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Khayambashi Shirin

Shirin Khayambashi

PhD Students
Department of Sociology

Area(s) of Interest:


Research Interest:

Diaspora and Transnationalism
Social Psychology
Race, Ethnicity, and Migration
Qualitative Methods



  •    Ph.D. Sociology. In Progress. McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.
    • Committee: Dr. Vic Satzewich(Supervisor) Dr. Dorothy Pawluch , and Dr. Jeff Denis
    • Dissertation: "My Flag, My Identity: Fragmented Identities in Iranian Diaspora"
    • Comprehensive exams: Social Psychology, Race and Ethnicity
  • M.A. Sociology, York University, 2013
  • B.A. Sociology (with Honours), York University, 20


    Khayambashi, Shirin. 2015. “Where is home in diaspora? Relocation and trauma of readjustment”. Pp. 112-138 in Geographical dislocation to social dislocation: Trauma and resilience, edited by M. Jacobs. Toronto, ON: APF Press. 

    Khayambashi, Shirin. 2016. Diaspora, Identity, and Store Signs. Visual Sociology (Under Review).

    Khayambashi, Shirin. 2019. Diaspora, Identity, and Store Signs. Visual Sociology, 1-12.

    Khayambashi, Shirin. 2015. “Where Is Home in Diaspora? Relocation and Trauma of Readjustment”. Pp. 112-138 in Geographical Dislocation to Social Dislocation: Trauma and Resilience, edited by M. Jacobs. Toronto, ON: APF Press. 
    Book review

    Khayambashi, Shirin. 2019. Review of Stories We Live and Grow by: (Re)Telling Our Experiences as Muslim Mothers and Daughters by Muna Saleh. Atlantic Journal 40(1): 57-59.

    Invited talk

    Discussant - "The Muslim Question, the Jewish Question, and the Real Question: A Relational Perspective on Immigrant and Minority Integration" by Dr. Abdie Kazemipur- Feb. 10, 2017.

    Conference Presentation

    2015–“Diaspora, Identity, and Store Signs”. Canadian sociological Association, Ottawa, Ontario
    2014–“Minorities among Minorities: Deconstruction of Diasporic Identity”. Canadian Sociological Association, St. Catharine, Ontario  
    2013–“Inequality, Nursing, and Silence”. Canadian Sociological Association, Victoria, British Columbia 
    2012–"Persian Queer Identity in Diaspora" Annual Sociology Graduate Student Symposium, Toronto, Ontario


Graduate Teaching Assistant

2016-2017 – Introduction to Social Theory (Teaching Assistance; instructed by Dr. David Young)

2015-2016Sociology of Gender (Instructed by Dr. Lina Samuels)

2014-2015Introductions to Sociology (Instructed by Dr. Jasmin Hristov)

Guest Lecturer

2016 – Sociology of gender – lecture on queer theory and third wave feminism (Invited by Dr. Jasmin Hristov) 
2015 – First Year introduction to Sociology – lecture on Sex, Sexuality and Society (Invited by Dr. Jasmin Hristov) 
2014Fourth Year Research Seminar – Writing literature review (Invited by Dr. Merle Jacobs)



Khayambashi, Shirin. 2015. “Where is home in diaspora? Relocation and trauma of readjustment”. Pp. 112-138 in Geographical dislocation to social dislocation: Trauma and resilience, edited by M. Jacobs. Toronto, ON: APF Press. 

Khayambashi, Shirin. 2016. Diaspora, Identity, and Store Signs. Visual Sociology (Under Review).

Conference Presentation

2017 – “Iranian flag debate: story of a divided diaspora”. Canadian Sociological Association, Toronto (Upcoming) 

2017 – “My Flag, My Identity: Fragmented Identities in Persian Diaspora”. Canadian Sociological Association, Toronto (Upcoming)

2017 – “Focus group: An interaction analysis”. Qualitative Conference, Hamilton (Upcoming)

2015–“Diaspora, Identity, and Store Signs”. Canadian sociological Association, Ottawa, Ontario

2014–“Minorities among Minorities: Deconstruction of Diasporic Identity”. Canadian Sociological Association, St. Catharine, Ontario  

2013–“Inequality, Nursing, and Silence”. Canadian Sociological Association, Victoria, British Columbia 

2012–"Persian Queer Identity in Diaspora" Annual Sociology Graduate Student Symposium, Toronto, Ontario