Jones Stephen, Professor
Stephen Jones
Department of Economics
Area(s) of Interest:
Research Interests: Labour Economics, Applied Econometrics
Ph.D. University of California Berkeley 1983
ECON 3D03- Labour Economics- Fall 2015
ECON 782- Fall 2015
ECON 2T03- Trade Unionism & Labour- Winter 2016
ECON 3D03- Labour Economics- Winter 2016
ECON 3WW3- Applied Econometrics- Winter 2016
Published Papers
Jones, Stephen R.G., "Older Workers in the New Economy: The Role of Wage Insurance and the Rethinking of Employment Insurance," Canadian Public Policy, 53(4), 499-511, December 2009.
Jones, Stephen R.G. & W. Craig Riddell, "Unemployment and Nonemployment: Heterogenities in Labour Market States," Review ofEconomics and Statistics, May 2006, 88(2), 314-323.
Jones, Stephen R.G., "Unemployment and Labour Force Attachment: A Study of Canadian Experience 1997-1999," 2002.
Jones, Stephen R.G., "Reservation Wages and Job Search Behaviour: Evidence from the Survey on Repeat Use of Employment Insurance," in S. Schwartz and A. Aydemir (eds.), Essays on the Repeat Use of Employment Insurance, SRDC, Ottawa, 2001.
Jones, Stephen R.G. & W. Craig Riddell, "Labour Force Attachment Dynamics."
Jones, Stephen R.G., "Assessing the Case for Wage Insurance in Canada."
Jones, Stephen R.G., "Conceptual Paper for the Summative Evaluation of El Eligibility."