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Hollander Dana, Associate Professor | Member, MA Program in Cultural Studies & Critical Theory | Associate Member, Department of Philosophy

Dana Hollander

Associate Professor | Member, MA Program in Cultural Studies & Critical Theory | Associate Member, Department of Philosophy

Department of Religious Studies

Area(s) of Interest:


Research & Supervisory Interests

My primary research areas are Modern Jewish Thought, 20th-century French and German Philosophy (especially the phenomenological tradition), and German-Jewish History and Culture.  I have a secondary research interest in conceptions of religion and secularity in democratic legal cultures.

NEWLY PUBLISHED: Ethics Out of Law. Hermann Cohen and the "Neighbor" (University of Toronto Press, 2021):

Hermann Cohen (1842–1918) was a leading figure in the Neo-Kantian philosophical movement that dominated European thought before 1918. He was also an inaugural figure in modern Jewish philosophy. This book explores Cohen’s striking claim that ethics is rooted in law – a claim developed in both his philosophical ethics and his philosophy of Judaism, in particular in his writings on "love-of-neighbor," up to and including his well-known Religion of Reason.

My first book Exemplarity and Chosenness. Rosenzweig and Derrida on the Nation of Philosophy (Stanford University Press, 2008) was a combined study of Jacques Derrida’s philosophy from his earliest writings on Husserl to his considerations of “philosophical nationality” during the 1980s to his later writings on ethico-politico-religious themes, and of Franz Rosenzweig’s philosophy of Judaism, especially his theory of election and messianism. 

My graduate courses are designed to introduce students to core figures in modern Jewish thought and in continental philosophy and religious thought, including Mendelssohn, Husserl, Heidegger, Cohen, Rosenzweig, Levinas, and Derrida, and their receptions. Details of my teaching and research activities are on my home page:

Web page detailing the resources the Department of Religious Studies offers for PhD/MA-level study of Jews and Judaism:


Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University (Humanities), 2001

M.A., Johns Hopkins University (Philosophy), 1996

B.A., Oberlin College (History), 1987


For my current and past syllabi, go to


  • Introduction to Judaism (Winter 2019)
  • Inquiry in the Social Sciences: Why Remember the Past? (Winter 2020)
  • Religion and Politics (Winter 2014, Winter 2015, Winter 2016, Winter 2018, Winter 2019, Winter 2020, Fall 2020; crosslisted with Department of Political Science)
  • Continental Philosophy of Religion (Fall 2011, Winter 2015; crosslisted with Department of Philosophy)
  • Sovereignty and Secularization (Winter 2009, Fall 2011, Fall 2012)
  • Introduction to Modern Jewish Philosophy (Winter 2018)
  • Modern Jewish Thought (Fall 2004, Fall 2005, Winter 2014; crosslisted with Department of Philosophy)
  • God, Reason, and Evil (Winter 2003, Fall 2005, Winter 2012, Fall 2015)
  • God and Philosophy (former title: "Skepticism, Atheism, and Religious Faith"; Fall 2002, Fall 2007, Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2019)
  • Topics in Western Religious Thought: Phenomenology and Theology (Winter 2010)
  • Topics in Western Religious Thought: Spinoza, Kant, Mendelssohn (Fall 2006)


  • Issues in the Study of Religions (Fall 2020)
  • Forgiveness - Reconciliation - Resentment (Fall 2019)
  • Theories of Judaism and Jewishness (Fall 2018; crosslisted with MA Program in Cultural Studies & Critical Theory)
  • Thinking Time and History (Fall 2017; crosslisted with MA Program in Cultural Studies & Critical Theory)
  • On and Around Derrida (Winter 2016; crosslisted with MA Program in Cultural Studies & Critical Theory)
  • The Theopolitical in Continental Philosophy and Jewish Thought (Fall 2013; crosslisted with MA Program in Cultural Studies & Critical Theory)
  • Forgiveness - Atonement - Reconciliation (Winter 2012, Fall 2014; crosslisted with MA Program in Cultural Studies & Critical Theory)
  • Rosenzweig and Levinas (Winter 2010, Fall 2012; crosslisted with MA Program in Cultural Studies & Critical Theory)
  • Judaism and the (Theo-)Political (Winter 2009; crosslisted with MA Program in Cultural Studies & Critical Theory)
  • The (Theo-)Political: Recent Continental Approaches (Fall 2008; crosslisted with MA Program in Cultural Studies & Critical Theory)
  • Creation Revelation Redemption (with Aaron Hughes, Winter 2007; crosslisted with MA Program in Cultural Studies & Critical Theory)
  • Heidegger and Derrida (Winter 2006; crosslisted with MA Program in Cultural Studies & Critical Theory)
  • The Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas (Winter 2005, Fall 2007 [crosslisted with MA Program in Cultural Studies & Critical Theory])
  • Topics in Modern Jewish Thought (Fall 2004, Fall 2006 [crosslisted with MA Program in Cultural Studies & Critical Theory])
  • Messianism and Ethics (with Travis Kroeker, Winter 2003)
  • The Philosophy of Jacques Derrida (Fall 2002)




Ethics Out of Law: Hermann Cohen and the “Neighbor”

(University of Toronto Press, 2021)



Exemplarity and Chosenness. Rosenzweig and Derrida on the Nation of Philosophy 
(Stanford University Press, 2008)

Recipient of Symposium Book Award, Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy, 2009


Jacob Taubes, The Political Theology of Paul.
(Stanford University Press, 2004)

Journal Articles

  • "Understanding Law ('Gesetz' and 'Recht') in Hermann Cohen, with Help from the Early Strauss," in Idealistic Studies, vol. 44, no. 2/3 (Summer/Fall 2014, published June 2015), special issue on "New Directions in the Thought of Leo Strauss," ed. Jeffrey Bernstein, 263-79.
  • Introduction (with Aaron W. Hughes) to Special Issue: "Re-Imagining the Historical in Jewish Philosophy:  Beyond Historicization," Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, vol. 20 (2012), no. 1: vii-xi.
  • "A Thought in Which Everything Has Been Thought': On the Messianic Idea in Levinas," in Symposium. Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale, vol. 14, no. 2 (Fall 2010): 133-59.
  • "The Significance of Franz Rosenzweig's Retrieval of Chosenness," in Jewish Studies Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 1 (March 2009).  Special Issue: "'A Covenant to the People, a Light to the Nations': Universalism, Exceptionalism, and the Problem of Chosenness in Jewish Thought"
  • Introduction (with Joel Kaminsky) to Special Issue: "‘A Covenant to the People, a Light to the Nations’: Universalism, Exceptionalism and the Problem of Chosenness in Jewish Thought," in Jewish Studies Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 1 (March 2009).
  • "Is Deconstruction a Jewish Science?  Reflections on 'Jewish Philosophy' in Light of Jacques Derrida's Judéïtés," Philosophy Today, vol. 50, no. 1 (Spring 2006), Special Issue: "Jewish Philosophy Today," ed. Claire Elise Katz.
  • "Buber, Cohen, Rosenzweig, and the Politics of Cultural Affirmation," Jewish Studies Quarterly, vol. 13, no. 1 (March 2006).
    • German version: "Buber, Cohen, Rosenzweig und die Politik kultureller Affirmation," trans. Karen Barkemeyer and Arnd Wedemeyer, in Transversal. Zeitschrift für jüdische Studien, vol. 6 (2005), no. 1. Special Issue: Konstellationen Jüdischer Philosophie" ("Constellations of Jewish Philosophy"), ed. Daniel Wildmann and Ulrich Wyrwa.
  • "Some Remarks on Love and Law in Hermann Cohen’s Ethics of the Neighbor" in Journal for Textual Reasoning, vol. 4, no. 1 (November 2005).  Special Issue: "The Ethics of the Neighbor."
  • "On the Significance of the Messianic Idea in Rosenzweig," CrossCurrents, vol. 53,  no. 4 (Winter 2004).
  • "Messianische Gespenster," trans. Arnd Wedemeyer, Die Philosophin. Forum für Philosophie und feministische Theorie, no. 21 (2000).
  • "Franz Rosenzweig on Nation, Translation, and Judaism," Philosophy Today (Winter 1994).

Contributions to Books