theory - Dr. Inder Marwah and Dr. James Ingram (2017-8, 2018-9, 2019-2020)
- POL SCI 1AB3 - Politics & Power in a Globalizing World - Dr. T. Alway (Winter 2017)
- POL SCI 1AA3 - Government, Politics and Power - Dr. T. Alway (Fall 2016)
skaidra, s. (2022). Seeing like a Zone: Privately deputized sovereignty within Toronto’s Sanctuary City. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space.
Hudson, G., & kovalchuk, s. (2022). Urban securitization and inland border enforcement. In Hudson, G., & Atak, I. (Eds.). (2022). Migration, Security, and Resistance: Global and Local Perspectives. Routledge. pp. 104-126
kovalchuk, s. (2020) 'Sovereignty'. States of Refuge II: Key Concepts in in Critical Refugee Studies. Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition Working Paper Series, McMaster University.
Bagelman, J., & kovalchuk, s. (2019). Subterranean Detention and Sanctuary from below: Canada’s Carceral Geographies. Social Sciences, 8(11), 310.
kovalchuk, s (2016). Practicing Sanctuary: Sanctuary City and Resisting National Exclusions. Essence: The University of Victoria Environmental Studies Student Association Periodical. Spring.
-----. & vrbaski, s (2014). Harvesting the Commons: Expanding Public Property, Dumpster Diving, and the Law. McGill Journal of Sustainable Development Law [blog].
Conference & Workshop Presentations
kovalchuk, s (2018) ‘Sanctuary’s Sovereign Rule: Exceptional Private Power of Local Immigration Policy within Toronto’s Sanctuary City’
- Workshop Participant at the European Consortium for Political Research Joint Sessions. Université Catholique de Louvain, Mons, Belgium, April 8-12th
- Panel Presentation at the 60th International Studies’ Association Conference, Downtown Hilton, Toronto ON, March 27th 2019
- Panel Presentation at The 17th International Association for the Study of Forced Migration Conference, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, July 25
---- (2017) ‘Nascent Sanctuary City-Hall Actions: Activism Within Institutional Settings’ – Workshop facilitator and presenter at ‘Canada’s Place in the World: Innovation in Immigration Research, Policy, and Practice’ – a Pathways to Prosperity conference, Toronto ON.
---- (2017) ‘Revealing Invisible Global Migrant Classes – Reading Remittances as Capital Flows’. Panel Presentation at the ‘Forgotten Corridors: Global Displacement & the Politics of Engagement’, 10th annual Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies Conference. University of Victoria, Victoria, BC.
---- (2017) ‘Revealing Invisible Capital: Migrant-Remittances Capital Flows’. Panel Presentation at the Global Dimensions of Policy 6 Conference. McMaster University, Hamilton ON.
---- (2016) ‘Waste property: the legalistic means of production in food systems’. Panel Presentation at the Historical Materialism Conference. York University, Toronto ON.
---- (2015) ‘Wartime Sexual Commodities’. Panel Presentation at the Women in International Conference. Queen’s University, Kingston ON.
‘International Societal Objects’. Panel Presentation at Human Being Human: a Cultural, Social, and Political Thought Conference. May 25, 2015, University of Victoria, Victoria BC.
‘International Law and Sexual Assault’. Panel Presentation at Mapping the Global Dimensions of Policy 4 Conference. February 3, 2015, McMaster University, Hamilton ON
Panel Presentations and Public Talks
Invited Lecture (2019) ‘Sanctuary, Hospitality, Local/Global Citizenship’ for POLSCI 4QQ3 ‘Global Citizenship’, course offered at McMaster University, Hamilton ON.
Panelist (2017) ‘An Afternoon with Hannah Arendt’ – as part of the Extraordinary Women series with co-panelist Dr. Michael Keefer at a post-screening discussion following for the documentary ‘Vita Activa: The Spirit of Hannah Arendt’ presented by Back Lane Studios at the Revue Cinema in Toronto ON.
Speaker (2016) ‘Performing Sanctuary Politics: Sanctuary Cities in an age of Trump’ at ‘Making History Now: Racism, Resistance and Strategies for Building Alliances in the World of Trump, Speeches and Teach-in – McMaster University, Hamilton, ON,
Panelist (2016) ‘Sanctuary City Activism in Canada: Lessons for Victoria’ Panelist Hosted by CBC Host Gregor Craigie and city councillor Jeremy Loveday. Panel followed by facilitated discussions among stakeholders and city officials – Victoria City Hall,