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Johnson Michael, Ph.D. Student, Biblical Field

photo of Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson

Ph.D. Student, Biblical Field

Department of Religious Studies

Area(s) of Interest:


Michael Johnson is a PhD candidate in the early Judaism area of the biblical field. His dissertation re-examines the categories for the psalms in 1QHodayota, a manuscript containing the Thanksgiving Hymns (Hodayot)—a collection of early Jewish poetry that was found in eight copies among the Dead Sea scrolls. His interests include psalms, the material reconstruction of Dead Sea scrolls, digital tools and approaches for studying ancient manuscripts, genre theory, and digital humanities.


  • McMaster University, Ph.D. in Religious Studies, 2013–
  • Trinity Western University, M.A. in Biblical Studies, 2011–2013
  • Emory University, M.Div. in Scripture and Interpretation, 2007–2011
  • Huntington University (IN), B.A. in Biblical Studies, 2002–2006


Teaching experience

  • Introduction to Hebrew Bible, Department of Religious Studies, McMaster University (Fall 2016)

TAing experience

  • Foundations: Life the University, and a Bit of Everything. Instructor: Mark Busser (2018)
  • Archaeology and the Bible. Instructor: Dan Machiela (2017)
  • Health, Healing, and Religion. Instructor: Chris Emms (2017)
  • What on Earth Is Religion? Instructor: Philippa Carter (2015–2016)
  • Bible and Film. Instructor: Jonathan Bernier. (2015)
  • Health, Healing, and Religion. Instructor: Janet Ross. (2014)
  • Bible and Film. Instructor: Jonathan Bernier. (2014)
  • Judaism: The Jewish People in the Modern World. Instructor: Louis Greenspan. (2013)



Book Reviews

  • Review of Trine B. Hasselbalch, Meaning and Context in the Thanksgiving Hymns: Linguistic and Rhetorical Perspectives on a Collection of Prayers from Qumran, Early Judaism and Its Literature 42 (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2015) in Ancient Jew Review, 2017.
  • Review of The Orthodox Study Bible, in Canadian Theological Review, Winter 2012.

Conference Presentations

  • “Visualizing Material Reconstructions in Three Dimensions: Some Insights on the Placement of 1QM Frg. 9 from a Scrollable Digital Model,” International Society of Biblical Literature Meeting, Helsinki, Finland; August 1, 2018.
  • “Wrapping Up the War Scroll: Some Reflections on Digitally Rolling Material Reconstructions to Aid in Fragment Placements," Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, Regina, SK; May 27, 2018.
  • “Wrapping Up the War Scroll: A Scrolling Three-Dimensional Model of 1QM,” Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, Jerusalem; January 25, 2018.
  • "Morawe's Hymnic Confession Psalms in the Hodayot: A Reconsideration of the Category in Light of Additional Formal Elements in 1QHa 20–28," Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel; May 15, 2017.
  • “Divinely Imposed Silence in the Thanksgiving Hymns (Hodayot) from Qumran: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Speechlessness of the Psalmist and His Opponents,” Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX; November 21, 2016.
  • “Testing Stegemann’s Placement of Fragment 10 in the Reconstruction of 1QHodayota: Two Digital Approaches,” Canadian Society of Biblical Studies Annual Meeting, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB; May 29, 2016.
  • “Meditating on Purpose: The Use of Poetic Superscriptions to Set Audience Expectations in Proverbs 1:1–7 and 1QHa 20:7–14a,” Canadian Society of Biblical Studies Annual Meeting, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON; May 31, 2015.
  • “Insights from Superscriptions: A New Consideration in the Relationship of the Community Rule and the Rule of the Congregation,” Canadian Society of Biblical Studies Annual Meeting, Brock University, St. Catherines, ON; May 25, 2014.
  • “Hebrew Bible Superscriptions: Indicators of Literary Dependency,” Canadian Society of Biblical Studies Annual Meeting, Victoria, BC; June 2, 2013.
  • “The Sepphoris Synagogue Floor Mosaic: Creating a Matrix of Continuity,” Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA; November 21, 2012.

Invited Panel Presentations

  • “A Case Study in Professional Ethics concerning Secondary Publications of Unprovenanced Artefacts: The New Edition DSS F.Instruction1,” Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Boston, MA; November 20, 2017.
  • “Presentation of an Unprovenanced Fragment of the Wisdom Text ‘Instruction’,” Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX; November 20, 2016.
  • “The GSI Fragment of Instruction and other Dead Sea Scrolls,” Publication Meeting of the Green Collection, Atlanta, GA; November 24, 2015.  
  • “DSS F.Instruction1: A Palaeographic Examination of Possible Matches with Other Manuscripts of Instruction,” Publication Meeting of the Green Collection, San Diego, CA; November 24, 2014.
  • “DSS F.Instruction1: A Non-Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls Fragment in the Green Collection,” Publication Meeting of the Green Collection, Baltimore, MD; November 26, 2013.

Poster Presentations

  • “A Fragment of a Jewish Wisdom Text Called "Instruction": Some Reflections on Identifying an Unprovenanced Fragment for the Museum of the Bible,” Poster Presentation at the 50th Anniversary of McMaster Religious Studies Celebration, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON; May 14, 2016.
  • “Reassessing the Reconstruction of 1QHodayota: Using Animated Digital Modeling to Test the Results of the Stegemann Method for Reconstructing Scrolls” Poster Presentation at ManuSciences ‘15, A Franco-German Summer School, Benediktinerinnenabtei Frauenwörth, Frauenchiemsee, Germany; September 6-23, 2015.

Invited Campus or Departmental Talks

  • “A Visualization for Reconstructions of Rolled Manuscripts: A Scrollable Model of the War Scroll,” Graduate Colloquium, Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON; April 26, 2018.
  • “Rolling Back Assumptions about 1QHodayota: Scrolling, Folding, and Wadding Reconstructions in Blender,” University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel; June 6, 2017.
  • "One Text or Three? A Proposal for a Unified Reading of 1QS-1QSa-1QSb," The Scrollery Colloquium, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON; April 6, 2017.
  • “Approaching Manuscripts Digitally: A Retrospect on a Year of Applying Digital Scholarship to a Research Problem in 1QHodayota,” McMaster Ancient Judaism and Christianity Seminar, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON; March 30, 2016.
  • “The Puzzling Case of Fragment 10 in the Thanksgiving Hymns Manuscript 1QHodayota: A Case Study about Two Computer-Aided Approaches for Evaluating the Placement of Fragments in Dead Sea Scrolls Reconstructions,” Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship Colloquium, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON; March 17, 2016.

Academic Service

  • 2016–2017 Graduate Student Member of the Faculty Search Committee, Department of Religious Studies, McMaster University, 2016-2017