Innes Anthea, Professor | Gilbrea Chair in Aging and Mental Health | Director of the Gilbrea Centre for Studies in Aging
Anthea Innes
Professor | Gilbrea Chair in Aging and Mental Health | Director of the Gilbrea Centre for Studies in Aging
Department of Health Aging & Society
Area(s) of Interest:
Anthea is a social scientist who has specialized in the area of dementia for the last 25 years. At the core of her work is a concern to engage with the lived experiences of those impacted by dementia, namely, those diagnosed with the condition, their family members and professional care supporters. Her research interests span the care continuum from pre-diagnosis to end of life. Her particular research topics include rurality, technology and creative approaches to supporting those living with dementia. She has conducted research in Canada, Malta, England, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland as well as her native Scotland. She has been a member of European wide and Canadian wide research teams. She is a member of INTERDEM ( a group of leading psychosocial researchers from across Europe (and beyond) and a Canadian team of researchers, RADAR ( exploring rurality and dementia care.
She has been an advocate for community engagement, inclusion and involvement of people living with dementia for the last decade, and enjoys working in partnership with people living with dementia in the conduct of research, dissemination (including co-authored book in 2020, ) and sharing of examples of what works in practice for those living with dementia to different audiences. As well as academic publishing she has been active in knowledge translation work through presenting at community events (often with people living with dementia and/or their care partners), making accessible knowledge via radio broadcasts and contributions to online fora, organizing and hosting community based events, contributing to festivals of learning/research, and serving as a member of government policy groups in the UK. Her research has directly informed the Northern Ireland Regional Dementia Strategy and the Maltese Dementia Strategy.
PhD, University of Bradford, 2000, Changing the culture of dementia care: A Systematic exploration of the process of cultural change in three care settings
MSc Applied Social Research. University of Stirling, 1997
BA(Hons) Sociology and Social Policy. University of Stirling, 1995
Co-authored book
Innes A, Bowker G and Calvert (2020) Dementia: The Basics. London: Routledge
Edited books
Innes A, Morgan D and Farmer J (eds) (2020) Remote and Rural Dementia Care Bristol: Policy Press
Book Chapters
- Innes, A. McAdam, N. and Watson, J (invited to write and in preparation) Tourism and Travel in, Grey, K, Russell, C and Twigg, J (eds) Considering Leisure and Dementia Open University Press
- Innes, A., O’Doherty, J. and Rochford-Brennan, H (forthcoming) Early onset dementia in Austin, R., Coaten, R. and Hopfenbeck, M. (eds)The practical handbook of dementia. PCCS Books
- Hennessy C and Innes A (2021) Social relations, connectivity and loneliness of older rural people in Skinner, M., Winterton, R. and Walsh K. (eds) Rural Gerontology: Towards Critical Perspectives on Rural Ageing. Routledge
- Innes, A., Morgan, D., and Farmer, J. (2020) Remote and Rural Dementia care: why is this important for policy, research, practice and the lived experience of dementia? in Innes A, Morgan D and Farmer J (eds) (2020) Remote and Rural Dementia Care Bristol: Policy Press
- Farmer, J., Innes, A., and Morgan, D. (2020) Conclusion: Navigating 21st century remote and rural dementia care and a future research agenda in Innes A, Morgan D and Farmer J (eds) (2020) Remote and Rural Dementia Care Bristol: Policy Press
- Hicks, B and Innes A (2020) Overcoming the challenges of engaging rural-dwelling older men with dementia: Developing a community technological initiative in the UK. In Innes A, Morgan D and Farmer J (eds) (2020) Remote and Rural Dementia Care Bristol: Policy Press
Academic Peer Review Journal Papers
- Ford, M., Innes, A., and Clark, A. (2022) The benefits of GPS devices to support independent living with dementia: A systematic review. Journal of Informatics for Health and Social Care.
- Innes, A., Morris, L., Wyatt, M. & McEvoy, P. (2022) Communication skills training for family caregivers of people living with dementia: the experiences of peer facilitators and course attendees, Educational Gerontology, 48:3, 103- 113, DOI: 10.1080/03601277.2021.2018961
- Chesterton, L., Innes, A., Smith, S.K., and Morris, L. (2021) Self-reported benefits for care partners of attending a person-centred dementia café International Journal of Care and Caring
- Innes, A. Smith, S.K, Wyatt, M and Bushell, S. (2021). “It’s just so important that people’s voices are heard.”: The Dementia Associate Panel. Journal Aging Studies. org/10.1016/j.jaging.2021.100958.
- Innes, A., Chesteron, L., Morris, L., Smith, S.K. and Bushell, S. (2021) "Perspectives of people living with dementia and their care partners about the impact on social health when participating in a co-designed Dementia café". Health and Social Care in the Community. Doi: 1111/hsc.13545
- Innes, A., Smith, S.K., and Bushell, S. (2021) Dementia Friendly Care: Methods to Improve Stakeholder Engagement and Decision Making. Journal Healthcare Leadership. 13:183-197.
- Kosteniuk, G., Morgan, D.G., Elliot, V., Chow, A.F., Bayly, M., Watson, E., Osman, M.,m Osman, B.A., O’Connell, M.E., Kirk, A., Stewart, N., Cammer, A., and Innes, A. (2021) A Scoping Review of Care Trajectories across Multiple Settings for Persons with Dementia. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement as
- Morris, L., Innes, A., Smith, E., Williamson, T., and McEvoy, P. (2021) A feasibility study of the impact of a communication-skills course, “Empowered Conversations”, for care partners of people living with dementia Dementia DOI 10.1177/14713012211018929
- Smith, S, Innes, A and Bushell S (2021) Exploring the impact of live music performances on the self-reported wellbeing of community dwelling people living with dementia and their care partners. Wellbeing, Space and Society
- Smith, S, Innes, A and Bushell S (2021) "Music Making in the community with people living with dementia and care partners – ‘I’m leaving feeling on top of the world’.", Health and Social Care in the Community
- Morris, L., Innes, A., Smith, S. Wilson, J., S. and Wyatt, M.(2021) "A qualitative evaluation of the impact of a Good Life Club on people living with dementia and care partners" Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice. DOI: 10.1177/1471301221998897
- Innes, A., Scholar, H., Haragalova, K. and Sharma, M. (2021) "“You come because it’s an interesting place”: The impact of attending a heritage programme on the wellbeing of people living with dementia and their care partners." Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice. doi:1177/1471301220985380
- Kosteniuk, J.G., Morgan, D.G., Elliot, V., Chow, A.F., Bayly, M., Watson, E., Osman, M., Osman, B.A., O’Connell, M.E., Kirk, A., Stewart, N., Cammer, A. and Innes, A. (2020) A scoping review of care trajectories across multiple settings for persons with dementia Canadian Journal on Aging
- Grzeschik R, Hilton C, Dalton RC, Konovalova I , Cotterill I, Innes A, Wiener JM (2020) From repeating routes to planning novel routes: the impact of landmarks and ageing on route integration and cognitive mapping Psychological Research
- O Malley, M., Innes, A. and Wiener, J.M. (2020) (Dis)orientation and design preferences within an unfamiliar care environment – A content analysis of older adults’ qualitative reports after route learning." Environment & Behavior doi:10.1177/0013916520953148
- Scerri, A., Innes, A. and Scerri, C. (2020) "Dementia care in acute hospitals– A qualitative study on nurse managers’ perceived challenges and solutions" Journal of Nursing Management.
- Bowker, R., Calvert, L., Allcroft, F., Bowker, G., Foy, P., Gandy, J., Jones, S., Bushell, S., Clark, A and Innes, A. (2020, Special Issue) ‘Our voice started off as a whisper and now it is a great big roar’: The Salford Dementia Associate Panel as a model of involvement in research activities. Dementia DOI: 10.1177/1471301219874225