Jacek Henry, Professor Emeritus

Henry Jacek
Professor Emeritus
Emeritus Faculty
Department of Political Science
Area(s) of Interest:
Henry Jacek's area of expertise involve the Canadian government and politics, public policy and interest associations. His general area of interest is public policy and the economic performance of countries in North America and Europe. Of particular interest is the role of business, the interplay of public and private enterprise, and the applicability of corporatist theory.
4O6/6O6 - Canadian Public Policy
Books edited
- Organized Business and The New Global Order , Justin Greenwood and Henry Jacek (editors) (London: Macmillan Press and New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000) Advances in Political Science Series sponsored by the International Political Science Association, Chapter One, “Introduction”, pages 1-19 in Organized Business and the New Global Order.
Chapters in books:
- Chapter Three, “The Role of Organized Business in the Formulation and Implementation of Regional Trade Agreements in North America”, pages 39-58 in Organized Business and the New Order.
- Chapter Sixteen, “The New World of Interest Groups Politics in Ontario” in Graham White (editor), The Government and Politics of Ontario, (fifth edition; Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997), pages 307-27.
- Chapter Fourteen, “The American Organization of Firms” in Justin Greenwood (editor), European Casebook on Business Alliances (London: Prentice-Hall, 1995), pages 197-207.
- Chapter Two, “Unequal Partners: The Historical, Political, Economic and Cultural Dimensions of the Austrian -FRG/Canadian-U.S. Dyads” in Harold von Rickhoff and Hanspeter Neuhold (editors), Unequal Partners: A Comparative Analysis of Relations Between Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany and Between Canada and the United States (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1993), pages 27-45.
Refereed Journal
- "Public Policy and NAFTA: The Role of Organized Business Interests and the Labor Movement”, Canadian-American Public Policy, Number 19, (October, 1994), pages 1-33.