Jackson Samantha, PhD Candidate (ABD)
Samantha Jackson
PhD Candidate (ABD)
Graduate Students
Department of Political Science
Area(s) of Interest:
Dissertation: Politicizing the White Coat: Medical Activism and Refugee Health Policy in Canada, Germany and the UK
Supervisor: Dr. Karen Bird
Funding and Awards
2015 Vanier CGS Doctoral Scholarship
2014 Ontario Graduate Scholarship
Applied Experience
Co-founder, Ryerson University Lifeline Syria Challenge
- Canada's first university-driven private refugee sponsorship model: 400+ newcomers to be resettled, $4.7 million raised, 1000+ people engaged
Research Interests
- Immigration and refugee policy
- Women in leadership
- Social innovation
- 2011-2012 Master of Arts, Immigration and Settlement Studies, Ryerson University
- 2006-2010 Bachelor of Arts, Political Science/Middle East Studies, McGill University
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
Cukier, W. & Jackson, S. (2018 forthcoming). Social Innovation and University-Driven Refugee Resettlement. Peace Review.
Hodson, J., Jackson, S., Cukier, W., Holmes, M. (2018 forthcoming). Between the Corporation and the Closet: Ethically Researching LGBTQ+ Identities in the Workplace. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal.
McGregor, M., Moore, A., Jackson, S., Bird, K. & Stephenson, L. (2017). Why so Few Women and Minorities in Local Politics?: Incumbency and Affinity Voting in Low Information Elections. Representation.
Bird, K., Jackson, S. McGregor, M., Stephenson, L., & Moore, A. (2016). Sex (and Ethnicity) in the City: Gender and Ethnic Affinity in the 2014 Toronto Mayoral Election. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 49(2).
Cukier, W., Jackson, S., Elmi, M., Roach, E. & Cyr, D. (2016). Representing Women? Leadership Roles and Women in Canadian Broadcast News. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 31(5/6).
Cukier, W., Jackson, S., Connely, K., Roach, E., & Gagnon, S. (2015). “Beyond Pipelines and Talent Pools: A Comparative Analysis of Women in Senior Leadership Positions in Canada.” In K. Longman & S. Madsen (Eds.), Women as Global Leaders: Women and Leadership around the World. (2nd edition), 1-25: International Leadership Association, Pacific Grove, CA.
Jackson, S. & Bauder, H. (2014). Neither Temporary, nor Permanent: The Precarious Employment Experience of Refugee Claimants in Canada. Journal of Refugee Studies. 27(3), 1-22.
Jackson, S. (2014). Citizenship theatre: Refugees, Security, and Performing Citizenship at the Immigration and Refugee Board. Queen's Policy Review. 4(4), 1-25.
Jackson S. (2012). The New Interim Federal Health Program: How Reduced Coverage Adversely Affects Refugee Claimants' Employment. Ryerson Centre for Immigration and Settlement Peer Reviewed Research Brief Series, 1(1). 1-10.
Industry and Community Reports:
Bird, K., Jackson, S. (2017). The EXCLerator Report: Women and Diversity in Executive and Community Leadership.
Cukier, W., Gagnon, S., Elmi, M., Jackson, S., Hon, H. & Chraibi, R. (2016). DiversityLeads - Women and Visible Minorities in Senior Leadership Positions: A Profile of Greater Montreal.
Cukier, W. & Jackson, S. (2016). Welcome to Canada: The Ryerson University Lifeline Syria Challenge. Carnegie Ethics Online.
Bird, K., & Jackson S. (2014). The Women & Diversity EXCLerator Project: Women in leadership in Hamilton and Halton. McMaster University & Hamilton YWCA.
Recent Conference Presentations:
Jackson, S. (2017, March). The Ecological Model and Systems Change. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Metropolis Conference. Montréal, QC.
Jackson, S. & Mitrea, S. (2016 May). The State of trust: The Moral Austerity of Canadian Refugee Policy. Paper presented at the Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Calgary, AB.
Bird, K. & Jackson, S. (2015, July). The Gender Gap in Local Politics: Assessing the Role of Gender in a Non-Partisan Electoral Context. Paper presented at the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Standing Group on Gender and Politics Annual Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden.
Jackson, S. (2014, August). Institutional resilience and change: Refugee health care in England and Canada. Paper presented at the International Political Science Association World Congress. Montréal, QC.