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Knight-Messenger Andrew

Andrew Knight-Messenger

Contract and Sessional Faculty

Area(s) of Interest:


Andrew's research focuses on the literature and history of ancient Judaism. His dissertation research focuses on the form, development, and function of ancient Jewish court tales (narrative tales about Jewish courtiers, set in the context of foreign royal courts). Additional interests include Hebrew Bible, Second Temple Judaism, Dead Sea Scrolls, Hellenistic Judaism, early Jewish apocalyptic literature, and the ancient Jewish context of earliest Christianity.


Supervisor: Dr. Daniel Machiela


  • University of Toronto, M.A. in Religion
  • King's University College, Western University, B.A. in Religious Studies and Philosophy


TA Experience

  • Approaches to the Study of Religion (Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Fall 2015)
  • The Bible and Film (Winter 2013)
  • Judaism, the Jewish People & the Birth of the Modern World (Fall 2012)
  • Introduction to World Religions (Fall and Winter 2010-2011, Fall and Winter 2011-2012)



  • Review of John Collins, Scriptures and Sectarianism: Essays on the Dead Sea Scrolls (Tübingen: Mohr Sieback, 2014) in Reading Religion: A Publication of the American Academy of Religion, 2016
  • Review of John Jarick, ed., Perspectives on Israelite Wisdom: Proceedings of the Oxford Old Testament Seminar (New York: T&T Clark, 2015) in Reading Religion: A Publication of the American Academy of Religion, 2016

Conference Presentations:

  • "Women, Violence, and Virtue: Women Who Triumph through Violence in the Early Jewish Novels," Canadian Society of Biblical Studies Annual Meeting, Ryerson University, Toronto, May 29, 2017
  • “'Order in the Court!': The Aramaic Court Tales from Qumran," McMaster Ancient Judaism and Ancient Christianity Seminar, McMaster University, March 29, 2017
  • "Daniel, a ‘Renaissance Man’?: Daniel and His Different Literary Roles within Their Historical Setting," Canadian Society of Biblical Studies Annual Meeting, University of Calgary, May 29, 2016
  • "Early Jewish Court Narratives in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls," Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 22, 2015
  • "The Book of Tobit and Ancient Court Tales," Canadian Society of Biblical Studies Annual Meeting, University of Ottawa, June 1, 2015
  • "The Status of the Modern Study of the Ancient Jewish Court Tale: Analysis, Issues and Prospects," School of Theology Biblical Department Seminar, Toronto School of Theology, February 26, 2015